I just wanted to thank all of you who reviewed and stayed for this story for the past few days. I'm extremely grateful (:

Disclaimer: I own nothing…except for my OC's Helena Zabini, Astraea Malfoy, and Castor Malfoy.

This chapter is especially dedicated to my lovely beta, whose nickname is Rushmore, because she has helped me so much for this story. I love you, and thank you so much for all the help and inspiration! :D

"So that's how you and Dad got together?" Astraea asked, arching her eyebrow in disbelief.

I nodded curiously. "Yes, why?"

"Well…no offense Mum, but that's incredibly clichéd," she commented.

"Not to mention rather lame," Castor added.

I scoffed at my sixteen year old children. "Well, how did you two imagine your dad and me getting together?"

"Just not like that…your version sounds like one of those Muggle fairytales Grandma was always telling us about," Astraea said, shrugging her shoulders.

"What sounds like a Muggle fairytale?" a voice said from upstairs. I smiled as I saw my husband walking down to greet us. Scorpius's arm went around my shoulders and kissed my forehead.

"Us apparently," I said, staring pointedly at Castor and Astraea. They shifted around awkwardly and tried to avoid my gaze. "They wanted to know how we got together."

"Okay…now how the bloody hell does that sound like a fairytale? We spent half the time fighting!" Scorpius asked with a raised eyebrow. I slapped his arm and glared at him. "What was that for?"

"Don't curse in front of them!" I demanded.

"It's alright, Mum. It's nothing we haven't heard before," Castor said dismissively with a wave of his hand.

"Well I suppose not really a fairytale, per se, but…" Astraea tried to explain, ignoring the previous banter.

"Why do you want to know how your mum and I got together anyway?" Scorpius asked. His gaze wandered to Castor, who was staring at Astraea, who was trying to stare at anything but us.

"Tray, is there something you'd like to tell us?" I questioned with a smile. I stared at Scorpius, whose gaze all of a sudden hardened.

"No," she muttered quietly. She was staring at the couch before the silence was broken by her brother.

"If you're not going to tell them, then I will," he declared confidently.

"Tell us what, Castor?" Scorpius interrogated, getting impatient.

"Nothing, Dad!" Astraea protested.

"Astraea's dating Tom Abercrombie!" Castor said, ignoring Astraea's cries.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU CASTOR!" yelled Astraea, running after Castor. He immediately broke into a sprint and began to run around the house.

"That is enough!" I exclaimed in between their earsplitting accusations. I waved my wand at them and they instantly became silent. They were still glaring at each other when I lifted the spell from them.

"Thank you…okay, Astraea, you're dating Tom. That's fantastic. Don't you realize you could have just told us? It's not like we're mad at you."

"Oh yeah? Then where's Dad?" she asked, still looking at Castor angrily. I looked around to see that Scorpius had disappeared out of sight. I sighed, knowing that he of all people would overreact about this. He's a bloody good father but extremely overprotective.

I went upstairs and into our bedroom, knowing that he would be there with a glass of Firewhiskey in his hand. As I stepped in, I saw exactly what I had predicted.

I crawled onto the bed and wrapped my arms around him from behind. I kissed the nape of his neck and sighed. One of his hands enclosed around mine, which he brought to his lips in a short kiss.

"We both knew that his was going to happen eventually, love," I consoled. He let out a shaky breath and put the glass down.

"She's too young to have a boyfriend," he grumbled moodily.

"She was the same age as us," I noted lightly.

"We were seventeen, Astraea's only sixteen," he replied. I laughed into his shoulder and turned around to look at his face.

"And the day before we got together, I was sixteen, too," I laughed.

"Details, details…"

I leant forward and kissed his lips. "Look, Scorp, I'm just as upset as you are that Cast and Tray are growing up. I guess it's just time to face the music."

"I know…it's just that Astraea…she's my little girl," he said with a chuckle. "I can't stand it if someone took her away."

"See, this is how my dad felt when I started to go out with you. And soon enough, Castor is going to find a girl, too, and then… they're both going to be gone," I acknowledged sadly.

"And you're not disappointed by that?" he asked, astonished.

"Of course I am, but like I said, it was all going to happen eventually," I mused. Scorpius closed his eyes and sighed heavily.

"When did we get so old?" he groaned. I rolled my eyes and got up from the comfortable position.

"Come on, I think Astraea's still trying to kill Castor."

Scorpius laughed and took my hand. I led him downstairs to see Castor lying down on the couch with Astraea nowhere to be found.

"Where'd your sister go?" Scorpius asked from beside me.

"Her room," he responded. "She got all pissed and ran to her room. I think she's throwing a tantrum or something."

"Quick question…how long have they been together anyways?" Scorpius asked.

"Since Halloween I think…yeah, since Halloween," Castor confirmed after mulling it over. "Look, Dad, I know you don't want Tray to go out with anybody…but Tom's my best mate. He's liked her for a few years now."

I smiled at Castor and ruffled his blond hair. He rolled his bright blue eyes and bade us goodnight.

"Wanna go talk to Tray?" I asked Scorpius. He let out a deep breath and nodded. He took my hand and followed me to our daughter's room.

When I stepped in, she was just lying on her bed, her one gray and one blue eye unblinking. Instead of being filled with anger, it seemed as though she had passed from that and was now quite calm and collected.

"Hi," I greeted. Astraea's eyes lingered over to us and she sat up, lifting her eyebrow.

"Dad, if you're angry, then just get on with it. I can take it," Astraea said, bracing herself. She was taken slightly off guard when Scorpius and I sat on her bed, not yelling at her.

"I'm not mad," he admitted. Astraea shot him a disbelieving look and he crumbled under her gaze. How pathetic. "Okay, I'm a little bit mad."

"Mum, Dad, I—"

"If you're going to say that Tom is a good guy, Castor already drilled us with it. And besides, we've known him ever since he became friends with Cast," Scorpius explained.

Astraea began to smile at us. She ran her hand through her blond hair, a habit she'd picked up from her father, and kissed us each on the cheek. "I love you."

"You better," Scorpius mumbled into her hair. "If you didn't, I'd never allow you to date Tom."

"Goodnight Dad," she laughed as she nudged us outside.

"You're right, you know," Scorpius said as we were heading towards our bedroom. I turned around and stared at him curiously.

"Well, I'm always right. But what am I right about this particular time?"

Scorpius sighed and wrapped his arms around me. "Boys are idiots."


That sucked…like…yeah. It sucked as much as how hot Tom Felton is…so that's a lot.

Oh yeah, speaking of Tom Felton, go vote for him at www. teenchoiceawards. com (remove spaces of course) for Best Villain! And remember, Draco got hugged by old Voldy, so I think he deserves this award, dontcha think? ;) I've made like three accounts so I could vote for him :D And Darren Criss…GO VOTE FOR HIM TOO :O Because that would make you supermegafoxyawesomehot, and totally awesome. So go and be totally awesome.

And thanks so much for reading this story! :D It means a lot to know that people actually read my rather shitastic writing :b

OKAY! I do believe that's enough…So all in all, go vote for the TCA's, review this story, go stalk DCriss, and go kiss a Tom Felton poster. I bet he appreciates it :D


Love lovezz,
Kick (: