I looked out the window of the guest house that not long ago was home to me. I was looking at the back yard as Emmett, Toby, and Wilke moved around furniture. "Katherine is going to freak out. They are ruining all her hard work and planning." Daphne said as she moved next to me.

"I think they are safe. She is going to kill me." I said as I looked at her. She was wearing the dark blue dress that I had made for myself. It looked so much better on her anyways.

"Right when are you going to tell them?" She asked as she looked at me.

"When the Wedding March begins to play." I signed to her as I starred at the person I considered my sister. "Come help me get ready." I said as I smiled at her.

Katherine POV

I walked out into my back yard after spending thirty minutes greeting guest. I was shocked to see Toby and Wilke seating guest in rows of chairs. Everything was all wrong out here. "Boys what the hell is going on here?" I asked them.

"You will see soon enough Mrs. K." Wilke said as he looked at me. "I got a seat right up front for you." He said as he took my arm.

"Wilke." I said as I looked at him.

"You don't want to make a scene in front of the whole town." He said as he took my arm and led me down the aisle way that wasn't supposed to be here. He led me down to a seat next to Regina.

"Did you know about this?" I asked her.

"No." She said as she looked at me. I looked over at Melody and I put it together. Those two are getting married tonight. It wasn't long that we were sitting there and music started to play. I looked over at the band that I had hired weeks ago. The male singer just smiled at me as he started to sing softly "L is for the way you look at me…" I looked the other way to see Toby and Sara standing at the end of the aisle. Emmett and his father came out of the garage and stood in front of us. "Cameron is an ordained minister." Regina whispered as my son and Sara walked towards us.


I was standing in the staircase of the guest house with Daphne. "Your mother is going to kill you for this." My father said as he looked up at me. "You are beautiful princess." He said as he smiled at me. I just smiled at him as Daphne and Wilke made their way to the crowd.

"I waited nine years; I couldn't see waiting another day." I said as I took my dad's hand.

"I am not angry." He said as he looked at me.

"That's good." I said as I smiled at him. "Don't let me fall." I said as I looked at him.

"I wouldn't dream of it." He said as the Wedding March started and we walked out of the stairwell. All eyes were on us. I could see it in my mother's friends eyes they were wondering why I decided to wear a rose dress with white lace. It was simple to me it matched the blue and pick dresses that we already had for Sara and Daphne. I could see the mixed emotions in my mothers' eyes, both of them and Melody.

"Who gives this woman in marriage?" Cameron asked and signed as he looked at my father. I looked over as both my mothers stood up and look at my father.

"We do." They said as almost as if they practiced it.

"This is where normally I would ramble on about marriage before beginning really, however Emmett wanted to take this time to say something." Cameron said and signed.

"My beautiful Bay." Emmett signed as he looked at me. Daphne interpreted for the crowd. "It was nine years ago that I met you here in this driveway." He signed. "At the time I was too stupid to see you as what you are. You are the most amazing girl in the world. You have been my rock through … well… more shit than any couple should have to go through. You make me laugh and smile. You make me think and wonder. And I know in my heart that I never want to know what it would be like to live without you ever again. I will spend every day of forever trying to deserve you." I was crying as he looked at me. "Bay, no measure of time will ever be long enough with you, but I am going to start with forever." He said quoting the one movie he swore never to lower himself to quote: Twilight. I just chuckled.

"Bay would you like to say anything?" Cameron asked as he signed along.

"I am never going to be able to follow that. So, I am going to make this simple. Emmett you are the love of my life and spending forever with you will make me the happiest woman in the world." I said as I signed along.

"Emmett, do you take Bay to be your wife?" Cameron asked after saying a few words.

"I do." Emmett signed as he smiled at me.

"Do you promise to love and respect her, forsaking all others and holding only onto her?" Cameron asked as he signed to his son.

"I do." Emmett signed.

"Do you Bay take Emmett to be your husband?" Cameron asked as he signed to me.

"I do." I said as I signed my answer to Emmett.

"Do you promise to love and respect him, forsaking all others and holding onto only him?" Cameron asked as he signed to me. I looked at Emmett and I was in shock that this was the moment that I dreamed about for nine years.

"I do." I said as I signed.

"Wedding rings are the outward visible sign of a inward spiritual grace and the unbroken circle of love, signifying before all the union of this man and this woman in marriage. May I have the rings?" Cameron asked.

"We don't have any rings." Emmett signed to his father.

"Oh yes you do." Adriana said as she got up. She took her necklace off and handed it to Cameron. "They were your grandfather's and mine." She said as she kissed the side of my face. I watched as Cameron handed the smaller ring to Emmett.

"Repeat after me." He said as he signed to his son. "I Emmett take thee Bay to be my wife." He said and signed.

"I Emmett take thee Bay to be my wife." Emmett signed to me.

"To have and to hold." Cameron said and signed.

"To have and to hold." Emmett signed.

"In sickness and in health." Cameron said and signed.

"In sickness and in health." Emmett signed.

"For richer and poorer." Cameron said and signed.

"For richer and poorer." Emmett signed.

"And I promise to love you forever more." Cameron said and signed.

"And I promise to love you forever more." Emmett signed before he slide the ring on my finger. It was loose, but perfect. I started to tear up even more as I looked at him. I took his ring from Cameron.

"Repeat after me." The Cameron said and signed as he looked at me. "I take thee Emmett to be my husband."

"I take thee Emmett to be my husband." I said as I looked at Emmett.

"To have and to hold." Cameron said as he signed.

"To have and to hold." I said.

"In sickness and in health." Cameron said as he signed as he looked at me.

"In sickness and in health." I said softly.

"For richer and poorer." Cameron said as he singed.

"For richer and poorer." I said. I could help, but smile at the love of my life as he stood there with me.

"And I promise to love you forever more." Cameron said as he signed.

"And I promise to love you forever more." I said as I placed the ring on his finger it was barely too small but he didn't seem to mind.

"Bay and Emmett, in so much as you both agreed to live together in holy matrimony and have promised your love for each other in these vows, I now declare you to be husband and wife. Congratulations, you may kiss your bride." Cameron said and signed. Next thing I know Emmett's lips were on mine and we were sharing our best kiss so far. Everything was a blur from there to our first dance. Everyone was talking about how they were surprised we did this, but we didn't let it bother us. No as we stood there in the middle of my backyard dancing to 'The way you look tonight' everything was perfect. It was more perfect when the music switched to the song we first danced to in my art studio nine years ago. We still had our moves though.

"I have an amazingly hot wife." Emmett signed to me as we stood in the middle of the dance floor.

"And I have the most perfect husband ever." I singed to him. "I love you." I whispered before I kissed him.

"I love you." He said as he looked at me. It was there in that moment that I just smiled. I couldn't believe that he would talk for me. I couldn't believe that way the first time he ever said I love you to me with his mouth. But, there in that moment I realized it didn't matter. Because we had a love story better than all the 'I love you's' spoken in this world. I couldn't help, but think that one day that I would tell this story to our grandchildren. I would sit there and tell them all about this amazing love story. I would tell them about how I fell in love with the boy with sparkling eyes and a dreamy smile. I would tell them about everything because I got my happy ending. I was going to be Cinderella not just for one day, but forever in Emmett's eyes. And when I am ninety seven he will still be my Prince Charming. To me that is amazing. To me we have an AMAZING love.

A/N: Hate me if you want. Review if you liked this. You can find Bay's dress at the link below. Hope you loved this.

