"Um, Sawara-san?" Mogami Kyoko hesitantly inquired to draw the hassled man's attention.

"Yes, Mogami-san?" the older man replied without looking up from his desk which was piled so high it threatened a veritable paper-slide of mammoth proportions at any moment.

"Are you sure this it the right audition for me?"

Sawara glanced at the original member of the LoveMe section. He smiled softly at the humble young girl who had grown on him over the past year and a half. He still found her scary at times, but the talent division director found her acting skills almost unparalleled. He could count on one hand the actors and actresses currently working in Japan who he felt had as much raw potential.

"LME would not have recommended you for the part if we felt that you could not handle the challenge," Sawara replied earnestly.

Nervously, Kyoko gripped the recently reviewed movie script in her hands as she once more considered the opportunity to play not the antagonist but the protagonist in a dramatic thriller.

"Just do your best," counseled the experienced manager. "You'll be sure to impress them."