Okay, a couple things

1. I owe this chapter to frostytrish she's my amazing best friend and the best beta ever for me while I was freaking the fuck out while writing this XD

2. For all of those who voted on that poll forever ago, you know the one about Mika chan's cute little personality challenge, well, it's happening! I was so happy to finally be able to write Mikado like this~

3. ... Okay, so I finally wrote my first lemon ... in this chapter. And I have no idea if I did well or screwed it up royally, so, when it gets to that part, please keep that in mind, I would greatly appreciate pointers and tips and just criticism of any sort, just tell me what I did wrong or right or whatever.

Alright, onto the chapter! I love you all~

~ Evi

Months had passed, and by now Kida and Anri knew something was wrong, really wrong. They knew that Mikado was in trouble, knew that they probably couldn't help, but what made it worse was that Mikado still wouldn't tell them what was going on. More episodes like that first day back after Mikado had moved had occurred several more times. And Slowly but surely their already quiet friend had started retreating into himself. He hardly spoke to them anymore, and he would always go straight to the station after school. He still sat with them on the roof at lunch. He still answered when people spoke to him, but he never started the conversations himself.

Worse yet; the Dollars had been more active as of late. Kida didn't know what to do. He really was scared for his best friend, but how could he help when he didn't even know what he needed to do? He had tried trailing the boy a couple of times, but he'd obviously been spotted since Mikado had lost him in a matter of minutes each time.

"Hey, Mikado, wanna hang out after school today?" Masaomi asked hopefully as he took a bite of his lunch. Mikado had taken to skipping school lately too, he never knew when the brunette would show up, and it seemed that his frantic texts and calls went ignored as the incidents became more frequent. The first time had scared the shit out of him. Mikado was such a serious student, he just didn't understand how he could have willingly ditched. He'd NEVER done that before. It wasn't in his character, it wasn't possible … and it seriously scared him … watching Mikado change … become someone different … morphing into something he didn't recognize.

"I can't." The light in Mikado's eyes was different now too.

"Why won't you tell us what's going on?"

"Nothing is going on."

"I call bullshit! You're not you anymore Mikado. You don't talk to us anymore, you never hang out. I feel like I don't even know you anymore! What the hell's happened to you?!" Masaomi was quiet for a while after his outburst, just waiting for Mikado to reply.

"You really want to know?"


"Really? You want me to tell you everything that's been going on with me?"

" … Yes. I want to know what's wrong with you."

Mikado looked around blandly, not entirely sure what he was going to say. "Do you remember life back in Saitama, Kida kun?"

"Yeah. Boring. That's why I left."

"Yes. Now imagine you were me, alright?" Mikado looked up to Masaomi, locking eyes with him. Kida knew his past, knew it all too well. All the times that Mikado hadn't been able to do anything. All the times he had been too sick or too frail to go on the school trips or participate in the festivals or anything else. He knew that life for Mikao had been even more monotonous than it had been for him. "Now, imagine, me, coming from Saitama, having never left his home town before … coming here, of all places, to Ikebukuro. What must that feel like Kida kun?"

" … Overwhelming?"

"No. Exciting. It was a thrill, I had never experienced anything like this before. It was dangerous, is was terrifying, it was amazing, and I absolutely loved every last little bit of it!"

"I don't see where this is going."

"And all of those people you introduced me to." Mikado set his glass of milk down on the cement and placed both his hands behind him, supporting him as he leaned back to smile up into the warm sun, eyes closed in pure bliss as he ignored Kida's statement.

"Mikado kun, what does this have to do with what's been going on with you lately?" Anri asked gently.

"Everything. It has everything to do with what's going on. It's the sole reason it's even happening to begin with. I needed the excitement, I loved it, I thrived on it." He smirked, and Masaomi's blood instantly ran cold as that smirk, on different lips, flashed across his mind.

"No. Please. No."

"He may not have known it at the time, but moving here was the single most brilliant idea he ever had." Mikado sighed quietly, breathing in the fresh air deeply.

" … Mikado kun, what exactly does that mean?" Anri asked carefully, her eyebrows knit together in mild confusion.

"Ne, Anri chan, do you ever get tired of lying to everyone?" Mikado's eyes opened as he leveled a look on her that neither of his friends could really name, though he seemed more bored than anything else. There was a sense of danger that Kida couldn't quite place as he watched the interaction.

"I don't know what you mean Mikado ku-"

"You're the slasher aren't you?" Anri's eyes widened just a bit before she returned to her normal look of stoicism.

"I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about."

"Oh yeah?" Mikado closed his eyes again as that damnable smirk came back. "If you insist Miss. Saika." only chuckling slightly as Anri got up to leave, clearly not enjoying the conversation any longer.

