"She what?" Macca couldn't believe what he was hearing. "But how could she-? Why? What's the p-?" he couldn't decide whether to be angry or confused.
"No lie, that's what I saw. Walked into to the station and that's what she was doing." Brit reassured Macca. "Couldn't mistake it for anything else."
"And you're sure no one was there?"
"Not a soul, she was completely alone."
"And she was-? I can't even imagine it, it's not like her. She's too guyish. You sure it was-"
"It was Meat! No mistakes! No second thoughts! No nothing! It was her, through and through." Brit could tell Macca was having a hard time believing him. The older Bohemian got up and began to storm out of the bar. "Where are you going?" Brit asked.
"You think I'm just gonna sit here and listen to this tomfoolery? I want to hear it from her lips." the younger Bohemian told him to go right ahead, and assured him that she won't admit to it. "We'll see."

Meat sat in the control room her and Brit shared as a living space, staring at the 'JUST DO IT' bag, thinking what a stupid idiot she had been. She had decided once and for all to quit the pastime for good and had locked the key to the padlock in the bag. "Never again." she told herself. "I'm sorry." she didn't know who she was apologising to; she just knew she had to say it to someone. Maybe she said it to herself for getting caught, she had said it to Brit because she knew he thought she was a disgrace to the Heartbreak, maybe she said it to the Heartbreak itself for being a disgrace. Or maybe even to the control room, it had been her home for the past eleven years, she knew she would have to pack what little she had and start searching for a new base soon, if Brit told Macca it won't be long till...

A knock interrupted the girls thought wave. It was a harsh, strong knock.
"Well I guess this is goodbye." she told the room. She got up as another hard knock came hammering onto the door. This knock was too hard for the cloth covered glass window to handle and it cracked under the pressure. A small section of the glass shot out and almost hit the young blonde in the leg, missing by inches. "For Freddie's sake," she whispered, "I'm coming!" she shouted as she walked to the door and turned the knob ready for a good shouting competition.

Macca stared at her for a moment, not knowing what to say. He was trying to decide whether he thought she was crazy or just stupid.
"Are you out of your mind child? Of all the things you could have been doing on a Thursday, you pick the most outrageous, unBohemian, random, out of the blue, unnatural thing to do!" he began. "What did you think you were doing?"
"I was trying to do my own thing, do something I love for a change! Not be this tough, strong, tomboyish, bisexual, 'normality' everyone thinks I am!" she shouted back at him. "I'm sick and tired of people thinking I have no feelings!"
"So you go off and express your feelings with yourself every Thursday? You couldn't do that in the comfort of your own room?"
"I wanted to be somewhere where I wouldn't get caught. Somewhere no one could find me. I wanted my own secret, something no one knew, not even Brit or Prince!" Macca, feeling left out, gestured to himself. "There's loadsa stuff you don't know bout me. Brit and Prince know everything. Well 'cept now Prince doesn't know bout this."
"But why? What do you gain? The truth is always discovered Meatloaf and this is a prime example!"
"Because it's fun, interesting, and I accidently came across it while scavenging. It's not my fault it was still there from those eight years ago!"
"How can you rediscover that? What did you do? Write your thoughts on the walls?" Macca mocked writing in mid air.
"Excuse me?" Meat was completely thrown by this, what was he saying?
"Don't act all innocent now Meatloaf."
"I'm not! I know what I did!"
"Then tell me why? What pleasure and fun do you get from talking to yourself for a whole day?"
"What?" Meat was completely shocked. That's what Brit told Macca?
"Brit gave his word and put his life on line that he saw you talking to yourself on Oxford Circus Station! Do you or do you not admit to this?" Meat looked at Brit. Brit looked back at Meat. Had he really only told Macca that she had been talking to herself? Those were for encouragement, everyone's done it once or twice in their life; Meat just happened to absentmindedly do it every Thursday. Brit nodded to Meat as if to tell her to admit, or things could get a lot worse. Meat hung her head in an act of shame.
"Yes." she said quietly.
"Yes what?" the leader asked her.
"Yes I admit to talking to myself every Thursday for the last seven months!" she shouted to the man. She looked at him through cloudy eyes and in seconds she had burst into tears. She ran to the back of the room and sunk into the darkest corner to hide from the man's rashful face. The man walked towards her and looked down on her in anger.
"Do you regret this action and do you swear as your right as a Bohemian never to repeat this action again?" he said in an orderly voice. The girl nodded. "Say it!" he forced.
"I do." the girl whispered. The man walked to the door and looked back at Brit before he left.
"She's under control lockdown under your supervision for two months. Then she will be let out into the Heartbreak but not allowed to go scavenging. This will continue another two months. After this she will be released, but you will supervise when and if she decides to go scavenging. Then, after the half year is up I will release her from supervisor. She puts one hair out of line," he pushed his finger hard against the larger mans chest, "You. Will get full blame. Understood?" Brit gave one firm nod to confirm that he did. With that the leader walked out. Brit head a low, hushed "ow" from the older man as he walked away clutching his finger.

A short silence filled the room when Brit sat on the double mattress, before burst into a tuneful laughter. Meat came out of her corner slowly, wondering what had caused her companions sudden change of character.
"What's so funny?" she sunk back away though when Brit turned to face her, still laughing. "I- if I'm aloud to ask." she stuttered. He stopped laughing, but kept a playful smile on his face.
"Meat don't act like I'm an SP, you know it'll only piss me off." no answer. Another silence filled the room. Meat shuffled out to sit next to the man on the mattress. The silence continued.
"So after all that in the tunnel, you never told him?" the girl asked quietly.
"You think I'd tell the leader of the Heartbreak that our favourite girl was dancing around a station for a whole day?" the young girl gave a shy nod. "Oh come on, you think I'd tell on you?"
"Well you did compare me cheating to Pointe Ballet." Meat was starting to regret locking that bag now. She would have to find a way to get that lock off. Well she had two straight months, anything was possible.
"I had to get you to think I was angry, so you would believe that I told Macca. I knew the punishment he would give. So now you are stuck with me for half a year." the man smiled playfully.
"Meh, no change from usual I guess." then something in Meat's mind clicked. "You bastard!" she laughed. "This is payback for my cheating in the race isn't it?"
"Yup." the man said putting his chin out in pride.
"You're gonna pay for that." she said as she jumped on him, but he caught her off guard and rolled her over till he was on top of her. "You wanna try me?" she asked playfully. Brit considered it for a moment, gave the girl beneath him a peck on the lips and got off her. "So. Stuck in here for two months. What do yah wanna do?" the two looked at each other slyly, then took a look at the mattress they were sitting on. "No! Oh n n n n no." she said shaking her head in disagreement to her mind. But Brit had two months after getting her suspended in the room they now sat in. He got her in a week after dragging her to the Skyline.