I'm back!


'It's a brand new day

Don't you see me

Changing up my way

So completely

This time I'm una sing and you gonna hear it

This time I'm una to show you that I got the spirit

It's a brand new day

And I'm feelin' good

And I'm feelin' good'

-Ah, that's the only camp rock song I can tolerate.

But anyway, here's an opening to the sequel of 'Hold On, It's Complicated'.

(Note: It'll probably get more complicated along the way, oh, and I am trying to add some of Webber's musical 'Love Never Dies' within this...even though it's proving to be a bit of a challenge...)


Conan walked aimlessly to the agency as Kaito followed him from a distance.

'He knows I know hes there, right?' Shinichi thought to himself as his eyes side glanced.

The thief was always trying to catch him off guard, and while Conan was in fact awaiting his every visit it still annoyed him highly. Ever since the whole ghost fiasco ended last year Kaito had toned a bit down to get the chibi detective to love him in return.

And everything for once was back to normal, but that also meant that Conan only got to see Kaito every few weekends. I mean the other did like in Ekoda after all.

"I know you're following me" Conan declared making Kaito finally appear with a grin.

"Oh, my Tantei-kun is so smart" The thief declared with a grin.

"You weren't even trying"

"Yeah" The thief admitted as he hugged the other in a death's grip.

"Put me down" Conan hollered earning a few glances from other spectators.

"Awe, I thought you'd be thrilled to see me" The thief said with a pout.

"I am...but sometimes I wish you would turn our relationship back to thief and detective"

"Oh?" Kaito pestered on as leaned over to Conan's face. "So, if our current relationship isn't described as that then what exactly is it?"

Conan felt his cheeks blush as he realized what the guy was getting at.

"We're friends" He proclaimed. "Just friends"

"With benefits" Kaito added with a tsk of his finger.

"That's all on you" Conan stated back in a regretting yet embarrassing tone.

"Ah, but no matter what I do or try to do, you never leave me"

Conan glanced up at the thief with his uncaring face on display but smiled a bit in the end.

'It couldn't be helped...' Shinichi thought to himself. 'Whenever he smiles...I smil-'

"Now, where are we going exactly?" Kaito asked cutting off his thoughts.

"What do you mean by we!" Conan asked back roughly.

"I came to be with my Tantei-kun, so wherever you go, I go"

"Speaking of you coming, did Aoko join you? I mean Rans been wanting to see her, so did she come?"Conan asked trying to ignore the fact that the thief once again announced that he was his.

"Yeah. but I dropped her off at the agency" He answered with a smile. "So...we could go on a date".


When Ran had opened the door to the agency she did not expect Nakamori Aoko to appear, so like any other friend she immediately squealed with ahug.

"Oh, it's been too long" Ran stated as the other girl entered her home.

"I know" Aoko said in return with a smile.

The last time these two had seen each other was on that flight back to Beika.

"So, how are you?" Aoko had asked after Ran had given her a drink like any other gracious hospitable person.

"Great" Ran answered with a small smile.

'Except for a few...thoughts...' Ran thought as she sipped her soft drink.

"And...everything's okay?"

Right away Ran knew what Aoko had meant by okay, and right away Aoko knew that Ran knew what she meant.

Though it's been nearly a year Ran still couldn't help but think of that pitiful man who was both evil and yet...loving. Upon returning to Beika the girl was quiet but sought out answers to what her ordeal had to do with some book. Once she located the tale she of course read it and was mesmerized on how she herself had portrayed this Christine Daee...it had been as if she had been forced to play this fictional character.

The story however left her feeling whether the fate of that man would end like that Phantoms...would he too die of a broken heart...?

"So, have you heard from the Kawasakis at all?" Aoko had then asked after several quiet moments.

"My dad has, but that had been months ago, and they said that they were resorting back to some other family ownership...I suppose they gave up on the opera house."

Aoko nodded and then looked around the agency.

"Where is your father anyway?"

"Out probably drinking with some friends" Ran answered with a sigh.

"How about we go out then?" Aoko asked trying to cheer her friend up. "Last time I was here I saw so many boutiques and I now have some money to spare"

Ran nodded at that ans ran to get ready.

'Living in the past is never good' Ran thought to herself as she recalled a moment in time in which Shinichi had told her that. '...speaking of that detective geek, he hasn't even talked to me in a while...I wonder whats hes doing...'

After that whole affair Ran had questioned what she had heard over the phone about Shinichi and had questioned everything that the man had told her in the depths of the opera house, she had asked Shinichi about the whole thing but he pestered on that nothing of the sorts was going on, so Ran ended up believing that her so called 'Angel of Music' must have led her to believe in such nonsense, after all...he was very manipulative and he made her see things that weren't really there...

'But that doesn't make me un-suspicious about him and his so called case at the least' Ran stated within her head. 'And then there's Conan-kun...'

The brunette girl turned and looked in the direction of Conan's room.

'Kazuha said it was just a phase...yet, every time he looks at Kaito, I can tell...'

"Ran, there's a package for you" Aoko called up making Ran turn about in surprise.

"A package?" She called earning a, 'yes' from Aoko.

'I wasn't expecting anything...' She thought to herself as she headed to the door.


"Have you sent it?" A musical voice asked to one of the many workers of the park.

"Yes" The worker stated with a slight bow. "I sent it a week ago, sir. So it should arrive in Beika soon"

"Great" The voice answered from within the shadows.

"Do you have any other demands?"

"No" The voice answered.

The worker turned to leave but was stopped before he could fully get out the door of the room, something he obviously wanted to do.

"But don't mention any of this to the owners" The voice demanded making the worker bow again.

"Of course, sir"


And there you go, just a bit of a short opening to this tale.

I hoped you enjoyed it and please review for update.

Oh, and sorry for any grammar mistakes.

- Peace