"What the hell Mikado?"

"You mean you didn't know?" He shrugged, his head lolling to the side as he opened his eyes again, lazily focusing on Kida. "Though, on the other hand, I suppose it was a rather well-kept secret. More so than your own, that's for sure Kida kun." The smirk widened to the point where Masaomi could see his friend's teeth now and a cold chill ran up his spine.

"Get back to what you were saying before." He growled. Even if Mikado thought he knew his secrets, even if he really did … Kida didn't want to know that he knew.

"As you wish." Mikado sighed. "Do you remember all those things you told me to stay away from when I got here Kida kun?"

"Of course. And for your own good too."

"For my own good huh? I'm not entirely sure you really know what's "for my own good" or not. Why should I avoid what is the most exciting part of this city? The Color gangs. The people."

"How much time are you really spending with Izaya? Because just a few months ago, you would never have said any of that just now." Masaomi glared.

"Hmm, maybe not, but then again, a few months ago I had just been given the right push."


"It really is all your fault Kida kun. Well, if you want to assign blame anyway." Mikado pushed himself upward till he was sitting back upright with his head hanging slightly forward, his hair a mess, covering his eyes. It was then that masaomi was glad they were alone on the roof today.

"My fault?! How can that-"

"Ne, Masaomi kun, you look really cute when you're upset like that~." He smiled. It was kinda creepy the way he was able to bounce back and forth between personalities. Kida backed away a bit as Mikado seemed to be inclined to crawl towards him.

"D-Dude, stop it, okay, that's not funny. I'm being serious here and all you're doing is fooling around!" Mikado gave a slight pout at that, seemingly hurt by his words.

"What do you mean, that's quite rude Masaomi?" there was a pause and then he seemed to revert back to his earlier persona. Masaomi wasn't sure which one scared him more, but at least this Mikado wasn't hitting on him.

"Catching on yet Kida kun~?" Mikado chuckled.

"Catching on?! The only thing I'm catching onto it that you need more help than I originally thought! Mikado, tell me; what's going on with you?!"

"Hmm, I wonder how long it'll take him." he murmured to himself, smirking just a bit. "Your friends are just not all that bright, are they?" He chuckled. Masaomi was now utterly confused.

"What? Who the hell are you talking to? Wait, no, finish first, then tell me."

"Ah, well, think about it. I was just so bored back home, it was like drowning you know, and then I get here. To this wonderful city where anything and everything can, and does, happen." He picked up his forgotten glass of milk and took a drink, slowly. "If it helps at all, I really did intend to listen to you … but then I got a taste of it you see. Of course, I was bound to ignore some of those ridiculous rules anyway, I mean really. I couldn't just-"

"They weren't ridiculous, they were there to keep you safe. Who and what I told you to stay away from were dangerous!"

"So you wanted me to leave you?"


"Yellow Scarves was on that list, I could have followed that one pretty easily once I found out, but I didn't. You're his best friend after all."


"Of course he wouldn't have listened, maybe though. And then there was Shizuo san and Izaya san." That laugh again. It scared him, almost as much as Mikado was scaring him now. "Why didn't you want me to meet them? Sure, Shizuo is a bit violent sometimes, and Izaya crippled your girlfriend, but really, I get such a rush being with them. It's like nothing you could ever imagine." A breathy chuckle. "He doesn't want me to tell you. He's scared you'll leave him." he seemed to glare at something, but it wasn't Kida, just over his shoulder maybe, a growl like sound coming from his throat. "No. You had your fun."

"Mikado?" Masaomi's voice was shaky as he reached out to his friend, hesitating for a moment before committing to it fully and touching Mikado on the shoulder. Mikado looked to him, then to his hand and Masaomi had half a mind to pull his hand back before Mikado's own hands came up to his head, a chorus of "No no no" spewing from his mouth. "Mikado? Mikado are you okay?" Kida was hesitant to place his other hand on him as well, but figured that it was okay for now and grabbed the brunette's other shoulder and then faced him forward, one hand propping his chest back into a proper sitting position, the other reaching for his face to make his friend face him again.

"Mikado, what's wrong? What's going on?"

"I can't tell you." Mikado's eyes were closed tight. "he almost told you, I can't tell you, Kida kun, I'm sorry!" He made to try and get up to leave, but the blonde wasn't having it. The two just stayed there, even as the bell rang signaling the end of lunch. Masaomi wasn't going anywhere till he got an answer."

"What do you mean "he"? You said you would tell me what was going on with you, but every time you start you stop and each time makes less sense!"

