A/N: Well, I thought of writting a Bade ff and here you have my attempt to do it. Since it is the first chapter we don't have Bade in here, and you should be thinking "Woo, this gilr is crazy, she wants to write a Bade ff and she doesn't put Bade in the chapter." Yeah, I might be crazy, but since Jade is moving to Hollywood and well, she doesn't know him, so it will be a little hard for me to write Bade. But we do have Cade friendship, Enjoy!

Disclaimer: How do I say this... Mmmmm... If I had enough money to have my own TV show then I would have a jetski and a beach house in Miami, so NO, I don't own Victorious.

I looked at my house with sadness filling my mind. Silent tears managed to escape from my eyes before I could remove them with my hand. I was definitely going to miss this place. It was the third time in two years that we were moving because of my dad's work. I hated the idea of never getting to have real friends because of this, but I tried to see the cool side of it, I had lived in nearly 19 countries and I was just 16.

However, my older brother, Daniel, hated it. He was way more sociable than me and he had tried several times to stay in one country and have a normal life, but my parents would never leave him alone and when they suggested that we all stayed he refused. He said he hated the idea of making dad quit his job for us. And I agreed with him, the only thing my father loved more than his job was me, my brother and our mom.

-Jade! - Daniel yelled, causing me to turn around and almost fell in the huge TV my parents were trying to get in the moving truck.

-Coming! - I yelled back, running throw the door and climbing the stairs to find him in what had been his bedroom. –What do you want?- I asked annoyed by the fact that I had run upstairs and he didn´t even noticed that I was standing behind him.

-Oh, yeah, help me get this down- he said handing me a box of what seemed to be photo albums.

-Kids! - Mom yelled from downstairs- We are living in five minutes! - she added.

-Coming! - We both yelled before taking all the boxes that were left in the room and going downstairs.

-Well, where are we going now?- I asked getting into our car's backseat with Daniel.

-Hollywood- Mom answered.

I couldn't believe it. One of our many moving traditions was that our parents didn't tell us where we were going until we were all packed and in the car, (and it was one of the reason my family seemed so weird to me, I mean, what kind of parent wouldn't tell their kids where they were going to live for the next 4 or 5 months) but I had wanted to go to Hollywood since I discovered my passion for singing and acting. There was this huge arts school named Hollywood Arts and I was my dream to go there since I was 10 years old. Of course I couldn't tell anyone besides Daniel because I don´t think my parents would understand that I didn't wanted to be a social worker or any other crap they wanted me to be.

-Why didn't you tell me?- I yelled and Daniel smiled.-You knew? - I asked him shocked.

-Yeah, kind of- he said trying to hold back a smile.

-Daniel! - I screamed in disbelief.

-Jade, I didn't know it meant so much to you that we were moving there, otherwise I would have told you. – My dad said quite surprised that I showed happiness.

-Whatever- I said before sitting strait in my seat and putting my headphones on.

It wasn't that I didn't love my parents, I did, but sometimes it annoyed me the fact that they didn't know the most important things in my life were acting and singing.

I couldn't talk with Daniel about this in front of my parents. What was I going to do? I didn't want to tell them that I wanted to study in Hollywood Arts, but if I didn't I would miss the chance of my life. Of course that we would only be in Hollywood for three months, but I was still hoping that I could study there.

I spent the rest of the way to our new home trying to sleep and listening to Maroon 5's music. When I finally fell asleep, mi brother woke me up because he had a "great" idea.

-What do you want, Daniel? - I almost yelled pissed off by his annoying 4-year-old attitude.

-What about playing "Never have I ever" with your favorite brother?- he asked pocking me in the shoulder.

-First of all, you are my ONLY brother, and secondly, no, I don't wanna play that with you- I said wishing he could stop pocking me- Stop that, Danny, I am serious, DANIEL! LET GO! - I yelled trying to free my wrists from his grip.

-Daniel, leave your sister alone- my mom called from the front seat, finally coming on my rescue. He let me go and sited straight. I couldn't sleep anymore so I decided to text my only friend: Cat Valentine. We met in Texas when we were five because her father worked with my father, she also moved a lot, but when she was 8 her mother got pregnant again, her parents got divorced and she moved with her mother and her little brother to "I don't remember where".

To Cat:
Hey! What 'cha doing?

From Cat:
Hey Jade! Noting really, painting my nails and you?

She was a little hyperactive, but she was the only true friend I remember having in my childhood.

To Cat:
Moving again

From Cat:
Oh, I'm sorry I hated moving too you know. Guess my parents' divorce has a good side.

To Cat:
I bet your mother doesn't think the same.

From Cat:
I bet she does, she is dating this Italian guy, Marco, and it seems to go pretty well, besides the fact that my brother stabbed himself again.

To Cat:
Oh dear, I'm sorry, tell him I said Hi.

From Cat:
I will, don't worry. Sooooo where are you moving? :P

To Cat:
To Hollywood!

Okay, I correct myself, there are two people that now about my acting and singing dreams, my brother and Cat. The beeping of my phone announced a new text message.

From Cat:
You gotta be kidding! You are kidding right? Why didn't you tell me before!

To Cat:
Why is it so important, I don't think my parents will allow me to get in Hollywood Arts. They want me to study "social work" and all that crap. :/

From Cat:
I wasn't talking about that, tok tok Jade, are you there, I LIVE IN HOOLYWOOD!

I couldn't believe it; I was going to live in the same city as my best friend! Wow I sounded like Cat.

To Cat:
That's awesome! Wait, if you live in Hollywood, why don't you study in the Most Important Art School in the world?

Cat might be crazy, but since we were kids it was our dream to get in to some important arts school and become famous. Maybe I should start to pay more attention to her when we video-chat.

From Cat:
I tried to convince mi mom, but it is very expensive. You know what? We should both try out for the scholarship of this year, the auditions are tomorrow morning, wanna come?

I thought it for a moment, I wouldn´t convince my parents showing them the enormous fee. If I got a scholarship, they wouldn't have to pay anything and with great notes in Math and Geography, they would be okay.

To Cat:
Count me in.

From Cat:
Kay kay, gotta go, call me when you are settled in and I'll invite you an ice-cream. Yum!

To Cat:

Now all that I had to do was find the way to sneak out of my house tomorrow morning. All I could do was wish that Daniel would be on the mood of helping his little sister to make her dreams come true.

A/N: I hope you liked it. Review and tell me what you think. Since I'm on vacations now, I will be traveling yhis Thursday I will update as soon as I get Wi-Fi, but I can't promise anything. Don't woory, I will write and update next Wednesday kay?

Andrea :)