NOTE! : Just in case the G8 is no more, currently it is the G8+5. Wanna know your 5 added countries? Brazil, China, India, Mexico, and South Africa

❂Ħome ❘ ςweet ❙ Μexicø❂ (Ch.5)

Kiku was no doctor, nor did he have a PhD in any knowledge in medical science/care.

However, the vast amount of blood America released from his broken nose was not a good sign.

Presently, Kiku was hovering over and gazing at the unconscious American; lying lifeless upon the carpeted floor.

Kiku was rather confused on what just occurred.

Glancing at America

Then Maria

Then the Grandfather clock

Then America

Then Maria

Then the blood…

It was hard for Kiku not to panic.

"If-f-f yo-ou arrre th-the ma-maid I wi-will hav-v-ve yo-ou re-reported-d…!"

Maia focused her (now-clam attention) to the Asian man and answered him in an evidently irritated tone.

"Well Senor, I am not the maid! I am a group member!"

Mari then placed her hands upon her hips and shifted her head in defiance to 'ignore' the man.

Kiku had finally settled his 'panic-attack' after hearing the response; now confusion over took his mind.

To Kiku's knowledge, there was only one woman within the G8+5; that was South Africa. The woman standing in front of himself was rather….to non African looking to be South America. (Perhaps he would have known if he had not pondered on anime throughout the meetings.)

Maria continued to ignore the man and pout of ire. Kiku heard an audible grunt from the women and then he took notice of her; only to see if he could remember seeing anyone like this woman.

Kiku saw a petite female, tanned skin, wavy and cascading (with color similar to his own), a curl complimenting the female's hair (similar to Italy's; yet much curlier), a small mole (or birthmark?) near the woman's lower lip, and oddly a rather robust and curvy figure o such a small woman.

The attire she wore did in fact remind Kiku of someone he's seen at the meeting ('seen' for Kiku was a 5 second glance).

Then it hit him.

"Ano… Mexico-san…?"

Maria opened her eyes and turned her head back to stare at the dull-eyed man; a small hope of encouragement within her arose at her REAL address.

"I don't mean to intrude Mexico-san…but….last I saw you….uh, you were male…did you… get a gender change…?"

Maria's growing hope turned into shame.

So she wallowed in depression among a lonely corner.

"A-Ah! Zannen Desu! If you do not wish to talk about-"

Kiku was cut off from the sound of 'some' incoherent phrase coming from the darkened and habited corner.

"Senor…." . "Japan" . "Senor Japan , you know my brother then…"

Kiku still confused could only wonder why this statement was important?

Maria had still hung her head in shame amongst her 'consolation' corner; she continued to speak.

" I'm NOT my brother, I'm his sister…"

This is where Kiku had a revelation.

Technically, he just called a woman a man.

A very great insult.


Just like when Kiku felt ashamed when people mistook him for a prepubescent girl…

Kiku's face now paled even more than it was originally and stared upon Alfred's unconscious body once more.

Kiku really needed to stop hanging around the outspoken Alfred. Sadly, Kiku picked up the habit of speaking his thoughts.

Immediately he bowed and asked for forgiveness.

"Forgive me Madame!"

While he faces the floor by his bowed position he realizes the pool of blood had reached his new dress shoes.

'Pray Kami I have not gotten murdered…yet…'

Down some hallway, a man who appeared within his mid-twenties had been pacing his way to the meeting room.

This man was one of the members of the G8+5; which meant he was also another embodiment of a country.

The man's addressed name is considerably the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

But that's too long.

He very much preferred 'England', 'U.K.', and Iggy (courtesy of America).

However, he questioned why people could not simply but address his REAL name; Arthur Kirkland (or just Arthur).

With this simple thought; he became frustrated.

Frustration for him was really nothing new.

Arthur was in fact, a very handsome looking man. He has golden hair (yet unkempt and shaggy), forest-green colored eyes, a pale 'peach' complexion, and his peculiar feature?

Just like all countries, he had an oddity upon his features (however the majority of his people shared his oddity…)

Thick, coarse, unshaven, black eyebrows above his gorgeous green eyes.

The real wonder here is….either he dyed his hair or his eyebrows?

Well, Arthur's eyebrows were not appalling, neither were they attractive.

Arthur indeed looked handsome (exception on the eyebrows), however, he carried his stature and attitude similar to a senile and cynical middle-aged man.

With a personality to match it.

The referred male was attired in a plain and hackneyed business suit; accompanied by a simple tie and well-kept dress shoes.

Back to the present, Arthur had finally reached the end of the hallway to enter the last corridor; where the meeting room was situated.

Turning the corner in the new hall, he continued to walk forward.

Until his foot came in contact with a puddle.


As he bended down, not even acknowledging the rest of the hall, he examined the puddle.

'Is that….blood?' he thought.

Now gazing up to seek the source he spotted a rather dead-pale Alfred; sprawled on the floor unconscious.

Arthur did not worry.

Nor did he panic.

He only grunted in annoyance.

"That stupid git is making a bloody mess…literally! ….MY SHOES!"

1: Zannen Desu: Polite and fromal term for 'I'm sorry' in Japanese, used for consolation and sympathy