A/N: It's me again! And I've came up with a new Fanfic Outsiders story. Some of you might already know whats the story gonna be about just from reading the Title. If you do, keep it to your selves, we don't need any spoilers...
Disclaimer:As usual, the Movie/Book belongs to the magnificent S.E. Hinton.
WARNING: If you can't stand slash, incest, or any type of sexual activity, don't even glance at this story. If you choose to ignore this, you've been warned...
Reminder: Dally and Johnny are alive. Yay!
Other than that, ENJOY!
Chapter One
*^~Coming Home~^*
I'm coming home
I'm coming home
tell the World I'm coming home
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
I know My Kingdom awaits and they've forgiven my mistakes
I'm coming home, I'm coming home
tell the World that I'm coming...
Artist:Diddy-Dirty Money
I stopped rocking my feet against the wooden bench that I was sitting on, then twisted my head to the left, then to the right, before starting the whole process over again. I've been waiting here for ten minutes, and I'm already getting impatient.
Stop. Left. Right. Again.
I slipped my heavy burgundy bag-that was filled with a 3 months supply of clothes, books, comb, toothbrush,etc-and dropped it on the bench with a loud thump, and ran a hand through my thick, wild hair, before letting out a heavy sigh that went through the thick, silenced air.
Darry let me go to a 3 month getaway Camp. He thought that I need some time away from home, while Soda saying the complete opposite. But this time, I agreed with Darry, (Unbelievable, isn't it?) and told Soda that I didn't mind going away for awhile. The same night I was leaving, Soda locked me in a tight-grip hug, gave me a quick peck on the lips, and reminded me that anytime I was ready to go home, give him or Darry a call.
God, he's thinking that I'm going to War-God Forbid-and never coming back.
Then, starting on week 2 , I started to feel Homesick. But I didn't call, for Darry's sake, so the Gang wouldn't think that I wasn't capable enough of staying at a Camp for a few weeks.
It's not like I didn't have a good time, cause I did. Me and another group of boys went hiking, played ball games, sat around the campfire...you know, Camp stuff. But later on, when it was time to go in our tents, one of the boys who was sleeping with me, had bought Porn Magazines. That's the part I'm not gonna tell them.
But now, I was ready to finally come home. I sure did miss the Gang something awful.
Stop. Left. Right. Ag-
I stopped my left foot in mid-air as I started to to hear the sound of a car engine that sounded similar to Darry's. I grabbed my almost one hundred pound bag, and when I swung it over my shoulders, it nearly knocked the wind out of me.
I started walking towards the curb when the familiar red truck pulled up . And to my surprise, I saw Darry sitting in the run-down truck. And he came along with an empty front seat, back seat, and trunk. Alright, now I'm confused; Where is everybody? I know I didn't expect a red fuckin' carpet, but Jesus, can they at least pretend that I exist?
As I walked up to the truck, I clearly started to see Darry's face. He was wearing a 'welcome back' grin, but his blue eyes were telling a different story.
~*Curtis du Freak*~
A few minutes after we pulled off and started driving down the road that leads to Home, Darry told me that the Gang was "cleaning the house". I didn't believe a word that just came out of his mouth, but it looked like he was really telling the truth, so I just nodded and looked straight ahead out the window glass, that would shake everytime we hit a bump. After the fourth bump, Darry asked me about my stay at the Camp site.
"It was fun. But now I'm really happy that I'm home. Where I'll be safe and sound." I saw Darry wince in the corner in my eye, when I said the word 'safe'. What did I say now?
I looked at Darry to ask what's wrong, but he just gave me that smile. You know, the 'I'm-okay' smile. I returned the smile back before I turned away to look out my window. On the thirteenth bump, we rode past Buck Merril's place. I still remembered that time when I went there and got drunk. And the next day I had regret it for two reasons; One, Darry got so furious that I thought I literally saw steam coming out of his ears, and Two, I threw up half of my stomach into the toilet, and trust me, that was not a good feeling at all. That was first and last time going to Buck Merril's and drinking.
On the seventeenth bump, we past the DX. Everything looked the same there, except the usual flock of girls and cars that only came during Soda and Steve's shifts. If you really think about it, Soda and Steve was the real reason why the gas station is always packed. The other employees just did the regular; Standing behind the counter or pumping cars.