"Get over yourself, *Shuyou and tell him!" - "I don't want to tell him, he can't know, it was a promise!" - "It's as easy as saying it out loud;" - "No." - "I'm living with Izaya Orihara." Both Masaomi and Mikado held their breath after the last words were said. Just letting them float there. Masaomi was the first to speak after a minute or so had gone by.

"You're … living with him?! … No. Never mind that, what the hell just happened?!"

"I- I don't kn-" - "Shut up Shuyou, quit stalling and just tell him already." - "Stop that!" Mikado shouted angrily. A chilling chuckle came from Mikado's lips as he seemed to calm down. - "You're just pissed because you can't keep control of your own body. Come on, just relax, when have I ever let you down, hmm? … That's what I thought, just go to sleep already."


"Yeah?" The tone was dangerous, it didn't sound like Mikado at all, but sure enough, it was Mikado's voice and it was coming from Mikado's lips … but from what he had just witnessed …

"Are you really Mikado?" Mikado's body just started to shake as laughter erupted from him.

"Yeah, I'm still him. Just a better version. Kinda like, Mikado 2.0." He smirked.

"Yeah, well … I want the old Mikado back, what'd you do to him?" "I knew it; alien's. That's the only explanation!" being the only thing to run through his mind.

"I didn't do anything to him, he's simply asleep." Mikado 2.0 shrugged not seeming too perturbed by the idea that there were two of him. "Knowing you, you're probably off in your own little world coming up with outlandish theories, aren't you?"

"No I'm not, and they aren't outlandish! You're not Mikado so don't pretend you are, stupid alien."

"Alien?" Mikado's eye twitched a bit. "You're such a dumbass, why does he put up with you? Ne, Shuyou, I know you're faking it, that you can hear me, are you sure you don't want me to kill him?"

"K-kill me?!" Kida stiffened a bit, not entirely sure what was going on, but knowing enough that he didn't like it. "Well, if you're not an Alien, I'm blaming Izaya for it all. Stupid Bastard probably doing experimental tests on you in your sleep or something."

"Well, you could blame him for the other one, but, me, I've always been here. This is just the first I've been able to get out on my own for a long period of time, and I quite like it. I think I'll stay too. We thrive in this sort of environment. It's like I was saying before; We did it because we were bored." He smirked. "We needed the excitement, the fear, the thrills, all of it. I suppose a term you'd accept would be 'Adrenaline junkie' but even that's not quite right. Close enough though." He sighed after a moment. "Fine, I'll let you take over for a bit if you're sure that's what you really want."

"What?" without warning Mikado slumped forward against Kida's chest, staying there for a moment before he began to sit back up. The look in his eyes was something Kida had never wanted to see on him. Regret, fear, anger, shame, confliction. It was all too much for them both.

"I'm sorry Masaomi …" Mikado's hands fisted the fabric of Masaomi's signature jacket as he had taken off his blazer before lunch already, desperately needing something to hold onto.

" … I'm still a little confused … Mikado, what's going on with you? And how long have you been living with Izaya?"

" … Since I moved out."

"You said you could handle whatever it was you had -

"I didn't get myself into anything I can't handle … after all, there are three of me, I should be able to handle anything." He mumbled, averting his eyes as he went to stand up. The comment was just enough to stun Kida for long enough to untangle his fingers from the hoodie, and get halfway back across the roof.

"Wait, Three?!" and with that outburst, Mikado was gone, off the roof and back into the school.

"Ne~ Namie chan, have you noticed Mikado kun's weird behaviour lately?" It was only an off handed comment, something to pass the time. Izaya got bored easily and lately his precious human's weren't quite enough to entertain him. After all, there was only one human in particular that stood above all the rest, one human that Izaya even remotely cared about. Mikado Ryuugamine.

"I had almost thought that you'd missed it." Namie chided as she walked back into the spacious room with a stack of paperwork that needed the informant's attention. As the papers made contact with the desk on the other side of his monitor, Izaya's nose crinkled.

"Don't be stupid Namie san, I notice everything."

"You didn't notice you were in love with a minor, a male minor at that." the smirk in her voice didn't go unnoticed as Izaya shot a glare her way.

"It's not," a sigh, "okay, it is. But really, who wouldn't love him? He's smart and brave, and cunning, he's like a snake! … and he's home early." He added as he glanced to the screen showing Mikado on the doorstep, getting out his keys to go inside the building. "We'll have to finish this talk later."

"No, I am not going to put up with a mopey sexually depraved moronic you, for another day. I'll send him off somewhere, but you are going to come up with a way to get out of this rut you've been in." Namie glared at Izaya before grabbing a piece of blank paper and a pen from his desk and scribbling a few things down. once satisfied with her piece of paper, she set the pen down and took the paper with her as she went to the door just as Mikado was walking in.

