Kakashi resisted the urge to groan as something pulled at his nice, warm, soft blanket. He had just about almost fell asleep. He turned on his bedside lamp, and lazily opened the eye that was visible. He looked at the culprit. Big, dark, eyes stared back, tears falling from. There was two year old Sasuke, in his blue pajamas, with rubber duckies all over them. In one hand he was holding a toy puppy, and the other he held his dark blue blankie. Kakashi looked at the sight before him for a few seconds, then lifted the child off the ground and put him next to him.

"What's wrong Sasuke?" he asked, wiping away the tears that flowed of the chubby little cheeks.

"M-Monster." Sasuke said, as he got under the covers and hid underneath it. Kakashi smiled under the mask. He couldn't help it. This was just too…dare he say, cute.

"Monster? Where?"

"Under my b-bed." Sasuke said, as he peeked out from the covers.

"Hmm…want me to go beat him up?" Kakashi asked. The child looked at him, with tear stained cheeks, and nodded enthusiastically, his eyes now having pure adoration in them. Kakashi chuckled, as he lifted the kid up, and walked towards Sasuke's room. He opened the door and turned on the lights. He set little Sasuke on the floor, and walked towards the dark blue bed.

"Be careful…" whispered Sasuke as he held his blankie for dear life.

"I will." Kakashi said, and for effect he pulled out a kunai, to show he meant business. He bent down, and put his head to the floor, peering underneath the bed.

"Hmm…no monster here." he said, and stood up. Sasuke released the breath he was holding.

"….What if he went somewhere else?" Sasuke asked, and started moving his eyes all over the room.

"The only place he could've gone would be the closet. Let me check." Kakashi said, as he hoped this would ease the kid's fears, so he could go back to sleep. He opened the closet, and pretended to be pulled in. He closed the door, and heard Sasuke's yell,

"Daddy!". He knocked against the wall with his kunai a couple of time, so it would make a sound, then opened the closet door, fake- panting.

"Daddy!" Sasuke yelled again, as he ran towards him. Kakashi lifted him up again, and put him in his bed.

"I taught him a lesson he wouldn't forget. No monsters will be coming here ever." Kakashi said, as he tucked little Sasuke in.

"Daddy, you're the coolest!" Sasuke exclaimed. Kakashi chuckled and ruffled Sasuke's hair.

"Good night. Love you." he said.

"Love you too." Sasuke said, as he closed his eyes. Kakashi got up, and switched off the lights, and finally went to sleep.

The next night…

"Sasuke, I already told you the monsters won't bother you anymore." Kakashi said, eye twitching.

"It's not monsters! It's dead people!" Sasuke said, as he looked around the room paranoid.

"...Eh?" was Kakashi's reply.

"Uncle Minato let Naruto and me watch The Sixth Sense, it's terrible! Dead people are everywhere!"

"..." Kakashi made a mental note to kill his old sensei.