And here we are... the last chapter of this story! :( Noooooooooooo!

I want to first off thank everyone for reading, reviewing, favorite and alerting! You all helped me so much, so thank you so much! XD

Okay, here's the last shout outs for this story,

EpicBird: LOL! XD yes... they're will be a sequel.

Swirling Dreams: No no, he doesn't have an evil twin. I've thought of something else... *grins* muwahahaha! And you're welcome, glad you liked it.

Nala32: Thanks for reading! XD And yes! Tim is dead!

Okay I after all of this I STILL do not own FN...

So after remaining in the hospital for three days, the reunited couple was released and was allowed to go home. On the way home, Dory learned the truth from Derek about her real parents and what had happened to them.

A few tears escaped her eyes, but they were quickly wiped away from Marlin. How could someone be that cruel to anyone? Can someone really be so consumed in their hatred, that they would go and murder innocent people?

The ride home was pretty quiet, except when Crush would ask if anyone wanted to sing another beer sing-a-long. To which they replied, "NO!"

Upon reaching home, everyone was greeted by a relieved and energetic eight-year-old boy.

Nemo flew out the door and came crashing into Dory, nearly knocking her over. But she just smiled wide and hugged her stepson back. After hugging everyone, Nemo motioned towards the house,

"C'mon everyone… there's something that you've got to see."

Everyone chuckled and followed the young boy into the house. When they reached the living room they were surprised and shocked to see Gurgle and Deb asleep on the couch… holding each other tight.

Dory 'aw'd' at the sight, "Oh how adorable… I knew that they liked each other."

Deb heard everyone come in and woke up with a yawn. When she looked over and saw Gurgle holding her, she yelled and stood up quick. Gurgle's sleeping body fell to the floor, so he awoke painfully.

"Huh wha? What happened? I wasn't sleeping." He mumbled,

Deb huffed, "You creep… oh, hi everyone. Um… I guess everything went well then?"

Everyone nodded their heads; each wore a cocky smile at her.

"Well… I guess our services aren't needed anymore, come on, creep let's leave."

Gurgle stumbled up and quickly followed her out the door.

Derek, being confused at the sight shook his head, "Darn kids…"

Gill cleared his throat, "Okay, now that Dory is back safe and sound, I'm going to go home and sleep for a whole week."

Crush yawned, "Make it two for me duuuuude!"

After the two left, Derek looked at his brother-in-law and sister, "I guess… I'll head back home too."

Marlin shook his head, "No way, you're not going back to that horrible place you call home. Go after Gill and ask to stay with him."


"Go on, Derek, 'Dory spoke, "he won't mind, and I want you to be nearby. I have so many unanswered questions for you."

Derek smirked, "Okay then… I guess I'll stay around for a while. See you guys later."

After he left, Marlin put his arm around Dory's shoulder and took his son's hand.

Once again they were a happy family, and they knew that this adventure was over at last. Hopefully the next adventure they have will be a little less… painful.

*** Six Months Later ***

Things eventually went back to normal. Nemo was happy and back in school, Marlin went back to work and Dory was able to ask her newfound brother, Derek all of her questions about her family.

Her nightmares about Timothy started to fade away until they were nothing but a distant memory.

Soon after they returned, Gill and Peach had announced their engagement and were soon going to be married. Everyone was happy for them.

And, although they saw this coming, Gurgle finally worked up the courage to ask Deb to go steady with him. Surprisingly though, she went out with him without a fuss. They are now boyfriend and girlfriend and you can find them always together, holding each other's hand.

Crush and Squirt found an apartment and are now living near everyone.

Bloat, Bubbles and Jacques never changed. Bloat and Bubbles continued to tease Gurgle and anyone that they were able to tease without getting in trouble. Jacques continued to say things that people couldn't understand… so he had to repeat it all in English.

Yes, everything was now back on its normal course. Everyone was happy…

"MARLIN!" Dory cried out,

Marlin quickly stood from the couch and started running up the stairs, "What is it? Are you okay? Dory?"

He found her on her back lying on the bed. He looked at her worried, "Are you sick? What's going on?"

She looked over at him, "Do you love me?"


"Answer the question, do you love me?"

"Of course I do, you know that! Now what's wrong?"

Dory sighed, "I… I'm pregnant."

Marlin's eyes grew wide, "What-"

"I'm pregnant! Okay, do I have to announce to the world? I can't believe this, how could this happen?"

He was going to answer when she shook her head, "Uh… don't answer that…"

Marlin, still dazed, sat on the bed next to her, "Are… are you sure?"

"I am more than sure. I'm about two months in already."

"Two months?"

Dory sat up, "I'm so sorry…"

"For what? I don't understand."

"We never… actually talked about having a baby. I thought we would wait a couple of years before deciding but…"

Marlin scooted over and took her hands, "It's going to be fine, Dory. I'm so happy, aren't you?"

Dory finally smiled, "Yes… I'm really happy. I've always wanted to be a mother."

"And I know you'll make a great one." He nestled his face up against hers,

"I sure hope so… I never had one in my life, so I'm not sure how to be one."

"I'll help you, love…"

Dory leaned up against him with her eyes closed, "We'll be great parents…"

Marlin chuckled, "You betcha…"

They finally closed the distance between them with a kiss. They couldn't be any happier then they are now. Everything was perfect… for the time being…


Storybook endings, fairy tales coming true
Deep down inside we want to believe they still do
In our secretest heart, it's our favorite part of the story
Let's just admit we all want to make it too

Ever ever after
If we just don't get it our own way
Ever ever after
It may only be a wish away

Start a new fashion, wear your heart on your sleeve
Sometimes you reach what's real just by making believe
Unafraid, unashamed
There is joy to be claimed in this world
You even might wind up being glad to be you

Ever ever after
Though the world will tell you it's not smart

Ever ever after
The world can be yours if you let your heart
Believe in ever after

No wonder your heart feels it's flying
Your head feels it's spinning
Each happy ending's a brand new beginning
Let yourself be enchanted, you just might break through

To ever ever after
Forever could even start today
Ever ever after
Maybe it's just one wish away
Your ever ever after

(I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss)

Oh, for ever ever after

And that is that! Whew... that's the longest, most reviewed story I have! XD Happy dance time! And yes, there will be a sequel to this story, so please watch out for that. Also if you're interested in finding out Gill, Peach and the whole Lab Gangs life before this, please read and review my other story 'We Were Taken...' Thanks again everyone! XD