AN: Sorry it's been awhile, you guys. 26 reviews; for only 2 chapters! You people spoil me.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Outsiders. The things I would do to keep Soda & Pony for myself...

Since you guys have been so patient, here's a treat from the past of how it all started. It's kinda short. But maybe you'll still like it.

Chapter Three: A Year Without Rain

Can you feel me when I think about you?
With every breath I take
Every minute, no matter what I do
My world is an empty place

Like I've been wondering the desert
For a thousand days
Don't know if it's a mirage
But I always see your face, baby

I'm missing you so much
Can't help it, I'm in love
A day without you is like a year without rain
I need you by my side
Don't know how I'll survive
A day without you is like a year without rain
Ooh, woooaaahh woaahh

July 22, 1961

I was so excited. The I'm-so-excited-that-I'm-gonna-pee-on-myself excited. And I had a reason why.

First off, today is my birthday. I'm finally nine years old. Now I can start to hang out with my brothers and their awesome friends. Sweet!

And secondly, me and Sodapop were heading to our room for my big surprise that I've been waiting for ever since the party started. He told me that he was gonna show me when after my birthday party. Now that is, my heart hasn't stopped beating like drumsticks.

Once when got inside the room, I couldn't keep it in any longer. I started jumping up and down like I had ants in my pants. "C'mon, Soda! Where is it? Where's my surprise?"

After Soda closed the door, he came up to me and grabbed me by my shoulders to get me to calm down. "Slow your roll, little brother. There are a few...conditions, before you can get your surprise." That was one my "Words of Week" from school.

Condition: The state of something, esp. with regard to its appearance, quality, or working order.

"Okay," I agreed. Soda nodded and tightened his grip on my shoulders.

"First," he spoke in a business like tone, "this surprise is between me and you. No one needs to know about this. No one. Understand?" The look in his brown eyes were deadly serious. I quickly nodded my head.

"Second, when I give you the surprise, you have to close your eyes. Got it?" I nodded again. "Okay. Now close your eyes." I closed my eyes, and I was suddenly surrounded by darkness.

"Can I get my surprise now?" I was starting to get impatient.

That's when I felt Soda's hard chest pressed against my softer one, and his warm breath taking over my senses. "Yes," he whispered in voice that he only uses for Sandy, "Happy Birthday, baby." That's when his lips connected with mine.

I gasped in shock, but didn't try to pull away. Both of Soda's were wrapped around my slim waist. He broke the kiss for a split second, and whispered to me softly, "Relax, baby. Just listen to your body right now." And then he pressed his lips back to mine. I listened to my big brother, and let my body take over.

It worked; I relaxed more, as my frame leaned against Soda. His grip on my waist tightened, and that's when I felt something hard poking me in the stomach. It was Soda's...private part.

He started to ground it against me, and a moaned escaped from my mouth. I bought my hands up to Soda's silky locks, and began to tug on him so I could deepen the kiss. Soda bit my bottom lip, making me gasp. He took this advantage to plunge his hot, wet, slippery tongue into my wet cavern. I whimpered as his tongue licked and swiped at places I didn't even that existed. It felt so good. Unbelievably good.

But a part of my brain knew this was wrong. We were brothers. Brothers weren't supposed to do stuff like this at all.

But the other part of my brain didn't care.

All you could hear in the bedroom was wet, slippery sounds of teeth and tongue smashing against each other, and the sounds of delicious moans, groans, growls, and whimpers.

Soda finally broke the kiss, but his lips didn't leave my skin on my body. He moved to the shell of my ear and gently nipped at it, making me groan in pleasure.

He spoke directly in my ear. "Do you want to stop?" I whispered a 'no' as I continued to grab him by his hair and grind my hips into his, trying to make this ball that was below my abdomen disappear.

Soda continued to whisper sweet nothings into my ear. "You don't know how long I've wanted to do this. I wanted to wait for the perfect time...I've always felt this very special connection between us that's greater than anybody else's. We were meant to be together like this, Pony." I moaned at his words. The ball only grew bigger, and got tighter.

He unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans, and slowly dipped a hand into my underwear. His hand began rubbing my privates. I bit my swollen lip to keep from crying out.

"I love you, Ponyboy. I've always loved you as a brother...and a lover. I could never stop loving you like this. We've always been connected to the hip. You know that right?"

I nodded as he picked up the pace, and my moans were coming out in short, raspy breaths.

"Your my life, honey. Without you, I'm nothing. I'll be anything you want me to be; brother, best friend, hero, boyfriend, lover...husband."

That's when I had a mental picture of us getting married, going on our honeymoon, making endless love every night. The thought made me shudder in pleasure and desire.

"Soda...Ohhh, don't stop, please," I begged at mercy. He listened to my command. Then out of nowhere, he started to stroke me harder and faster, with all of the strength he had in that hand.

I felt the ball; it was getting tighter and bigger, getting ready to explode any second.

Soda bought his soft lips to my ears as he continued to pump me. "Ponyboy Michael Curtis...I love you." And then he crashed his lips to mind to mute my loud scream as I let go. The ball finally disappeared.

From this day forward, I began to fall for my oldest brother, Sodapop Patrick Curtis...hard.


Please don't give me that look. Don't worry; there's gonna be a continuation to Ponyboy's past, and then we'll get back to the real-deal. It's gonna be longer, I promise. ;)

But right now, I wanna know what you think of this chapter. Good? Bad? Both?

Review me!
