As they pulled away they looked into each other's eyes for a while, dazed, dizzy and breathless. But then realization dawned and Blaine pulled his hands free and ran away, out of the commons.


Kurt looked as broken as he sounded when he ran after him.

No one dared to move a muscle as they watched the two disappeared around the corner, everyone seemingly temporarily paralyzed until…

"Wow." a voice sounded from one of the couches. "I can actually feel the awkward." Jeff said as Nick made grabbing motions in the air with his hands.

"It's tangible. Watch out, Jeffie, you almost stepped into a pile of awkward." Nick said as he pointed to the spot Kurt and Blaine had been standing.

"Oh Nicky. You still have so much to learn."

Jeff tilted his head and got off the couch to poke at the 'pile of awkward'.

"That's not awkward, that's just some of the sexual tension that just melted off of them."

Nick nodded in understanding.

"Guys! Not funny."

Wes' voice sounded tired and angry but it didn't stop them.

"Au contraire, Wes-a-doodle. This is possibly the most hilarious thing we have ever witnessed."

Jeff looked at Wes with a Cheshire cat grin.

"And that's saying a lot coming from us, Wessieboy, because we have seen llamas kissing."

Wes shook his head and decided that it was impossible to have a somewhat normal conversation with those two. Or at least, normal conversation avoiding the topic of llama's and he turned to the other Warblers. Some were sitting on the couches, talking softly to each other, when others Wes sighed.

"Now we wait."

"Blaine, wait! Blaine!"

Kurt ran as fast as he could, but tears blurred his vision. He slowed down and slid down the wall. He put his head in his hands as one sob after the other wrecked his body.

After a while the sobs subsided and he just slumped against the wall. He pushed the heels of his hands into his eyes until he saw white dots dancing in front of his eyes, as if to push the tears back.

"I'm a fucking failure."

He muttered, more to himself than to any possible listeners.

"No, you're not. I am, for not realizing how much you mean to me."

Kurt's head snapped up. Blaine sat next to him against the wall, staring at some undefined point in the middle of the empty hallway. Their shoulders didn't quite touch, as if he was afraid to make contact again.

"Then why did you run?"

Kurt asked in a small voice, blue eyes glassy and tear tracks on his face.

Blaine barked out a humorless laugh.

"Because I always run, Kurt. Whenever I feel like I'm not entirely in control anymore, I run."

"You can't always keep running. Sooner or later everything will catch up with you."

Blaine looked at him with piercing hazel eyes.

"I know. I just need someone to hide me for a while, to rest before i have to start running again. Could you hide me, Kurt? Even just for a while?"

Their hands had found each other again and laid in between them, fingers laced together, forming a bridge from Kurt to Blaine and from Blaine to Kurt.


Kurt smiled a little and leaned closer.

"I might keep you hidden for a pretty long time though."

Blaine smiled softly too.

"I don't think I'd mind that, actually."

Kurt did that laugh where his whole face kind of scrunched up, and Blaine giggled and bumped their shoulders together. It reminded them that even if it didn't work out like they expected, they'd still be best friends. Their laughs died out and they were left looking right into each other's eyes. Blaine wondered if there had always been those tiny flecks of green and Kurt was mesmerized by the gold in Blaine's eyes. The inches in between them disappeared until they could feel each other's breath on their lips. Kurt searched for approval in Blaine's eyes but before he could do or say anything, Blaine had already tilted up his head and pressed their lips together in a slow, sweet kiss.

They sat there for a while, in that dark, empty hallway, just kissing and feeling euphoric the way only newfound love can make you feel.

Or at least that was until Blaine felt something lightly hitting his head. He pulled away from Kurt, who involuntarily let out a small whimper, and looked around. He saw a small white thing flying at him, hitting him square in the face. He frowned and picked it up. Popcorn?

Another two pieces flew at him from behind the potted plant on the other side of the hallway.

He sighed deeply and shouted at the small rosebush.

"Popcorn guys? Really? You couldn't pick something that would actually stick to my hair?"

Two heads emerged from behind the plant, one light blonde, and the other dark brown.

"No, someone took all the caramels from the kitchen. Sadly"

Jeff shook his head with a disapproving look on his face.

"And someone else took all of the chewing gum, so we couldn't use that."

"So we thought, hey, popcorn should stick too with the amount of gel our good friend Blainers always uses."

Nick looked like he was investigating Blaine's head.

"I think we could have thrown a baby llama and it would have stuck, with the amount of gel our good friend Blainers always uses."

Jeff looked shocked and he turned to look at his friend.

"You wouldn't throw a llama, now would you?"

Nick looked at Jeff as if he had grown a second head.

"Of course not. Now, to get to the point. What I was trying to say was use protection."

Nick smiled sweetly.

"And don't get too kinky on your first time."

Jeff wore an identical innocent smile.

Blaine scowled at them and Kurt just sighed.

"Don't you two have somewhere else to be? Someone else to cockblock? I'm pretty sure I saw Mr. Hadson eyeing Ms. Lorray in the hallway at lunch."

Kurt was silently praying to a god he didn't even believe in that the two would go away. He didn't care where, just as fast as possible because he really wanted to feel those soft, luscious lips on his again. And he didn't care if he sounded desperate in his head.

Jeff glowered at them suspiciously.

"I'm pretty sure that if we go away, you two will just have sex on this very floor. The floor that thousands and thousands of little freshmen walk on. Every. Single. Day."

Kurt sighed deeply once again. So they finally got together, but now they couldn't even enjoy each other because they were being cockblocked by their mentally toddler friends. He closed his eyes and let his head fall against the wall with a soft thud.

Back in the common room, the Warblers were loudly discussing what they should do next. Jon was saying that they should be sent on a date, completely organized by him of course, Thad was silently hoping this would give him a shot at Blaine's heart, some others were suggesting songs to sing to them both, to let Kurt sing to Blaine, to let Blaine sing to Kurt, and so on, and so on, but no one really came up with a valuable plan, until Trent brought up their plan from two weeks ago.

The infamous Plan B.
Also known as Plan 'Lock Kurt And Blaine In A Room Until They Can't Handle The Sexual Tension Anymore And Kiss And/Or Do More Than Kiss'. But for easiness, most of the Warblers just stuck with Plan B.