
[Heawon POV]

I sigh in frustration and pout. I stretch my arm and try to reach out once more. "Aish!" I hiss, not caring if everyone stares.

"Heawon-ah, calm down will you?" Seungri pops up, kissing my cheek before reaching up and grabbing the milk carton for me. "You could have just called me."

I roll my eyes. "I don't need your help." I mumble, still frustrated.

Seungri chuckles. "Yeah, right." He places the milk carton into the basket and slowly walks with me in the grocery store. We continue to go around, getting the stuff we need in harmony. In a few minutes, we're already in our car, on our way to the park. I roll my window all the way down, feeling the soft breeze hit my face and the warm sunlight glaze over my closed eyes.

I feel Seungri's warm hand entwine with mine. "We're almost there." He murmurs, feeling the same thing I'm feeling at this moment. I even my breathing, calming my nerves. Almost everything feels the same… Almost.

As if time was on my side today, I feel Seungri stop the car and I hear him turn the engine off. He squeezes my hand gently. "We're here." He says. I nod softly. I let go of his hand and open my eyes. On cue, he quickly jumps out of the car and heads to the trunk. In a matter of seconds, he opens my door and extends his hand out, being the gentleman he is. I smile, kissing his nose on the way out.

Silently, we go over to the bench under the massive group of trees. I sit down, hating that I'm suddenly breathing heavily. Must I be so tired already? Seungri closely sits next to me, wrapping one arm around my shoulders and the other holding my hand. He rests our entwined hands on my lap gently. Abruptly, my eyes start to water.

I can't feel it. I look down at my lap, down at our entwined hands. I can't feel our hands on my leg. A tear silently rolls down my cheek as I continue to stare at my lap as if I'll magically feel it again. It's been a month. It's been a whole damn month since that competition.

"Hey," Seungri whispers, bringing my face up to look at him. I sniff. He places a kiss on my forehead. "Why are you crying?"

I let go of his hand and place my hand on my knee. "I can't feel it." I whisper, my voice low. "I miss the feeling of my legs."

Seungri places his hand on mine. "I know. It's—"

"No," I cut him off. "You don't know. You would never know until you end up like me, though God forbid that." I meet his eyes and hold it. "It's like something at the tip of your tongue, an idea that's there but you just can't seem to grasp. It's like… knowing your heart is aching, but you can't reach inside you to soothe the pain."

"That's when you stop knowing." He takes my hand and brings it up to his chest, placing it where his heart is. "My heart hurts. I hate seeing you like this. I hate the fact that I can't help you anymore, that I can't make your worries go away. I hate how you can't dance anymore. I hate that you can't even walk anymore, that you'll be in a wheelchair for the rest of your life. I hate that you tried to dance after the doctor told you that you couldn't dance anymore last month…"

Seungri chokes up and I feel my hand slipping from his grip. I bite my lip and hold his hand instead. He shakes his head and looks at me. "But I also hate the fact that you hate yourself. Just because you can't feel anything, it doesn't mean you're worthless. You mean so much to me. Why can't you just see that you still have so much potential even though you can't use half of your body?"

I let out a deep sigh, holding back tears. I lean onto his chest and he wraps his arms around me tightly, burying his face into my hair. I hear him sob ever so softly. I'm hurting him. Of course, I'm hurting him. I practically fell into a depression after last month. Being my stubborn self, I tried to dance after the doctor told me not to. I wince. It's a seriously painful memory to hold. I still feel the pain and the tears after Seungri brought me back to the hospital.

The doctor explained to me that if I didn't try to dance, I would've been only on crutches. But since I did try to dance, it made my condition worse, especially since I tried to attempt a stunt. Yes, that was very idiotic of me. I know I shouldn't have done it, but can you blame me? I hit my breaking point and practically went insane. I wanted to dance. I wanted to deny the fact that… I can't even feel my legs.

Seungri was my constant support, figuratively and literally. He never left my side and he swears he never will. It was his determination that got me to keep going. I hold back the tears and breathe in deeply. I lean away from his embrace and lock eyes. I slowly cup my hands on his cheeks.

"I love you." I whisper. I lightly peck his stunned lips. "Thank you for being with me, for being my support." I smile and peck his lips once more. He grabs my head gently and keeps me pressed against his lips. Ever so softly, our lips move in such sync.

"I love you." He murmurs against our lips. "You're amazing. That caught my attention before, and it still captivates me now. Nothing's changed." He chuckles. "At least not emotionally and mentally."

I pull away and punch his arm, laughing. I let out a deep sigh. "Okay, how about we start our new 'dance' together?" I look at him, smiling brightly.

He looks at me weirdly. "Are you ser—" He stops short and I see a light go on in his thickheaded mind. He kisses me lightly. "It takes two to tango."

I shake my head playfully. "It takes two to start a new life." I teasingly caress his lips. He shivers under my touch, but I see pure hunger in his eyes.

