Hey folks.

Sorry for the seeming end to the story. The past few months I have been incredibly busy with graduate school, and have been averaging something along the lines of 12 hours per day in the office and lab. Thankfully, that number will be going down now that the hardest semester of my track is over with.

I will still be busy, but I hope to continue with this story. I lost all my old data and outlines when my computer died, but once I sit down and review everything, I should be able to get started once again.

I know that some people had issues with how I was running the story. As before, all I can say is, I'm sorry to hear this. I have answers for many of your questions, but I do not hand them out on silver platters.

This includes people's interactions with one another, the limitations they set on themselves, and more.

That being said, I still do enjoy getting feedback and discussing the story and my plans. Just don't expect me to give away much. :)

It will still be awhile before I get something to a level I wish to submit it. I plan to do this for fun, so the editing will not be as intensive as original stories, but it still takes time. So please bear with me.

Peace out!