
Hello everyone and welcome to my Fable III fanfic.

This is a fanfic which showcases the Princess as the main character and occurs almost exclusively in the Fable III world. The goal of this fanfic is to have it interwoven with the actual story of the gameā€¦because just plain ol' narrating the plotline would be boring. In this matter, many characters from the actual game will be seen as well as some of my own original characters I've imagined to fit into the Fable world in order to flesh it out and make this fanfic my own.

The fanfic is rated 'M' for 'Mature' in that there is bound to be cursing, violence, and sexual situations and innuendos placed sporadically throughout the writing. There is also a lot of English (British) slang which, while not offensive to Americans, may be highly offensive to those from the United Kingdom. Fable III is also rated 'M' for 'Mature' for many of the same reasons (sex, alcohol, violence), so I figure if you've played the game, you know what you're getting into reading a fic.

There will be romance in later chapters and potentially graphic romance scenes (this is not to be confused with pornographic mind you). There will be explicit warning at the heading of the chapters that contain such content if you wish to abstain from the content. The chapter with overt sexual content will also be labeled with asterisks (***) for those of you who just read fanfics to get your rocks off.

I haven't played Fable III in a long time and recently created a new game. I plan on uploading new chapters and installments bi-weekly at the least. What I write in my fanfic is real-time where I am in the game. As I said before, I'm writing a fanfic which weaves into and around the main Fable III story line, so spoilers are a potential hazard.

A pronunciation guide is included to help with some of the more difficult/strange names (I will be pulling some Gaelic and Welsh ones and those are often tricky). If you really don't give a damn, feel free to ignore it.

Here is the Google Docs Link: .com/document/d/1KCyRcY_/edit?hl=en_US

I thoroughly hope you enjoy the fanfic. Responses, reviews, comments, critiques, questions, what-have-you are always welcome (although this is my first fanfic ever, so please wait until I'm at least through Chapter 2 before chewing my head off ;) )

Thank you,

Fluff Nugget