"Hello Namie san." Mikado grumbled, in the process of taking off his left shoe.

"You're back early."

"I left. Kida kun hates me now."

"Well that sucks, but if you're here; make yourself useful. I was going to go shopping for the groceries now, but I have a lot of work here still. So, you go." She thrust the piece of paper into the boy's hand and then a credit card after fishing through a cabinet close to the door for a moment. Mikado was quiet for a second, then sighed and sat down to put his shoe back on.


"Good. Now, you'll have to go to Ikebukuro for a lot of it because the shops here in Shinjuku don't have the right brand. Also, you're on dinner tonight, so anything you want to make, pick that up too." Since the boy had started living with Izaya they had started to split cooking dinner three ways, and slowly but surely, Izaya had noticed that Mikado and Namie were starting to form a sort of unsteady relationship. Neither liked, nor trusted the other, but there seemed to be an unspoken truce for when they were in Izaya's home. He wasn't sure if it was a good thing, or a bad thing, but as long as Mikado wasn't worrying about Namie killing him, Izaya was a happy man.

"Okay, did Nii san want anything else?" As time had passed it had become easier for Mikado to use the ridiculous nickname that the broker had forced on him, and after two weeks of being corrected, he'd simply stopped caring. It wasn't all that bad now, and it didn't seem to rile the informant up anymore, he supposed it was because he'd stopped fighting it.

"Just get what's on the list." Mikado looked the list over and then blushed.

"Namie san, I don't think c-condoms are part of dinner."

"Are you questioning my list?" her tone left no room for argument. So, Mikado didn't press it.

"No Ma'am."

"Good. Now go, before I make you spend your own money on the groceries." Once his shoes were back on, Mikado was pushed back towards the door and kicked out of the flat completely. Sighing, he looked the rest of the list over before leaving for the store.

"Well, that works too I guess." Izaya commented blandly as his secretary came back in.

"He'll take twenty minutes just to muster up the courage to ask someone about condoms, so even if he's the fastest shopper in the world, we'll still have at least an hour for you to get over yourself and make a plan of action, because frankly, you're being ridiculous. And this, coming from a woman who hates you, should make you realize just how juvenile you're being."

Izaya chuckled, well, at least it was never a dull moment with Namie Yagiri as his secretary.~ But entertainment came at a price it seemed.

"And what do you suppose I do Namie san, push him down on the couch and have my way with him whether he likes it or not?" there was a glare in his eyes, not for Namie, but more the mere idea of what he was asking was absolutely repulsive. Sure, he was all for pain and torture and testing his precious human's limits. But Mikado was different. Mikado was the Persephone to his Zeus, she was the beautiful goddess of innocence, and the ruler of the underworld, it somehow fit Mikado quite well. While he himself, was the greatest of the great, the mighty and powerful supreme ruler of the gods. Theirs was a beautiful relationship, … well minus the father daughter part … and the rape part, okay, maybe that was a bad comparison. He'd have to read more into Greek mythology to see if there was anything better. His musings were cut short as Namie spoke again;

"If that's what it takes to get you out of your little pity party, yes."

"I can't rape Mikado, Namie."

"I doubt it'd turn out as rape. He's gotten more compliant with you lately, I bet if you said it was an order, and reminded him that he has to listen to you, if he fought back, he'd go along with it."

"Yes, but that brings us back to my original question. He's been acting strange lately. I'm starting to wonder if he's Bi-polar with all the mood swings going on with him. Though his medical records don't show any signs of it …" Izaya sighed. "I want him to want it too."

"Face it, that's not going to happen. He may not like you, but you've got the most access to him, so make him want you." She turned to go back to work then stopped, turned around for a moment and spoke again. "Don't think this means I like you, it just means you're damn useless when you're fretting over stupid shit." then, turning back around, she left the broker alone. He supposed she did have a point. He knew he wasn't the only one who liked Mikado. But could he really convince Mikado to love him? He slapped himself. Of course he could. He was Izaya Orihara. He was a God. He could do anything and everything he put his mind to.

Two hours later Mikado came home with everything on Namie's list plus a few extras. He placed the card and the receipt back in the cabinet and went to put the groceries away, still quite embarrassed about having to buy the condoms. Seriously, couldn't Namie san have gotten those herself?! He hadn't even known that she had been in that sort of relationship with anyone. She was only ever here, or with Seiji, and Mikado doubted that he was the one she would be using them with. Despite all of Namie's oddities and her obsession with her brother, that was just going too far. As he was finishing up Namie walked in, looked around and nodded.

