No copyright intended. I just like borrowing the duo. Rated M for later chapters.

Detective Jane Rizzoli was in love with Doctor Maura Isles. She had been for a long time now. Although it did warm her senses and make her body tingle Jane had always been able to keep a handle on her affection. Managed to keep her desire and want towards Maura at bay. Maura was her best friend… most recently "life long best friends forever"… and Jane would never want to put that in danger. Maura was her everything.

*knock knock*

Jane gently banged on Maura's front door. Maura's car was currently in repairs and despite being able to afford another one or a rental Maura had said yes to Jane's offer to drive her into work. It really did make more sense gas wise and she loved Jane's company.

However, this was more than Jane bargained for.

As the front door swung open, Jane's jaw hit the floor. "Maura… uhhh…" Jane's hand flew up to awkwardly cover her eyes. "Put some clothes on." Jane hissed out embarrassed.

"Jeez Jane. You act as if I'm naked." Maura stepped aside to let Jane in who maneuvered around Maura's towel clad body, careful not to touch her. Seeing Maura in just a towel made Jane's body tingle.

"Just go put some clothes on." Jane whined. She had already made it into Maura's kitchen and was grabbing herself a beer. A small sigh of relief slipped past Jane's lips when she heard Maura padding to her bedroom to change. Leaning against the kitchen counter Jane tried to rid her mind of Maura's gorgeous, curvy body clad in only a towel, but it seemed it was there to stay. "Dammit Maura." Jane whispered.

Making herself comfortable on Maura's couch she turned the TV on to the sports channel. Unlike herself, Maura cared about her outfits and hair and Jane knew it would be a while until she was ready.

After about 15 minutes Jane started to get antsy. "Maura are you almost done in there?"

"Almost. Could you come and help me? I seem to be a little stuck." Maura called out.

Jane mumbled something to herself about fashion before entering Maura's bedroom. Once again Jane was caught off guard. There Maura stood, her back to Jane, the entire length of the dress opened. Maura could see the curve of her spine, her slender waist, and the strap of Maura's pink, lacey bra. Jane groaned to herself when she felt a warming sensation in her lower areas.

"I think the zipper is caught." Maura fumbled, her arms trying to reach around herself to fix the dress.

"Here. Stop you're going to rip it." Jane pushed Maura's hands away. Although this was torture on Jane in more ways than one, the opportunity to get to touch Maura's bare skin was something she couldn't resist. Skimming her fingers over the zipper Jane fumbled with the material, brushing the skin of her back a few times. Finally getting the zipper unstuck Jane slid it up her back, her finger brushing across her spine.

"Thanks." Maura said in a cheery voice, completely unaware of the effect it had on Jane.

"Umm yeah you're welcome." Jane nodded, her hands sliding to her own waist. They were shaking slightly and she didn't want Maura to see. Knowing her luck she would diagnose her with some weird ass disease.

"One more thing and then I'll be ready." Maura walked into her closet to find the perfect shoes.

Back at work Jane couldn't concentrate. Staring at the paperwork in front of her Jane realized that she had spelled her own name wrong on two of them. They didn't have a case currently and were working on the paper work involved in upcoming trails.

Or that's what Jane was supposed to be doing.

Instead, Jane found herself daydreaming, the image of Maura's naked back and the feel of her smooth skin stuck in her mind. Her fingertips had trembled as they ran up her spine. Jane could have stared at Maura's body all day.

"Jane. Jane!" Korsak snapping his fingers in front of Jane's face finally snapped her out of the trance.


"Time to go home." Korsak smiled down at Jane. "Looks like it's just in time too."

Jane frowned and looked down at her misspelled name. "Oh shut up." Korsak held his hands up in defeat as Maura walked in.

"Ready Jane?" Maura asked sweetly, looking at gorgeous as ever.

"Just shoot me now." Jane mumbled to herself. Striding behind Maura she couldn't stop herself from watching Maura's pert ass move behind the dress. Her hips walked with confidence, the heels making her legs look even longer.

Watching Maura Jane didn't realize that they had reached the car, walking right into Maura. Maura gasped as she hit the front of the car. "Jane?"

"Oh uh sorry Maura. I wasn't paying attention." Jane shook her head, walking quietly around the car. Now the feel of her body trapped between her and the car, even if just for a moment, was lodged in Jane's brain. Sliding into the car Jane tried to act normal, willing her shakes away. "Get it together Rizzoli."

Pulling out into traffic Jane was relieved when Maura started ranting about the effects of not enough sleep and other things Jane didn't understand.

This was going to be a long week of driving Maura places.

Alright a slow start, but I promise it will pick up. Reviews please!