How to have an Affair

Leah Pov

Blinding hate just unconditional blinding hate that's the only thing I can feel for the man standing across from me. I didn't think it was possible for me to have so much hate for someone in my life than now. These asshole commands me to basically be his prisoner. I'm going to rip his throat out in his sleep. How could he do this to me? Haven't he cost me enough pain?

"What the fuck Jacob?" I scream still standing in front of the stairs. In honest I was still stuck in a state of stock.

"I'm sorry Leah you leave me with no other choice" Jacob said calmly. His calm demeanor was seriously pissing me off. Does he not know how close he was to death?

"You alpha command! What's wrong with you Jacob? I'm not some slave you can just lock away. "Jacob is so lucky there isn't any sharp object near. My eye begins to twitch like a fucking lunatic. Jacob notice and took a small step back.

"Leah I know you are not my slave but you won't listen and you are so damn stubborn there wasn't any other choice. Come on Leah I'm trying to save our marriage at least you can do is try. "That .was .it. I had enough. Before Jacob could say another word I was across room in his face.

"Don't you dare say I haven't tried Jacob? I been trying for a whole damn year to work on this marriage and you were too busy with that skinny bitch to notice. Jacob I never so work for something so hard Jacob and in the end I got shitted on. "I didn't care about the tears that were running down my face at the moment I couldn't explain how much this person standing in front of me has destroyed me. Jacob hands went forward to try to embrace me "Don't touch me "I said as I took a step backward. "Just don't touch me "I turn my back towards him not wanted to see his face anymore.

"Leah if I died trying I am going to fix us." Jacob hands wrap around my waist and my head shot back fast. I heard his nose crack from the force. "What don't' you understand about don't touch me "I growl. I watch as the blood dip between his fingertips as tries to pop his nose back into place.

"Dammit Leah that hurt" I didn't care. I was still exhausted and this situation wasn't helping either .My head was killing me and I was starting to feel dizzy. I haven't been feeling good for the last couple weeks and this by far the worst I ever felt. I felt myself feeling faint so I took a seat on the sofa. Jacob took a caution seat next to me.

"Jacob why know? Why all of a sudden do you care about me, about us? You been up Bella ass so long and now you have the freedom you need to pursuit her and you suddenly change your mind "I didn't even look him in the eyes. He knew I was right and couldn't deny it.

"Everything you are saying is true Leah. I have messed up big time and there's no excuse I can say to fix how I have treated you. "I could feel the sofa switch as Jacob got off it to kneel in front of me. He gently grab my chin so I could look him in the eyes. "But I can tell one thing I promise you I will never hurt you again Leah. I'm not giving up no matter how hard you try to push me away." He was telling the truth but I still couldn't believe him. I know it sound crazy but I couldn't believe any of the shit that came out of his mouth. I jerk my face out of his hand and gave him the deadliest glare I could ever give a person .Well at least I imagine in my head there wasn't really any mirrors anywhere near.

"You still don't believe me "He said in an outrage. The look in his eyes was back. I haven't seen it since I accidentally called Aiden name out when Jacob was giving me head. I immediately felt the heat pour to my center. Jacob grab my hips roughly and pin me to the sofa while focusing my legs apart so he could slide in between. With his face in my crotch he took a deep inhale. "Mmmm" was all he said. I had to bite my tongue to keep from moaning. Now my inner voice wants to appear Come on Leah keep it together you slut. Remember this is the same man who alpha command you to stay in the house because he saw the light and now he wants to be a loving husband. Ohhh but he's pulling my panties down with his teeth. This is the same man who was going at it on the sofa with another one women …Well if you can call her a women. I think your brother have a bigger chest then her. My panties came off quickly and I losing my battle quickly. LEAH JASMINE CLEARWATER DO YOU HERE ME? My inner voice scream at me. He start kissing my inner thigh and I open my legs wider to give him better access. Leah Clearwater you are such an idiot my inner voice said and I froze. She was right I was an idiot. I was about to cave in so easy. I grab the side lamp and hit him as hard as I could. Of course it was bit dramatic but of well who's perfect anyways. Jacob grabs his head as the blood begin to flood from the open wound.

"What the fuck Leah "He roar as he grip the wound trying to stop the bleeding. I could tell the cut was healing already and he was just being a pussy about it.

"Don't what the fuck me Jacob I told you not to touch me anymore, you want me to feel sorry for you and you are sadly mistaking my friend." I sneer at him. He wants to play this game, well I can play it better. I give one hard glare before I headed upstairs. I hope you ready Jacob because here comes the fire.

Jacob Pov

Crack that all I could hear when something heavy knock the shit out of me. My hand went as I could feel the blood pour from my head.

"What the fuck Leah" I roared. Thank god for fast heal are probably dead by now. "Don't what the fuck me Jacob I told you not to touch me anymore, you want me to feel sorry for you and you are sadly mistaking my friend." She sneer, she gave me one of Leah Clearwater famous nasty glares before going upstairs. A cool chill ran up my back and first time in a long time, I can actually say I was scared for my life.

Happy New Years Everyone. I hope you guys had a great one. SO I guess you guys hate me for taking so long to update and I want to say I am sorry . Thank you all for who all been staying with my story. You guys are amazing . This chapter have been setting in my laptop for months and I just been to busy do anything to it . Sorry for the mistake if any .I just want to put it out for you guys to enjoy. So what do you think ? Was Leah a little too mean to Jacob ? Do you think Jacob will win over Leah? What about Aiden? Please comment and tell me what you think. Much love guys