Love you more

First day that I saw you thought you were beautiful
But I couldn't talk to you, I watched you walk away

It was a Monday after school the best time of the worst day. That's when it happened. I remember because it made the worst day amazing! I was watching my feet as I walked home when I bumped into someone.

"I'm so sor..." I just couldn't finish the sentence because there in front of me was the most beautiful person I had ever seen! She had sky blue eyes that shone like a million diamonds. Rosy red lips that made even the reddest of roses seem dull and her hair! It was amazing! The most beautiful shade of ginger that came just past her shoulders with a nice wave just to make her face appear even more perfect! I stared at her for who knows how long before she said

"Are you ok? I'm really sorry I bashed into you I should have been watching where I was going. My names Daphne. What's yours?" Oh my god! Say something Fred! You must seem so stupid! Just say something! Anything!

"Fwep." Anything but that! Maybe you should have just shut up! How the hell did I turn Fred into Fwep? She looked at me so weirdly.

"Well it was nice to meet you," She answered before scurrying off.

And it felt like I spent all of that second day trying to figure out what it was that I should have said

Why couldn't I have said something clever? Or normal? All I could think about is what should have come out! Even throughout lessons it's all I could think about! I managed to get myself a detention I was paying that little attention to class.

Third day saw you again, introduced my friend, said all the words I wanted to

It had been three days since I saw you last. I was counting. I was meeting up with my friends after school. Velma, Shaggy and Shaggy's dog Scooby Doo. Velma had brought along one of her friends. It was her! Daphne. She smiled when she saw me. Probably remembering what an idiot I was! I reintroduced myself this time only just but managing to keep my cool and say Fred! We got on surprisingly well considering my loss of words the first time we met. As we were saying good bye I pulled her aside so the gang couldn't hear.

"Sorry about before I erm was a bit embarrassed that I bumped into you. You probably think I am a complete idiot!" I apologized

"Don't worry about it. You seem completely average brained to me!" She replied smiling "Plus I thought it was kinda cute." She went a bit red at the last part. I smiled at her. A big teethe smile.

"Bye Daph," Daph that was my little nickname for her.

"Bye Fwep," I guess that was her nickname for me!

On day four and five and six I don't know what you did, but all I could think about was you

She was in my head like a song on the radio. Not the fact I had a math test or I had forgot my lunch money, which I later figured out, not even that Velma and Shaggy said they were now dating! It was all her.

Thought I couldn't want you, more than I did before
But everyday I love you a little bit more
Find myself asking what are you waiting for
Cos everyday I love you a little bit more

Each day I fell for her more. Should I tell her?

Days they turn into weeks, that's how good this has been

According to my counting we had now known each other for 7 days 5 hours and 56 minutes.

Still I can't believe the way this first year has flown

Make that 365 days 5 hours and 56 minutes.

Still you catch me by surprise, when I look in your eyes
When you turn and say that you love me

We did that a lot but I knew when she said she loved me she meant how you love a brother. It's a funny girl thing saying they love you. Unfortunately it never means that they are in love with you. I will never understand the female mind!

Thought I couldn't want you, more than I did before
But everyday I love you a little bit more (and more)
Find myself asking what are you waiting for (what you waiting for)
Cos everyday I love you a little bit more

It's been a year! Come on Fred ask her already!

(And more)
Love you more
(And more)
I Love you more
(And more)
I Love you more
Hey hey hey hey

I still found my crush becoming stronger and stronger.

Day one I first laid my eyes on you,
Day two I can't help but think of you
Day three was the same as day two
Day four I fell in love with you

That's all it had taken 4 days and I was in love!

Day five you spent it with me

I remember it so well, after school she asked me to help her with her homework so I did then we ended up spending the rest of the day together.

Sixth day knocked me off my feet

She was brilliant! Daphne Blake was the first girl ever to do this to me!

Day seven that's when I knew spend the rest of my life with you

Ok that's it! I have to ask her! She's the one! I know she is!

Thought I couldn't want you, more than I did before
But everyday I love you a little bit more
Find myself asking (find myself) what are you waiting for (what are you waiting for)
Cos everyday I love you a little bit more

Ok common man! You're the captain of the football team and you can't even ask a girl out!

Everyday , knowing I'm going to see your face
And that's enough for me (that's enough for me)
I want you more and more and more everyday

Ok so we weren't dating I could still see her everyday and that's enough for me. For now at least.

(And more)
I wanna spend my life with you
(And more)
Everyday learn something new
(And more)
I love you more and more and more everyday

It was true I was in love! Big time!

(And more)
Love you more
(And more)
I love you more
(And more)
Love you more

My head says...Who cares? But then my heart whispers...You do stupid... and I know I have to ask her.

Ok this was my first ever songfic i hope you guys like it im planning on doing a chaoter 2 of another song so let me know if you like it.
FireTiger1008 :) xx