"So, how was shopping?"

"Fine." he answered, holding out the bag with the condom box inside it to her, still blushing a bit just thinking about it.

"Oh, those aren't for me. Keep them."

"EH?! Then why did you make me buy them? I don't need this kind of stuff!"

"You're a human aren't you?"

"I don't see how that has any rela-"

"Humans have sex. Therefore, you need them."

"But I'm-"


"N-No." the blush that crept onto Mikado's cheeks was adorable, even Namie had to admit that.

"Then keep them. I'm sure you'll find a use for them at some point." She smirked to herself as she walked out of the kitchen, leaving the flustered boy in her wake. As she passed Izaya she motioned for him to go talk to him. God, why was playing matchmaker so difficult? Men. Seriously, they didn't know a damn thing about romance.

Mikado, stunned for the moment, just blinked. Staring at where Namie used to be standing, then looked back down to the box in the thin plastic bag, still in his outstretched hand. Sighing, he tried to will the blush on his face to go away before someone else came into the kitchen to bother him.

"Mika chan~ I heard an argument, are you okay?" Izaya poked his head through the door, chuckling as he saw the younger boy start.

"Nii san?" His blush darkening, hiding the box behind his back, he willed a strained smile to his lips. "It was nothing. Namie just asked me to go buy-

"Condoms." Izaya grinned. "Yeah, she told me. So, what's the problem then?" Mikado swore under his breath.

"She said that they weren't for her and that I should keep them, but I don't need them, I'm not in a relationship with anyone, I have too much to do here with you to have a love life, and then there's Dollars and Yellow Scarves."

"Ne, Mika chan, you're rambling." Izaya smiled.

"Sorry." Mikado averted his eyes, placing the box on the counter next to him, tired of holding the embarrassing product.

Suddenly an idea hit him. "Say, Mika chan, why don't you go get changed into your apron and I'll help you make dinner tonight?" Mikado gave him a wary look, but still appreciative of the help, left to get changed. He was pretty sure that this was either a bad idea, or Izaya just didn't want to do his work any more. Back in the kitchen Izaya was grinning like the madman he was. All he had to do was play his cards right, subtle touches here and there, his plan was foolproof. Of course, that didn't mean that it is was Mikado proof, he didn't want to force himself on the boy, but he also didn't think that there was any way that his little gang leader would ever tell him his feelings otherwise.

Once Mikado had come back, in simply his underwear and an apron - damn he loved being Mikado's boss and telling him what he had to wear, Izaya asked what it was that they were making.

"Chicken Alfredo." Mikado answered simply. Starting with the chicken, Mikado walked Izaya through the meal. Every now and then Izaya would cling to the boy, claiming to be watching what he was doing, or would let his hands wander from the food to his young housemate's ass. Mikado would make a squeak every now and then, but ultimately, he ignored all of the informant's advances. Growing annoyed, Izaya pulled Mikado to him, the boy's back to his chest. His hands going to Mikado's own, making him put down the knife he'd been using to chop vegetables, and wrapped his arms around the boy's arms, his head laying on Mikado's shoulder.

"It's no fun if you don't react." he chuckled.

"That's why I don't. I need to focus on dinner."

"Forget dinner. I know what I want to eat and it isn't chicken." Izaya smirked, twisting Mikado in his arms so that he's facing the boy now, swooping down to capture the small brunette's lips in a kiss. Mikado was surprised stiff for a second, after five seconds had passed and Izaya still hadn't come back up he started to push against the older man, his palms flat against Izaya's chest. Making a small sound in the back of his throat that he wasn't really sure was a sound of disgust, Mikado's frantic escape attempts started to wane as the time went on. Finally Izaya came back up, a satisfied smirk on his lips. "You stopped struggling after a while there."

"I've come to the conclusion that if I don't struggle or make a scene, you lose interest and stop eventually." Mikado answered, his face completely deadpan. Izaya's eyes narrowed to a glare as Mikado went to turn back around to get back to dinner.

"Not this time." His hand went up to grab Mikado by his chin, twisting his face back to him and dipped down to claim Mikado's lips again, this time, plunging his tongue into Mikado's mouth easily. His other hand, falling from Mikado's waist, and going for the band of Mikado's boxers, slipping his hand in, he began caressing the boy's bare ass. Mikado squirmed a bit at the foreign feeling, not quite sure what to do in this situation. Okay. So, assess the problem; he had Izaya's tongue down his throat, his hand down the back of his underwear, and he was starting to get a bit lightheaded. Okay, great. suddenly there was a pleased groaning sound. Mikado didn't know which of them had made it, but Izaya seemed to be pushing forward more now. He really hoped that it hadn't been him. Izaya pulled back to admire his work. Mikado was totally flushed, his eyes glazed over, and drool slipping from his mouth from the sloppy kiss. He probably didn't even know that he had been kissing back. Mikado's hands were fisted into his shirt in his feeble attempt to push him away. He almost had too, but then he'd heard the boy's groan of pleasure and that was all it took for him to keep going. He smirked.

