It's late and I'm feeling so tired
Having trouble sleeping
This constant compromise
Between thinking and breathing
Trouble Sleeping – Corinne Bailey Rae


"Addie" Meredith whispered as she shook Addison's arm lightly "Addison" she said shaking it a little harder.

"What?" Addison mumbled into her pillow.

"I can't sleep"

"And that's a good excuse to wake me up because…."

"Because it's your damn baby kicking me in the ribs and keeping me awake" Meredith said nudging her "Wake up and talk to me"

"It's 2:30 in the morning" Addison groaned as she rolled onto her back "Why is it my fault? It's in your body" she said with a slight laugh.

"Since it started kicking me in the ribs to keep me awake" Meredith said simply.

"Just try and relax Mer" Addison said rubbing her bump gently, resting her cheek against it, her eyes slowly closed.

"Don't fall asleep on me" Meredith said pushing her head with her fingertips.

"Mer" Addison groaned "I have to be up at 5, I have a whole day of surgery, I know you can't sleep but I can and…."

"Surgery is more important than me and the baby?" Meredith finished tearfully "Fine!" she said loudly, she climbed out of the bed and slipped on her slippers, she grabbed a blanket from the chair by the window and stormed down the stairs, Addison left her for a minute before following, she found her on the porch swing outside.

"I'm sorry" Meredith mumbled "I know that's not true"

"I know" Addison said softly, she sat down next to her and wrapped an arm around her back, her other hand coming to Meredith's bump as she kissed her temple gently "I know a hormonal Mommy when I see one"

"It's just, it's been every night for a week, and I've tried not to wake you but, but it's been a week and I just, needed you" Meredith said quietly.

"Oh honey you should've said something sooner" Addison said softly "We could try some things to help"

"I know" Meredith sighed "You've just had a lot on your mind and I didn't, I didn't want to bother you"

"Meredith, you should know by now that if ever you, or this baby needs me, I'll be there" Addison said linking their fingers together and bringing them to Meredith's bump "You are my family, my future wife and child, and I love you, that means I'll be there ok? I promise"

"Thank you" Meredith said kissing her softly "Your future wife and child appreciate it"

"Good" Addison said with a laugh "Now come on, how about we go back upstairs, and I give you a massage?"

"That sounds great" Meredith smiled "I love you too" she whispered against her mouth, Addison kissed her once more before they headed back up to their bedroom.

"Here" Addison said taking Meredith's pregnancy pillow from the closet "I know you hated it at first but it might help now"

"Ok" Meredith sighed, she took it from her and put it on the bed, curling herself around it, Addison brought her hands to Meredith's back and massaged it from the top of her shoulders to the bottom of her spine, Meredith let out a content sigh and snuggled further into the pillow.

"Is that better honey?" Addison asked softly.

"Mmhmm" Meredith nodded before yawning.

"I have to go in tomorrow, but I'm going to talk to the Chief and take a couple of days off, I'm sorry I haven't been around much Mer"

"No, I'm sorry, I've been grouchy, you have to work Addie, the more you work now the more time you can take off when the baby's here"

"Just a couple of days, I'm gonna stay home and look after you" Addison whispered as she kissed her neck "And promise me, that if something's wrong you tell me right away"

"I promise" Meredith mumbled tiredly.

"Just relax" Addison said as she continued to massage her slowly, before she knew it Meredith was snoring lightly, Addison kissed her shoulder gently before getting herself comfortable and falling asleep.

The End.