This is my take on POTC: DMC and AWE. (which belongs to Disney and Jerry Bruckheimer and all that. Not mine. Unfortunately.) this does have some quotes that I lifted from the movie which doesn't belong to me as I said a moment ago so don't bloody sue me! Anyway It's been floating around my head for a couple of months now. This will be a Sparrabeth not for Will haters. He won't be a bad guy in this at all. Just an occasional annoyance, like always. Enjoy!

Elizabeth watched Jack giving his ship a longing and loving goodbye. She felt herself doing the same. She had come to love the Black Pearl as much as Jack and Barbossa. As Jack had said, The Pearl was more than a ship, she was freedom. It was the freedom that Elizabeth had longed for her entire life. And now thanks to Davy Jones's she was loosing the Pearl. She had been furious at Jack for leaving them to fight the Kraken alone, but the moment she saw his face at the top of the stairs all her anger had been negated, her faith and trust in Jack restored. He saved Will from being eaten and was abandoning his ship. She watched him sadly trying to think of what to say. She could hear the crew piling into the long boat. She hated to leave the Pearl like this, but she knew they had to.

"Thank you Jack." Elizabeth said feeling it needed to be said.

"We're not free yet, love." Jack spoke turning to face her

"You came back." She stepped closer to him feeling the heat rising from his chest. "I always knew you were a good man."

She hesitated studying Jack's face, stepping closer. She saw his eyes flash darker before her own slipped closed. Elizabeth pressed her lips to Jack's. She had dreamed of truly kissing Jack Sparrow since she first read about him as a child. He was the representation of everything that had ever been important to her. He had saved her life and set her free. His constant flirtation had made this kiss an inevitability and now to have it at last at the end of all things….His mouth fit perfectly with hers. He tasted like rum and the sea and something so completely Jack; spicy and exotic.

"Prepare to cast off! Come on will step to!"

Gibbs shout seemed far away as she pushed Jack gently against the mast, never breaking from his lips. Their kiss was full of passion and promises. Burning with the pent up frustration that had developed over the time they had known each other. Filled what could have been if she wasn't engaged to Will and if they weren't about to be eaten. She pulled back from the kiss and met Jack's bright, vivid brown, kohl lined eyes.

"It's after me not the ship, love." Jack said with a smile and signature smirk that never completely reached his eyes.

"I'm staying with you." Elizabeth whispered pressing her forehead to Jack's.

She kept her eyes closed knowing what he was going to say next and fearing it.

"No your not, love. This is the only way don't you see?"

Elizabeth felt the tears spring to her eyes. Jack pressed a kiss to her lips.

"Go. I'll be fine." Jack spoke quietly and pushed her gently off his chest. Elizabeth nodded without looking up. She turned and had barely walked two steps before throwing herself in Jack's arms for a final passionate kiss.

"Pirate." Jack spoke smiling at her before she ran to climb down to the long boat.

Some how Elizabeth found her self plopping down in the long boat. She was starting to feel sick. Her stomach clenching and her fists closing and opening trying to convince herself that climbing back up to be with Jack was a bad idea.

"Where's Jack?" Will asked her acidly.

Elizabeth took a deep breath before turning to her fiancée. Her mind reeling at the thought. The rest of the crew's eyes on her set her skin crawling.

"He elected to stay behind to give us a chance," She said quickly looking away from Will.

No one moved except to glance back up the ladder to see if Jack was coming.

"Go!" Elizabeth shouted.

They cast off and rowed quickly away from the side of the Black Pearl. Elizabeth couldn't look back at the ship. She couldn't bring herself to think of Jack being there by himself. They had rowed quite a distance before the sound to the Kraken's tentacles wrapping around the ship. She took one glance back at the first sound of the sides of ship giving way before immediately looking away. Elizabeth felt cold and lost. Convinced she had felt the moment when Jack was swallowed by Davy Jones's monster. Elizabeth felt turned inside out, she wrapped her arms around herself as if trying to keeps her innards from spilling out upon the floor of the long boat. Her eyes were prickling with unshed tears. She could allow herself to cry with Will sitting there, with the crew feeling as lost as she did without their Captain. She had lost the Pearl. She had lost Jack. She wiped her cheek as one burning hot tear escaped. She didn't speak a word to anyone. Not that a single word was spoken in the long boat. They rowed slowly through the growing dark to Tia Dalma's home. There were hundreds of candles being lit for the passage of Jack Sparrow. Elizabeth barely gave them a glance. She hadn't unwrapped her arms from tightly around her. Will had tried but she had fought him off. It was the most emotion he had seen out her since the Pearl sank. She knew Will kept shooting suspicious glances at her but she couldn't care less. The crew had all gathered inside and were sitting without speaking Tai Dalma came in with a tray full of tankards of rum. She approached Elizabeth first.

"Against the cold and the sorrow," she spoke placing the tankard in front of Elizabeth.

She glance up too see the look of pity in Tai Dalma's eyes. Elizabeth quickly looked away and picked up her drink. She tipped it back fully intending to drink the lot. The scent of rum hit her nose. The sadness washed over her quickly and completely, deeper than it had before. It smelled of Jack. She put it down quickly and her arms wrapped back around her. Her breathing felt jagged and difficult. She could feel Will's eyes on her but she refused to look at him.

"It's a shame, you're thinking that with the pearl you could fight the devil and free your father's soul," Tai Dalma said as she placed a drink in front of Will.

"It doesn't matter now the Pearl is gone along with its captain," Will said taking a drink.

"Aye," Gibbs spoke taking his drink, turning from the window. "And already the world seems less bright. He fooled us all right till the end but I guess that honest side won out."

Elizabeth clenched her eyes closed quickly to stop her tears from building. The truth of what she had lost clawing at her gut.

Gibbs raised his glass.

"To Jack Sparrow!"

"Ain't no one like Captn' Jack," Ragetti said dejectedly raising his glass.

"He was gentleman of fortune he was," Pintel followed up.

"He was a good man," Elizabeth whispered.

She needed to say something out loud. She couldn't find the strength to raise her glass. Will looked over at her. Seeing how broken she looked was so difficult.

"If there was anything that could be done to bring him back.." Will spoke with pity and sympathy.

Elizabeth's head snapped up, she tried to give Will a small smile but it must have come out as a grimace.

"Elizabeth.." Will started to stand to go to her.

"Would you do it?" Tai Dalma spoke suddenly looking at Will closely. "Would you? What would any of you be willing to do? Would you sail to the ends of the earth and beyond to fetch back Witty Jack and the precious Pearl?"

Elizabeth felt as if she had punched in the stomach. Get Jack back? Was it even possible?

"Aye." said Gibbs with no hesitation.


"Aye" followed up Pintel and Ragetti.

"Yes," Elizabeth spoke, An ember of hope, however small ignited in her heart.

Tai Dalma was looking at Elizabeth as if she saw how much truth was truly behind the 'yes.'

"Aye," spoke Will realizing now how much he missed the older pirate.

"Alright," Tai Dalma spoke, with a smile growing on her face. "But if your going to brave the weird and haunted shores at World's End, then you will need a captain who knows those waters."

There was the sound of heavy footsteps coming down the steps. The crew drew closer together to see who it was. Elizabeth felt her jaw drop when she recognized who it was.

"So tell me, what's become of my ship?" Hector Barbossa asked, taking a huge bite from a green apple. Juice dripped down his beard as Jack the Monkey shrieked at the gathered crowd.