"How was that?"

"I-I have to finish dinner." Mikado turned back around, blushing heavily. Izaya sighed.

"Fine, but after dinner I have new orders for you." he smirked. Mikado shivered a bit. He had a bad feeling about after dinner.

An hour and a half later Izaya was pulling Mikado from the table without cleaning up the dishes. The latter, still wary about Izaya's "new orders" but didn't fight, knowing that it would just get worse if he did.

"Izaya san-"

"Come on Mikado kun, you know that's not right~" He smiled. Mikado sighed and tried again.

"Nii san, what exactly is going on?"

"Silly little Mikado kun, I would have thought that would be obvious by now."

"But you said you had-"

"I do. I have a couple actually. First order;" Izaya flung Mikado onto their shared bed. he was proud of himself for not making a move on the boy up to now, but at the same point, he was rather disappointed in himself. He was Orihara Izaya, he took what he wanted, when he wanted it and didn't care about what others thought. "just relax and enjoy it." He smirked, dropped his jacket and picked up Mikado's discarded tie that was lying on the vanity. He took out his knife and placed it on the bedside table as he bound Mikado's hands above his head to the headboard. It was about now that Mikado chose to have a small hyperventilation problem in the back of his mind.

"Quit being a little bitch Shuyou, you'll like it." he heard his other part snicker. Sure, he could just talk right into Mikado's brain but Mikado had to talk out loud. It was quite unfair.

"Now, don't go anywhere Mika chan, as if you could anyway, I'll be right back~" Izaya's sing song voice rang out, shaking him for his mental glare match with his more assertive self. As Izaya walked out of the room he took the opportunity to talk back.

"Well if you're so keen on getting raped, why don't you take over? You always do it when I don't want you to, why can't you do it now?"

"I would Shuyou, but he doesn't want me, he wants you. Besides, I can read your thoughts, I am you after all, and you want this just as much as he does, maybe even more. You want the danger, the excitement, the pleasure, you want the pride that comes with knowing that you're the only one who that man has actually ever physically wanted. You drove him to this, and you love that." The taunt in his alternate's voice made his blood run cold. Did he really feel that way? Sure I knew that his thirst for all things exciting, new, and dangerous would get him into trouble, but he didn't think that his first time would be with a man, or that that man would be Izaya Orihara! Okay, so let's just say that all of the things that *Kumichou had said were true, that he did want this … what would that make him? Did that mean he liked Izaya? Did that mean he was gay? He was so lost and confused that he hardly even noticed when Izaya came back into the room with some vegetable oil that he'd bought just a few hours beforehand. It was then that what was about to happen really hit home. He was even still in his apron and boxers, the informant demanding that he not change back for dinner. Mikado pulled his legs to his chest, trying to sit up as best he could without straining his arms too much, but Izaya merely chuckled and pulled his ankle out from under him, causing him to fall back down onto the soft bed.

"Izaya kun, I don't want to do this!" He cried as he clenched his eyes shut. Izaya stood straight for a moment before noticing that Mikado had started to become aroused, he hadn't even done anything yet. He smirked. Setting down the vegetable oil next to his knife, he climbed onto the bed, on top of Mikado.

"Shuyou, you do want it. You've wanted it for a while now. You want Izaya Orihara to take our first time, you want him to love you." With each word his alternate spoke, Izaya would crawl closer. Mikado shook his head a mantra of "No." quietly slipping from his mouth. "You want him to fuck you hard. You want to be marked, you have your scar, and ever since you've always known that you belong to him. You've known that you want this to happen ever since that first day when he invited us to work with him. He wants you because we're interesting, and you want him because it's a thrill. It's something we haven't done. And it's the last step into evolving your sense of adventure."

"Mikado, why are you so scared? Here seems to be very happy." Izaya purred as he began to stroke Mikado through the apron and his underwear, hoping that he would open his eyes.

"I just - I don't - I can't - Please stop!" Mikado started several times, though he didn't sound too convincing as he let out a small moan after his objection. His voice was growing weak.

"Just give in, you want it. You'll like it. Just let him love you."

"I'm not going to hurt you Mika chan, please just open your eyes."

"I can't." Mikado shook his head.

