A/N: So...I decided to write a "Cabbie" fanfic because I love these two! It's not like me to write any other fanfiction couples besides Degrassi, but come on! I gave in. So now on to the story, but first...

Disclaimer: I do not own Victorious

Cat's POV

There he goes again. Walking around like there's nothing between us. I just know there is! I mean everyone can see it. Everyone always thinks Robbie and I are together or say that we should be, and he brushes it off and says he and I are "just friends" but I know he knows there's something between us.

Robbie's POV

Every time I walk past Cat or at least see her I get butterflies in the pit of my stomach. She's just so beautiful and she doesn't even know how much I like her. Oh no I see her staring at me again. I don't know if I should go over and talk to her or just ignore her and walk away. She acts so weird around me sometimes...almost like she likes me, but that's impossible because a girl like her would never like a guy like me. Right?

Cat's POV

I can't tell if he's gonna come over here or not...but if he is I better prepare. I opened my locker quickly and fixed my hair and applied more lipgloss. I felt a presence beside me and looked over to see Tori. I smiled and said, "Hey Tori! What's up." I tried to seem like my normal giddy self. "Hey Cat. Ooh you look like your trying to look cute for a special boy. So who is he?" Must she really know!

"Nope. There's no boy." "Oh okay. Whatever you say. Well I gotta go. See you later?" "You betcha." With that she left. Thank God. I thought she was gonna find out about Robbie.

Robbie's POV

Just as I was about to go talk to Cat, Tori just had to go and talk to her before me. So I just turned around and started walking towards the exit, but before I left I had to look at how beautiful Cat was. If only she was mine. Life would be complete. One can only wish.

Cat's POV

As soon as Tori left I looked to see if Robbie was still here. He wasn't. Which makes me very disappointed, but what can you do? All I wanted to do was simply talk to him before he left school for the day...and see his adorable face. I love nerds. As I was walking to the exit Jake, this really cute guy, but so not my type stopped me.

"Hey Cat." His dimples are so cute! Especially when he smiles. "You have cute dimples." Did I really just say that out loud? I think I did. Oops. "Ugh...thanks. Anyway are you doing anything this weekend?" Is he seriously asking me out? "No. Why?"

"I thought you and I could do something together. Like go see a movie or something." I seriously wish this was Robbie asking me out and not Jake. No matter how cute Jake is, he will never amount to Robbie. But since Robbie doesn't seem to be showing interest in me I guess I'll have to go with my second choice, Jake. "Uh...sure. Just pick me up at 8:00 Friday night." "Cool. See you then...?" "Of course." And with that Jake left.

This is gonna be a long two days before my date with Jake. And now all my friends are gonna get on my case about this date. As soon as I got outside the first thing I saw was Robbie and a girl named, Clare. I felt my heart wrench up in pain. I felt like I was gonna cry right then and there. I think Robbie saw a little glimpse of me. I just walked away and went home. My new mission is to avoid Robbie until Monday.

Robbie's POV

Once I got outside this really cute girl named Clare came up to me. She was a little nerdy, but she dressed like Tori. We were talking about weekend plans and she asked me if I wanted to go to the movies on Friday. I would've never guessed Clare would ever ask me out, but whatever at least I know one girl likes me for me. If only it was Cat. Well Clare will have to do for now. We're going to the movies at 8:00 P.M. On Friday. We're going to see Harry Potter. I can't wait! It's gonna be so fun. I still wish I was going with Cat...

A/N: So how was it? Do you like it so far? Please review and tell me what you think. It is going to be a multi-chapter fic so no worries. Cat and Robbie will interact soon. =) Alright well I'm out considering it's almost 3 A.M.