A long and happy life together

Chapter 10: Our life

"Mommy!" Damien looked up to his mother from his spot on the floor. "Up!" He demanded standing pulling on Arthurs pajama pants. "Com her, baby." Arthur cooed lifting the toddler up into his arms. Arthur actually liked being called 'mommy' he looked down to the toddler in his arms smiling. Damien was the oldest, He represented New York. He had the cutest dusting of freckles over his cheeks and nose. His hair was messy and dirty blond like his hair with Alfred's color. He had a nantucket just like his father, and emerald green eyes like his own. He was the oldest and most active of the three. He was always doing something intreating and his favorite toy was one of Alfred's footballs.

Evilyn rubbed her eyes and crawled closer to Arthur on the couch they were currently seated on. Arthur patted her head and she laid in his lap petting her stuffed dragon, her favorite toy. She reminded bit her parents of a certain Scotish brother. Her eyes were a dark green like scot's and her hair was blond but had an orange tint to it. She also had freckles like her brother, and her attitude was a little harsh and she loved to cause trouble especially towards he brothers, but she loved them. It must have been tough being the only girl and the middle child. She represented California, and she always looked a little tan.

"Daddy." Triston spoke clinging to his fathers shirts chest. Alfred looked down groggily holding the youngest of there children who was snuggling his favorite toy, a blue stuffed unicorn. He was the most creative of the three, he was fine just sitting around with crayons and paper or play-dough. He represented London, strange that he was the youngest. He shared his older siblings freckle dusting, but his hair was a light blond and messy like Arthur's. But he was the only one who had gotten Alfreds cerulean eyes. Alfred seamed happen with that. Also, Triston loved Arthur, and he had gotten the english accent and called him 'mummy' but he had an attachment to his father were he never wanted to leave his side.

The family sat snuggled on the couch watching television until the children had tired themselves out and drifted off into dream land. Arthur and Alfred picked them up and brought them into there rooms. They all had separate rooms due to Alfred and Arthurs large estates, and they had left one room to spare in each house, just in case. "Hey." Alfred whispered bringing his arms around the englishman he startled who was standing in Evilyn's doorway. "Hello,love." Arthur smiled up at him running a hand through his husbands golden locks. Alfred walked down the hall holding Arthur's waist and led them to there room. Well, one thing was back after Arthur's pregnancy was over. Alfred grinned shutting the door behind them.

The End

Authors note: Aw. I'm sad it's over but guess what. Be on the lookout for the sequel! Hehehehe I have some nice ideas so be aware! Lolz. hope you enjoyed it! review! I love hearing everyones thoughts and well yeah so please review! :D love you all!