"Ne, Mikado, this is your first time, correct?" upon the question being voiced the smaller of the two felt his face heat up as he nodded, he felt silly about making such a big deal out of it, only girls got this worked up about their first time. It wasn't like he had to worry about getting pregnant, and he doubted that Izaya had any STDs or anything seeing as up until now he was pretty damn sure the man had been Asexual. He couldn't see it with his eyes still screwed shut as tight as he could get them, but he could feel the contemplative gaze on him.

"Well then you should know; it's my first time with someone I care about." Okay, so maybe he did need to worry about STDs. And on that note, Mikado had so much more to freak out about. His eyes flew open as he looked Izaya in the face.

"Please Nii san, I don't want to do this." he saw that Izaya was thinking about it, and there was this small light of hope that he felt shining down on him as it looked like Izaya was just about to say okay, but then, the informant shrugged, subsequently snuffing out his light of hope.

"I think you do, but you're just shy. Besides, I've wanted to do this for a long time now, so I'm not going to back down so easily." He smirked. "Don't worry Mikado, I'll be nice." a pause. "this time anyway." As Izaya's hands undid the apron Mikado's eyes went wide.

"This time? What does that mean?" Izaya tutted as he shook his head, still smirking.

"You're too innocent Mikado kun, even despite everything you've done with Dollars and for me. Obviously it means that this is going to happen more than once. Hopefully more than once tonight if you're up for it~" Before he knew what had happened, his apron was gone and his boxers were down to his ankles. Izaya sat back, just admiring him for a moment, took out his phone and took a picture. "I think that one is going to be my new background." He smirked. Mikado could only blush and try to cover himself as best he could.

"Why are you doing this Nii san?" Izaya didn't offer up an answer as he swooped down and latched his mouth onto one of the boy's pert pink nipples. Mikado tasted so sweet, almost like strawberries, but that must have just been Izaya's imagination. His right hand came up and began to tweak the boy's neglected nipple while his left hand went back to teasing Mikado's cock. This time, with direct contact. Once he felt Izaya's attention on him, all thoughts of escape became very distant. His mind went fuzzy and all he could feel was pleasure. He could feel Izaya's tongue on him, could feel his long fingers stroking him. It was so much more intense than when he had done it to himself. Mikado moaned. He hadn't meant to, he was trying to block it all out, but then, Izaya pulled away. Mikado felt his eyes strain to open, to look up at his attacker's face, and once he did he wished he'd just kept them closed. Izaya was simply sitting on him, his eyes completely focused on him as he reached out and grabbed the bottle of vegetable oil, pouring some on his hand, he leaned down and kissed Mikado again. Mikado guessed it was supposed to distract him from the fingers he could feel circling his entrance, but honestly, who would actually fall for that - Oh god, was that his tongue that was moving like a snake in his mouth? How could he do that? Mikado moaned again, his eyes closing again as he tried to use his arms to put them around the broker's neck, to pull him closer, to have something solid to hold onto when those fingers - Oh fuck! Those fingers! Mikado ached off the bed, his mouth opening more as he let out a loud moan as Izaya thrust two fingers into him and brushed against something that Mikado couldn't even describe. He could hear Izaya chuckling, could feel his long, thin fingers twisting and curling around in his ass, searching for that spot again.

"What a lovely voice Mikado~ Please, won't you use it more?" Izaya asked as he inserted a third finger. Mikado squirmed a bit as the uncomfortable feeling of having three fingers up his ass began to ebb away and it slowly became more pleasurable. "I knew you wanted it." Izaya chuckled. Sooner rather than later Mikado felt the man start stretching him. It felt strange, but not entirely unpleasant, it's wasn't an unwelcome feeling. Perhaps Kumichou had been right. Maybe he really did want this.

After a few moments of stretching, Izaya deemed Mikado's hole to be just right and stood up to undress himself. His shirt ending up somewhere across the room and his pants and underwear on the floor as he simply stepped out of them. "Okay Mikado kun, here's your part~" Izaya grinned as he climbed back on top of him and sat up by Mikado's face, mouth open just slightly from trying to catch his breath again. Mikado didn't really want to open his eyes to know what Izaya had been talking about, but when he felt Izaya push his dick into his mouth and ordered him to suck, he couldn't help but clench his eyes shut tighter. He didn't know what he was doing, but he knew that it was for his own good, knew that for what was coming next, if he didn't want it to hurt he needed to make sure that Izaya was properly slicked. So, he set to work, running his tongue up the underside of the invasive organ, spurred on by the pleased sounds that Izaya was making. He sucked harder every now and then, making sure that the informant was good and wet before he felt Izaya pull out of his mouth.