He grabs my hand and kisses my palm, looking up at me as he does it. I bite my lips sexily, knowing it makes him go insane. He inhales a sharp breath. "It takes two to have a passionate kiss." He cheekily says.

Ruining the mood, I laugh out loud. "How cheesy!" I yell, giggling. He whines childishly and leaves a trail of kisses up my neck, wanting to get back to our previous mood. I chuckle at his stubbornness. I face him and smoothly wrap my arms around his neck. I trail my fingers up and down the back of his neck lightly. I feel him shiver once more. I flash my famous smirk that makes all the men twitch.

I even my face with his, making sure his lips are barely brushing against mine. "It takes two to fall in love."


[Two Years Later]

"Everybody ready?" I shout to the group. "Start!"

One, two, three and four. One, two, three and four, I count silently in my head. I let out a slight smile; proud at how fast they can learn the choreography. After the first chorus of the music, I start to spot a few people missing the beat. I start clapping my hands along with the song, counting out loud this time.

"One, two, three and four!" I repeat over and over. The song soon ends and the group falls to the ground, sweating. I move my wheelchair close to the group. "I know you guys can do this." I say seriously. "So, why are you guys lacking?" I scream strictly. I raise my eyebrow, watching them wince under my authority.

"Don't be too hard on them, Heawon." A voice calls out. My heart jumps and I mentally smile. Seungri. I turn around and keep on a hard face. He shakes his head and smiles, bending down to kiss me briefly on the lips. He obviously sees through my façade.

"How about you show them how it's really done then?" I raise my eyebrow challengingly.

"Always a pleasure." He comments, winking. He steps up in front of the group. "I know you guys can really do this. Right now, I'm going to show you how it's done. Apparently, Heawon can't explain dance moves well."

I scrunch up my nose and wheel myself towards him, ramming him from behind his legs. Our group laughs as Seungri's knees almost give out. He childishly sticks his tongue out.

"Just show them what you got, hot stuff." I sarcastically remark, rolling my eyes. I start the music and smile. I sigh, that burning desire to stand up and start dancing keeps pushing my mind. I shake it off and focus on Seungri. I grin. Two years and he still has that same aura I met him in: determination and cockiness. It's what I love about him. I chuckle as his dance ends. I clap loudly. "Now that," I say, addressing to the group. "Is how you do it."

Seungri bows exaggeratedly. He looks at the clock. "Okay, guys, class has ended!"

In an instant, our group stands up and gathers their things, talking amongst themselves. "Remember to practice your routines! I better see improvement next week in class!" I remind my students. Seungri walks over to me and kneels down.

"How'd you think our class did today?" He asks.

"Better than last week." I smile.

He sighs. "Loosen up on them, will you?"

"No way. If I loosened up on Big Bang two years ago, do you think you'll be where you are now?" I roll my eyes.

"Well…" He trails off.

"Oh, come on!" I exclaim. "Big Bang is touring the world because of your songs and your dancing! You're also teaching other people to reach their dreams of becoming a dancer!"

He laughs. "Okay, okay. You have a point. Your strict attitude is a way to success. But you forgot one thing."

"And what's that?" I ask, noticing the playful gleam in his eyes.

He stands up straight and bends down to level our faces. "In a way, I'm still able to dance with you. You are still living your dream of a dancer."

I smile, my heart fluttering with happiness. I still can't believe he's stuck with me for so long. I have a feeling he's never going to leave my side. Everything's turned out well… for a crippled person like me. I'm actually content. I entwine my fingers behind his neck. "Well, it takes two…"

Always being childish, he cuts me off. He kisses me in a way I'm never going to forget. He's kissing me in a way that's almost possessive, in a way that's sweet… he's kissing me in a way that almost makes me feel as if I can face the whole world with him as my crutches.

"Let's leave it at that." He whispers softly against my lips. "It takes two."

A/N: Can you guys believe it? It's done! The end! It Takes Two has finally come to an end. My goodness, I'm in tears now T_T Out of all the Big Bang fanfics I've written, this one will stand out a lot more. Why? Because I actually got writer's block while I was in the process of writing this story! You have no idea how much I tortured myself everyday when I couldn't get a single good chapter. All I did was write, shake my head, erase, write, slap myself, erase -_- LOL.

If you've read my other works, you'll know that I do this after every last chapter. So, my dear readers, will you please comment and tell me what you think? Tell me anything; about this epilogue, some other certain chapters, or the story as a whole! It would surely make my month! (:

Four down, one more to go. As you all should know by now, I have this goal where I write a fanfic for each Big Bang member where each member is the main. I've done Taeyang, TOP, Daesung, and now Seungri[: I guess you all know who I'm writing for now! G, G, baby, baby. GD, GD, baby, baby. You're up next, Mr. G!

This is practically the longest author's note I've ever written, LOL. But once again, thank you all who read and supported me and my story. You have no idea how much your comments and wall posts have brightened up my days! I promise you, I'll be back soon with our very own leader, Kwon Jiyong! Love you, guys! 3