This is the prologue to my story, I'm just testing the waters right now, I start things but unless I'm struck by inspiration I don't know if I can finish them.

I have more of this story already written up, I just don't know how people are going to like it. so if you want me to write more then I will, if it's horrible please tell me! I love constructive criticism, it really helps me.

I don't own anything, God knows I wish I did, but I guess I'll just have to settle with writing out what I wish I could have happen XD So anyway, on to the story!

- Evi

"The Things you do for love"

"Stay away from Izaya Orihara, he's trouble."

Trouble, well he supposed that's what he could call him. The man wasn't really known for his Compassion & generosity. And quite honestly the sheer thought of said man being anything other than what he was … frankly it scared him. He could handle the eccentricities, personally, he liked them. Not that he'd ever tell anyone that, let alone the man himself. But calling Izaya Orihara; Kind, Nice, Gentile, Civil, … Socially acceptable … or anything else of the like. They were all like saying a lion would never kill anything, that it could be domesticated. You wouldn't domesticate a lion born and raised in the wild. So it's only natural that you wouldn't associate, or at least admit to, with or even befriend Izaya Orihara. But that was where the problem stood. He just couldn't. Stay. Away. If ever confronted about it the boy would simply say that it was the adrenaline. Though, he knew better. He knew it was because he was drawn to him in such unexplainable ways … he didn't know how to deal with it, how to just say no.

So, tell me what you think please. Even if you didn't like it, I'd love to know!