"Good boy. I almost wish I could keep using just your mouth~" Some part of him wished that he would, to spare his ass the pain of having to accommodate something he was pretty damn sure, wasn't supposed to be there, but a different part of him still wanted to spare his mouth the trouble too. All in all; Mikado was nervous as hell. "Okay Mikado kun," Izaya lined himself up with Mikado's opening, "Are you ready?" though it wasn't like Izaya really cared since not a minute later, before Mikado had even answered yes or no, the informant thrust into him.

The sudden sharp pain that shot through Mikado's body didn't help much with quelling his nerves. But the thing that surprised him the most was the moan that slipped past his lips instead of a cry of pain. It wasn't that the feeling was unbearable, but it was uncomfortable, and this was his first time.

"You're such a masochist Shuyou~ Moaning like a bitch when so far it only hurts." It was torture not being able to respond to his other self, having to settle just for listening to the taunting voice in his head. The chuckle that he heard next wasn't in his head though.

"You're enjoying it too, aren't you Mika chan? You know you feel so good down here." Izaya closed his eyes. So far he had stayed still, allowing Mikado to adjust to him, adjust to the feeling of being so completely filled, but it was clear on his face that he couldn't keep up his restraint much longer. Mikado felt like he was about to ripped clean in half. "You're so tight Mikado kun, I just can't help it anymore, I need to move." He could feel every little thing the informant did inside of him, his mouth opening in a silent cry of ecstasy as his body arched up while Izaya pulled almost all the way out of him only to slam back in hard and rough. His ass hurt, but at the same time his brain was lighting off such magnificent fireworks as Izaya set a fast pace. Slowly the painful pleasure started to ebb away and it became all pleasure. Though, for some reason Mikado couldn't seem to figure out, he missed the sharp pain that had started it all.

"Nii san~!" Mikado moaned as he pulled at his tie again. He desperately needed to free his hands, to feel Izaya against him, to have the chance to cling to this moment. It was driving him crazy. "More." the smaller boy didn't even know what he wanted more of, he didn't know the first thing about sex or relationships, he didn't even know anything, and that scared him. That fear drove home an even bigger thrill. By now his eyes were practically glued open, he could only stare into Izaya's passionate cinnamon eyes as the informant used his body to his liking. Izaya smirked down to him, leaning down and kissing him again, their tongues intertwining with each other, quickly pulling back and dipping down to the Dollars leader's navel, his tongue swirling around the sensitive spot as he began to thrust harder into the boy beneath him. His hand had been idle for far too long, and he deemed then a good time to go back to stroking Mikado with his movements.

"Mikado kun~" Izaya grunted, his own eyes closing in the throes of passion, he just couldn't keep himself together any longer. "You're so good, Mikado I love you!" His head fell to Mikado's shoulder where he began to lick and nip at the expanse of porcelain white skin, biting down suddenly, marking Mikado as his own. Mikado loosed a loud moan as the sharp pain to Izaya's bite shot through him, he couldn't take it anymore, and as the broker laved his tongue over the small mark that was now bleeding just a bit, he came shouting Izaya's name. The only thing on his mind as he came between their sweaty and heaving bodies was Izaya. As his muscles spasamed from his orgasam he heard Izaya moan above him as well. He could feel himself constricting around the older man's cock, the pressure simply delicious for both of them. Izaya got several more thrusts in before he too was pushed over the edge and came deep inside Mikado's ass.

"Nii san." Mikado panted as he started to come down from his orgasmic high. "Please, untie my hands." He asked, his eyes pleading, and the only response Izaya could muster was a breathy chuckle. His head falling to Mikado's chest as he was too exhausted to do much else than fall onto Mikado's chest after he had finished, not even pulling out just yet. He was so going to regret this later, but for now … for now things were perfect. Even if perfect in this case had constituted rape.

"And my second order; you're not allowed to do that with anyone else but me."

Okay, so for all of you who are super confused; Mikado has 3 personalities that I have decided to go with. I won't elaborate on them because that'd give away too much, but I will tell you what they are. We have Moe!Kado, Normal Mikado, and Boss!Kado, see if you can figure out who's who~

*Kumichou means Boss, as in like a yakuza boss, I figured that Mikado would call his Boss!Kado personality something like that. Obviously he couldn't just call all his personalities Mikado.

*Shuyou, which is Kumichou's name for Normal Mikado, means Main, primary, first, original. Normal Mikado was the first personality for Mikado to establish, he's not a side one that he had to perfect, he was the start, and Kumichou acknowledges that with his name for him.

Okay, so tell me what you think, was it good? Was it bad? Was it confusing? Did I totally fail this chapter? I wanna know!

~ Evi