X-Men:Evolution ; Mambo No#5

By Silverflame

Disclaimer: I don't own X-Men:Evolution and probaly never will.But if

anyone wants to give them to me I'm not objecting! ^_^

And now,ladies and gentlemen,X-Men and Brotherhood,I present for your veiwing pleasure,Mambo No# 5-mutant style!!(Listening to the song in the backgroud may help)

Mambo No#5-mutant style!

One,two,three four five,

Everybodys in the jet so c'mon lets fly,

To the liquor store around the corner

The 'Hood say they want some alcohol but I really don't wanna

Get a buzz like I had last week,

Because y'know the stuff just don't come cheap

I like Wolverine,Avalanche,Quicksilver and Spyke

And the more I go on the more y'know that I'm right

So what can I do?I really don't know my Lord,

This boozing binge is more than I can afford.

Oh what the hell,Who really gives a toss hon?

Lets just go and have a little fun!

A lil bit of Scott in my life,

A lil bit of Kurt by my side,

A lil bit of Lance is all I need,

A lil bit of Evan's what I see,

A lil bit of Pietro in the sun,

A lil bit of Logan all night long,

A lil bit of Remy here I am,

Cause for a lil bit of you I'm your woman!

Evan's up,Remy's down,Pietro's zipping all around,

Lance is doing his thing,and shaking up the ground.

Kurt 'ports left,and then 'ports right,

Logan's slicing up stuff from the front and the side.

Xavier claps once,Magneto claps twice

And if you don't copy Scott then you'll get on all right!

A lil bit of Scott in my life,

A lil bit of Kurt by my side,

A lil bit of Lance is all I need,

A lil bit of Evan's what I see,

A lil bit of Pietro in the sun,

A lil bit of Logan all night long,

A lil bit of Remy here I am,

Cause for a lil bit of you I'm your woman!

Mutants!We all love mutants!

Mambo Number five!


A lil bit of Scott in my life,

A lil bit of Kurt by my side,

A lil bit of Lance is all I need,

A lil bit of Evan's what I see,

A lil bit of Pietro in the sun,

A lil bit of Logan all night long,

A lil bit of Remy here I am,

Cause for a lil bit of you I'm your woman!

Sadly,this is all true,

I fell in love with all of you

But you won't run,and you won't hide,

Cause if you do I'll cut off your booze supply!

Mambo number five!