God, I sure do miss him. No, not Steve...Soda. It felt weird without Soda this whole week. I felt...empty. It felt like a left half of myself at home while the other half left. I wonder if he misses me as much I miss him.
After the twenty sixth bump in the rode, the house started to come into view. I saw four figures on the porch. Two-Bit, Steve, Dally and Johnny. Johnny was sittin g on the first step with his shoulders hunched, with a frown plastered on his face. Then when he saw Darry's truck, a smile started to grow. Two-Bit was also sitting on the porch, just a few steps above Johnny, wearing that shit eating grin as always. Two-Bit always looked like he had ants in his pants on any occasion.
Dally and Steve were leaning against the wooden boards. Even though Dally was tough hood, I could still see that he was kinda happy to see me. And for Steve...he just looked like the same ol' Steve I saw last week. Good. A caring Steve would be creepy.
Two-Bit suddenly shouted, "Horseboy is back!" And it sent the Gang in hysterics. I ducked my head in embarrassment.
As soon as I stepped out of the vehicle, Darry was already on the sidewalk, with my bag in his hands. (How did he get on the sidewalk so fast?) He carried my bag like it was the weight of a normal sized cat. I can't wait till I get older so I can have muscles like Darry. I'm getting sick of being the weak one out of the bunch.
As I was about to speak, my words suddenly got caught in my throat as I really noticed and took in the Gang's appearance.
They looked like they were...glowing. And their features changed; Their eyes were darker than usual, and they looked alittle pale. They also looked more handsome than usual. Okay, this was getting weird. . . it's only been three months. What happened while I was gone?
Sigh. 'Damn Puberty.'
Well, this wouldn't be the first time this situation happened. I quickly shrugged it off and headed up the porch. Just like any other welcome home greeting, Two-Bit asked me about twenty questions, while the others just either groaned, shook their head, or laughed at Two-Bit's idiotic questions. Darry asked him to let me get situated first, but Two-Bit still went ahead, and that's when he asked a question that took me way off guard.
"Don't try to down-play it, Kid. You've been readin' Porn, haven't you?" Then the Gang bust out laughing, and I think I felt the porch shale alittle. Everyone was laughing except for Darry, who was silently glaring at Two-Bit. The tip of my ears started to burn.
And before Two-Bit could ask again, Darry cut him off, and his voice was dripping with poisonous anger, " Shut the hell up, Two-Bit. What you need to be readin' is the newspaper so you could look for a job." That sent the gang into another round of laughter. I was already heading inside of the house before I could hear Two-Bit's smart remark.
'I need to stop hangin' around him so much.'
When the front door slammed behind me, the air went completely silent once again. I took in the clean house; Darry was right, they did clean up around here.
And honestly, they did a pretty good damn job. Darry must've been breathing down their necks.
The floor was spotless. No cake crumbs, beer bottles, poker cards, cigarette butts. . .all I saw was the carpet, which also looked vacuumed. All of the leather or jean jackets were hung up neatly on the rack, and the brown table that usually held letters, cups, test papers and combs. . .is now holding nothing, except the four wooden table legs and a few cup holders.
Everything was in it's place, and the items that either didn't have a place, or was too valuable, was put into a cardboard box, that was placed right next to the neat bookshelf.
It hasn't been this clean ever since mom and dad passed away.
I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even hear my name being called. . .
That voice sounded like bell chimes. . .
That voice that I've been dying to hear for the past three months. . .
That voice that made my heart flutter, and twist my stomach into knots. . .
That voice, that belonged to the one and only. . .
I looked up to find my favorite brother, lover, and best friend, Sodapop Curtis, standing in the kitchen doorway, gazing at me with awe. I gasped silently as I took in his new appearance.
He was so. . .beautiful. Not that he wasn't before, but he looked way more beautiful than a. . .human. He made Elvis look like a dancing and singing monkey wearing a wig.
