Chapter 1: Chance Encounter

Scorpius Malfoy looked into the mirror and let out a sigh of frustration. How the hell had he let himself be talked into going to this cockamamie party? He felt like a complete ponce in the frilly all black dress robes mother had chosen for him to wear. What the hell, was he really so incapable of picking out his own clothing? The woman had really crossed the line this time; the suit was abysmal! It lacked any color, making him look paler than usual, and it was completely old fashioned. What exactly had she been thinking? Thank Merlin he'd be wearing the mask, which would hide his identity. He might be mother's escort for the ministry's annual masquerade but Scorpius intended to leave the gala early, well before the mask unveiling…

"Tell me again why I have to go to this?" Harry asked his friends.

Hermione was the one to answer him as she passed him the silver mask he'd be wearing.

"Because you're the one who defeated Voldemort and this is the annual celebration of his defeat… I don't know why you're so upset at having to go anyway Harry. Getting out of the house will do you some good," she lectured him in a playful voice.

He grimaced at her implying nature, so he preferred staying in to the partying lifestyle of a bachelor. His friends had to remember he wasn't used to being on his own quite yet, and he felt utterly foolish at the clubs with all those younger men. Harry was quite comfortable with the fact that his marriage had ended because he was no longer attracted to his wife, perhaps never had been really. He had three beautiful children from marrying Ginny so there were no residual regrets on his part. Harry had finally come to grips with the fact that he was attracted to men instead of women some years ago; he just wasn't quite comfortable with the whole dating scene or clubbing it.

Harry preferred to live a quiet life, which was why he abhorred these stuffy ministry events. He still hated being referred to as the "Chosen One", being the man who'd saved the wizarding world from its biggest threat in history left him little anonymity or personal freedom. Defeating Voldemort had cost Harry so very much and he just wished that after all these years, the public would just give it a rest. This ministry ball guaranteed the opening of old wounds, which made him doubtful of having a good time. Although when he placed the mask over his head, covering up his famous features, Harry did start to wonder. He wondered if tonight's air of mystery might not make it easier to gain a bit of that elusive anonymity, making it easier for him to chat a handsome bloke up…

Scorpius glanced from within the confines of the glittering mask he wore, he'd had the obligatory dances with both his mother and grandmother, now after a few glasses of wine, he was slightly inebriated and his hormones were on the prowl. He was young and his urges usually dominated his youthful mind, tonight being no exception. He knew it was too early to ditch the party completely but was also certain no one would miss him for an hour or so, he just needed to find a good candidate for a risqué rendezvous. Looking about, his eyes suddenly landed on a bloke seemingly alone near the bar. He seemed like a fit enough fellow for Scorpius' limited tastes and with an air of confidence he strode forward to approach the man. A curly haired witch in a low cut peach colored gown quickly thwarted his endeavors. Scorpius almost diverted his course toward them when a red haired man came up, kissed the witch and escorted her away to the dance floor.

Regaining his confidence, Scorpius finally made his way to the mystery man. Silently he cursed the damned masks they were wearing, wishing he could remove his own. The secrecy charm binding the masks was an old yet powerful one; they wouldn't come off until midnight and made it impossible for them to reveal their identities in any way. He smiled over at the man wearing the silver mask and drank in the beauty of his green eyes. Those eyes seemed so very familiar… No, it was all in his head, he was sure of it. He offered the man his hand and the man's firm handshake greeted him eagerly. He threw a few sickles onto the bar, ordering them both a shot of Ogden's. The magic surrounding the ball allowed them no introductions, just smiles, small talk, and a shared drink…

Harry saw the blonde man long before he actually approached him; saw him watching with a needy stare. Even with the man's black mask glittering upon his face, Harry could tell he was young. His brash approach quickly belied the fact and Harry reveled in the flirty attention the younger man was paying him. It felt good being singled out in such a way, not in the usual bit of curiosity that his scar often gave him. This man didn't know he was chatting up the "Chosen One" nor did he rightly care, so it was these thoughts Harry was thinking of when the young man finally made his intentions clear.

"Listen, this party is a complete bore… what do you say to us sneaking off to a secluded corner and entertaining each other for a bit?"

Harry looked at the lewd smile only partially hidden by the corners of the mask. It was madness to just go off with a complete stranger like this but Harry also knew it beat going home and wanking himself to sleep for another night. It'd been so long since he'd felt the heat of flesh beneath his fingers or tasted the sweetness of a lover's kiss, as Harry took a hold of the stranger's hand he knew he didn't just want this, deep inside he truly needed this…