First things first. I want to get this out of the way before I forget.

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson, or any of its content. The characters in this story are not mine, except for Ashlynn and Astra. The original idea is Rick Riordan's, but the twist is mine. I never did, do not, and never will make any profit for this work of fiction; it is just for the entertainment of the readers.

Now that that's over, onto the stuff you guys will just skip over anyways. This first chapter is just like an introduction. I started writing out the first chapter, then when I was all but done with it, decided I wanted to give myself a chance to get my three new Demigods a chance to be created by other members, and I also wanted to give an overview of what had happened to the world. Some of the detail has been left out, because they will come into play in later chapters, like the new Colosseum. It's also really short, but the other chapters will be longer.

The characters in this story are the characters created from my other story, Demigod Creation Centre.

It had been about fifteen years since the fall of Olympus. The Gods were scattered, unable to defeat their greatest adversary, their very own parentage. In fifteen years, the world had been rendered defeated. Buildings were destroyed, the first to go the Empire State Building, shredding the link between the world of mortals and immortals. Monsters ran freely across the land, killing whatever and wherever they could. Humans, a race that had survived wars, plagues, fires, floods, and other natural disasters was a dying breed. They became prey for the monsters, or entertainment for the Titans. A makeshift Colosseum had been built, grander and more gruesome than the first.

Pam would have been devastated. If the Lord of the Wild thought the humans were a destructive force, he would have been devastated had he seen what the Titans had done to the world. Trees were burned, and the only evidence of their life were the charred remains, stumps on the ground. The animals that had once flourished across many lands were now all but extinct, searching for food that didn't exist. The carnivores were the ones who survived at all. When meat littered the ground, they didn't go hungry.

The land was devastated, a barren wasteland. The few humans who survived were living in caves, fearing the monsters they now knew existed. When the Titans defeated the Olympians, the Mist, the one thing that shielded the Mortals from seeing the world as it really was, had been lifted, and once everyone saw the people they had called friends, classmates, teachers, neighbors for what they were, panic and chaos had set in.

During the beginning of their reign, the Titans had deemed Demigods 'bringers of hope' and had them hunted to the point of extinction. With the death of the last Demigod, hope for the world had been lost. This new era was known as 'the Titans Reign.'

Little did the Titans know however, the Gods still had hope. Before they fell, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades made a pact. With the powers of the Sky, the Sea, and the Earth, the three together would shield the Demigods who were too young to see a monster. Children from the age of newborn to three.

These children are the only hope for the world that once was.