Thanks again TheJunebug1218 being my betareader.
So ch1 is now rewrote.
Merlin coughed. The cough was deep and rhonchus and it took several minutes to end. Merlin looked at his hands. There was blood. He winced.
"Merlin? Are you alright?" Gaius entered the room and looked at the younger man who sat at his bed's edge. Merlin looked tired. He was paler than ever. There was shadows under his eyes. He lost more weight than was healthy and he looked like only bones and skin. Gaius took the water tub and sat beside of the boy.
"Let me." He began to clean Merlin's hands and his face where was also blood. Merlin didn't respond to him. He just sat there, quietly, lost in his thought.
"Can you sleep?" Gaius asked.
Merlin shook his head.
"I have dinner ready."
Merlin sighed. "Maybe I should… try."
"Yes, you have to try. Come." Gaius agreed. He helped Merlin to stand. His legs barely supported him and Gaius had to help him. When they finally sat down Merlin looked at his plate. He picked up a small piece of carrot and began to chew it. Gaius observed him for a moment and then began to eat too.
"Arthur was here at morning." Gaius said.
Merlin stopped for moment, then picked up another bite.
"What did he want?" He tried to sound cool.
"To see you."
"I don't want to see him." He was angry.
"I said so to him."
Merlin stopped.
"I can't eat anymore."
Gaius sighed. "You tried. It's good."
"No, it's not good. It's getting worse Gaius."
"I see that Merlin. I… I'm so sorry my boy. I'm sorry that I can't help you more."
"It's not your fault. It's… his fault."
"And he knew that. He suffered Merlin. If you just…"
"No." Merlin's eyes flashed in gold. Every dish and mug on the table exploded. Merlin began to cough again. He folded over his knees. He couldn't breath properly. Before he fainted, he felt warm arms around him and Gaius's comforting voice that everything will be all right. But Merlin knew better. He was dying and there was nothing what anyone could do.