Soda's golden-hair was messed up in a sexy bad boy way, and I swear I thought could hear the long strands of hair screaming, 'Pull me!'Instead of his eyes being the usual color of coffee colored orbs, they were the sea of a dark chocolate that someone could easily drown in if they even take one small glance in them. They were suddenly filled with happiness, joy, excitement. . .the list went on. He stood up proud, and with confidence, and that just made his long, lean body look even more defined and breath-taking. His arched eyebrows were hiding under his sex hair, and he had that perfect jaw-line that I would just love to run my tongue over. And I think I almost came right there as I took in the sight of his full, pinkish-red, plump lips. I licked my dry lips.
He was wearing one of his checkered shirts, that showed off his beautiful skin. His jeans were hanging dangerously low on his hips, and as always, he was wearing no foot-wear.
Last time I saw Soda, he was just called 'handsome', or 'hot', or 'Greek God', but now, there are no words to describe anymore. I wonder what girls said now when they saw him.
It felt like hours, instead of minutes since we've been staring at each other, until Soda's God-like voice sliced through the silence. "Oh Pony. . .it's really you," he started taking slow steps towards me, while still looking me in the eye," it's been so long. I know it's been three months, but these past three months felt like three years."
He was standing in front of me now, (more like towering over me), with his deep eyes raking all over my body. I suddenly felt self-conscious and shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. His eyes soon found mine, and again, there was something placed in them. It was that look he gave me when we were all alone, which was right now.
That's when I didn't notice we were standing so close until I felt him blow his breath in my face. It hit me like a ton of bricks. The scent was so arousing. It smelled like honey, mixed with a hint of wheat, and vanilla. My lips ached to be on his. I hoped he felt the intense heat in between us.
When did it get so hot and stuffy in here?
Soda took his long fingers, and bought them to my cheek-bones, and traced it down to my jaw-line, all the way down to my parted lips, because I was now taking in deep breaths, trying to control my breathing. His fingers touching me felt like fire on my skin. His thumb flicked in between my half-open lips, before whispering, "So beautiful," under his breath, and then I soon found his plump lips pressed against mines.
His lips felt so soft, and tasted so sweet. I wrapped my arms around his neck, as I dug my fingers into his golden locks, and gently tugged on them as I felt him take my bottom lip in between his teeth, and he bit down on it, making me gasp lightly. He took this as an advantage to slip his hot, weeping tongue in my mouth, and my tongue shyly found his. He wrapped his tongue around mines, and started to play with it in unusual, but good-feeling way, that made me wanna cum right there. One of his hands were placed placed-palm flat-on the base of my throat, while the other was placed on my lower back, with his thumb stroking my skin lightly. His touches were so light. It wasn't like. . .Soda.
I've been waiting for weeks, for Soda, for Soda kissing me, really touching me. And this is what I get? I needed to really feel Soda against me, I had to get that animal back out of him.
I tugged on his hair harder, trying to deepen the kiss. I usually don't act this dominant, but he led me no choice. I grinded my hips against his, and before I knew it, I was slammed against the wall, with Soda's body pressed against mines. His chest vibrated as he growled deep in his chest. That's it. . .bring out the beast. He broke the kiss, and I whimpered, leaving me breathless. Our foreheads were pressed together, as he kept staring at me with that gaze that could make me melt under it. His eyes were now a pitch black, and it made my throbbing shaft twitch. And to really get him aroused, I swiftly whipped my tongue out, before seductively licking my already wet lips, slowly. That must've set him off, because he groaned again, this one louder than the other, and attacked my mouth with a kiss hot and hard, it made my knees shake alittle.
His hand that was on my lower back soon found its way into my pants, and underwear, found its way to my ass, and gave it alittle squeeze, making me squeak like a mouse. Our tongues were fighting, for dominance, but I soon gave up, and just surrendered to him and his skilled tongue. I love it when he makes me feel this way; the feeling when he makes my knees weak. . .make my eyes roll in the back of my head. . .just what he was doing right now, when he started to attack my neck with hot kisses and bites. I gasped in pleasure, as the back of my head hit the wall with a loud thump. "Soda. . ." I whispered. His lips stopped at my Adam's Apple, then. . .he stopped, before coming back up to my face and kissing me on the lips one more time. His lips found its way to my ear, before whispering, "Welcome home, baby."
The next chapter will be in Soda's POV, so he'll be telling you what happened while Pony was gone, and why he had to stop kissing Pony so early.
Hoped you enjoyed. Plz review!
~L. Thunder