A/N: Okay, so I have ALWAYS wanted to do a Miz/Kelly oneshot but everytime I start it, something happens and it either doesn't save or I delete it. So I am hoping that this one is better and I hope that you like it. I know that I said that I would write more Alex/Kelly stories, and I will, but I will NOT ALWAYS use them. (Don't want to bore anyone to death). So here we go...,


"I just don't understand why you haven't told him?" Maryse, my best friend said to me.

"You won't understand Maryse." I said to him. "He deserves way better than me and my problems." I told her.

I had known Maryse nearly as long as I did my other friends, Eve or Maria, but she knew me better than them. Maybe it was because we get along better and we alike in more ways than one.

"Come on Kelly. Do you honestly believe that?" she asked me. "I think if you told him the truth, he would be more than happy." she told me.

I didn't understand why Maryse was pushing me so hard to tell Mike. For the longest time, she hated him. But many people did, but only because he didn't fit the standard high school athletic persona.

"Kelly if you don't tell him then I will." she said to me.

"No Maryse." I said to her. "You won't." I added.

"And why not Kell." she said. Standing her ground. "He has a right to know and if you don't tell him now, he will find out sooner. There is no way you can hide it much longer." she said looking at me.

She did have a point. When I had quite cheerleading, people started wondering why, but I had told them it was because my mom had gotten sick and I wanted to spend more time with her. Which was true, but it wasn't the only reason. But I wasn't telling them that.

"I know Maryse." I said sitting back on the bench and putting my head in my hands. "Why should I tell him, it's not like he cares about me or he wouldn't have gone out and messed with Kaitlyn or AJ." I added.

"I know what Mike did was sick and fucked up, but he has the right to know that he is about to become a father." she told me. "He needs to be a man and if doesn't, I'm sure that there are several guys that are willing to do so.

"Your pregnant?" I head Eve say from the side of us. "So thats the reason why you quit cheerleading." she asked.

"Yes Eve." Maryse told her. "That is half of the reason, her mom is sick." she added.

I watched as Eve, Maryse, Maria, and Melina look at me. Eve and I had grown up together and were practically sisters. Which was why I knew when she found out that I had told Maryse that I was pregnant before her she would get mad. But Eve had her own problems to deal with between Ted and Cody and I didn't want to add to it.

"You told Maryse before me." Eve yelled at me. "How could you, I thought we were like sisters." she added yelling even louder.

"Eve please let me understand." I said standing up to look her dead in the eye. "I didn't want to add my problem with what you have going on between your brother and boyfriend." I told her.

"No Kelly that's fucked up." Melina said putting her hands on my shoulders ad pushing me back a bit. "How could you go and tell the biggest slut in school over your closest and longest friend." she added.

I couldn't believe that Melina had acually pushed me. Knowing that I wouldn't fight since I am pregnant. That was why she was never on the cheerleading team. She was to mean.

"If anyone is the bigges slut in school Melina, it's you." Eve said getting into her face. "Lets see, you messed with Dave, John Morrison, Phil Brooks, my brother, Kelly's brother and both Hardy brothers." she said to her. "So now who is the biggest slut in school." she added.

"Yeah well at least I was careful enough not to get pregnant by my cheating boyfriend." Melina said looking fom Eve to me. Then walking out of the class.

I couldn't believe that any of this was happing.

"Your what?" I heard him say.

I looked up to see Mike. He looked scared and shocked. And I really couldn't really blame him.

I couldn't stop the tears falling my eyes. This was not how I planned on telling him.

"Mike please." I said walking up to him. "I was going to tell you." I said to him.

"Save it Kelly." he said taking a step back from me. "I heard everything. You wasn't even going to tell me was you?" he asked me.

I put my head down in shame. I was going to tell him, but I wanted to wait until he was done with basketball season. Which would be over after tonight. But things don't always go the way we want.

"I was going to tell you tonight after the game. Mike I swaer I was. I just wanted you to have a clear head for the game tonight." I told him.

"There were several things you were good Kelly, but lying was nevr one of them." he said to me.

I watched, with tears in my heart and my heart shattering in millions of peices as he walked away.

