This one is short guys! Draco wanted a chapter all to himself, and he took all my Snickers Peanut Butter Squares!

Harry, Harry, why can't you see, what you're doing to me? – Darren Criss, A Very Potter Musical

Chapter 9: Dreams

Draco collapsed on his bed in his flat in Clapham. He had his wing in Malfoy Manor, but sometimes he felt he needed to get away from his parents. He showed up at the Manor wearing Harry's clothes, and he had received strange looks from his mother until he went up and changed into "proper" attire.

Christmas at the Manor is always a formal affair. Granted, Draco had not known anything different, but it was right fun lounging in their pajamas after breakfast, just enjoying each other's presence. He wondered how Christmas was for Harry growing up, his aunt and uncle being Muggles and all.

It was a very tiring day, and he had not gotten much sleep. Harry talked in his sleep, but Draco noticed that Harry seemed to calm down when Draco had put his arms around him.

Draco had no idea what he was feeling towards Harry, he never thought of himself as gay at least. He'd dated plenty of girls at Hogwarts, but then again he never had the desire to do anything more than snog.

He stared off into space, then picked up Harry's shirt and breathed deeply. Emotions he had never felt before rushed through him and he closes his eyes.

As he lay back down, breathing in the scent of Harry, his frustrations seemed to melt away. His parents were forcing the issue that he should court Astoria. He liked her and all, and he knew she would make a proper pureblood wife, but Draco did not think that was the life he wanted anymore. He knew that his parents had at one time been in love, but what the First Wizarding War had not changed, the Second had most definitely had. His mother did not respect her husband as much as she did before. Draco did not want that same fate, of sharing the Manor with someone he grew to despise, or worse—despise him.

As he fell into a dream like state, he saw himself growing old in the Manor, alongside a man with bright green eyes and a lightning scar on his forehead.

The quote thing is from a song written by Darren Criss (if you have not heard of him Google that shit!), it was sung by the character Ginny in A Very Potter Musical, produced by a theatre company called Team Starkid. It is posted on Youtube, if you have not seen it, I highly suggest you do!