I felt Maryse, Eve, and Maria surround me with their arms. And there was nothing I could do. Mike was pissed at me and probably wanted nothing to do with me. My brother was dead and my was dying. The only person I had left was my baby. A baby who wouldn't get to know their father, because I was an idiot. I knew aftre what just happened that I wouldn't be able to go to the game without disturbing Mike and making him lose the game. I would feel bad if that happened so I knew that I woudl have no choice but


I couldn't believe any of this was going on. Kelly was pregnant and had told me about it. I knew treating her the way I did was wrong. Exspecially since she didn't deserve any of it. She was the kindest most loving person I knew. And I had went out and cheated on her.

I couldn't believe how badly my life had spirled out of control. And I only had myself to blame.

"Yo Mike are you coming?" I heard my best friend, Alex ask walking up behind me.

I had known Alex for awhile now and he was the only person who knew exactly what happened beween Kelly and myself. Well out of my friends. I was pretty sure that Kelly had told Eve and Maryse.

"Yeah give me a minute." I told him.

I knew that instead of going to the game. For the state championship. I should going to find Kelly and tell her that everything will be alright. I really did love her, but I had screwed it up.

"You better hurry up or coach will be ma." he said to me.

"WILL YOU SHUT UP ALEX?" I sceamed at him.

"Mike man calm down." Ted said walking over to us.

"Don't tell me to calm down Ted." I said to him. "I pissed off and tired and I don't wanna listen to Alex's fucking crying." I shot at him.

"Look Mike I know your still pissed about the whole Kelly situation and all, but you need to get your head in the game man." Alex said. Apparetnyl not even paying any attention to what I just about him.

"Kelly's pregnant." i told them.

I coldn't hold it in any longer. They were my closest friends and I knew that I could trust them not to say anything.

"What?" Alex asked. "Dude are you serious?" Ted asked at the same time.

I didn't know what to say so all i did was shake my head. I knew I should talk about it, but with these two. At least not right now. The one person I should be talking about this right was probably on her way home. I knew she woulnd't be at the game. I knew she would think with her being there would be a distraction to me and cost me the game and she was probably right.

"Then what the fuck are you doing here?" Alex asked me. "You should be with Kelly." he added.

"Alex's right Mike." Ted told me. "She needs you more than the team does." he added.

I coulnd't what me ears were saying. Ted was all about the teand and doing whatever we can to win. So why was he trying to make me leave.

"I can't do that to them team." I said to him. "I will talk to Kelly aftre the game. Right now I need to focus on the championship." I told him.

"No what you really need to focus on is going to find Kelly telling her hat you still love her and do what you can to be back her in life and the life your child." Ted said to him. "The child that you and Kelly created."

Ted was right. We had won state championship year after year after year. I would never get another chance to be with Kelly and our baby again.

"Ted you are the man." I said giving him a hug.

"I know." he said to me.

"Now go get your girl and let us worry about the coach." Alex said.

I gave Alex a hug before running off to my car to head over to Kelly's. I hoped that she was home and not at the hospital right now. Thankfully when I pulled up to her house her car was in the drive. Along with hr step-brother Randy's car.

I had just gotten out of the car when Kelly walked out. She was no longer in her jean mini-skirt and pink top, but a black and white track suit.

"Mike what are you doing?" she asked walking up to you.

"Kelly baby I am sorry for everything I put you." I said looking into her eyes. "I will do whatever I have to do to prove to you and out baby that I am here, with you for good." I told her.

I watched as Kelly started to cry.

"Oh baby please don't cry." I said pulling her to me and wrapping my arms around her. "I am not trying to make you upset."

"Your not Mike." she said pulling back to look up at me. "You being here right now instead of the game proves that you do love me and our baby." she told me.

"And I will keep on proving to you and our baby that I love you both everyday." I said giving her a kiss.

I can not remember a day that I had been more happier than I am right now. I know there will be days to come that will make me happier, like seeing the birth of mine and Kelly's child. But for right now, I was exactly where I should have been along. In the arms of Kelly Cena.

Okay, so I have decided that instead of having upload all my OneShots onto my profile, that I will make a story out of them.

Next OneShot Request: RandyOrton/KellyKelly - dontwannagohomexx