Breath of Uzumaki

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Breath of Fire series.



Flashbacks and stuff written on letters, scrolls, and signs.

Jutsu, demon speech, summon speech, dragon, speech etc

Chapter 1- Awakening

A lone kunoichi was breathing heavily in a deep, dark forest. She was fighting to protect her teammates from the three genin from Otogakure no Sato that had found them. They demanded to fight her teammate Uchiha Sasuke, but he was unconscious. The kunoichi, Haruno Sakura, thought back to how this.


"This is training ground 44, or as everyone else calls it, the forest of death." Yelled out the crazy jonin kunoichi known as Mitarashi Anko. "The second part of the exam is in there. Now, I need you all to fill out these wavers." As she passed out forms a random ninja decided to ask: "Why do we need to sign wavers for?" Anko smirked as she answered, "So that Konoha isn't held responsible if you die in the exams. Listen up brats this part of the exams is a game of capture the flag, or in this case scrolls." She then held up two scrolls one that had a white edging and the kanji for heaven on it; while the other was black tipped and had the kanji for earth. "Once your wavers are filled out you will each be given one scroll, a heaven scroll or an earth scroll. In the center of the forest is a tower. Your mission is to retrieve both scrolls and report to the tower." She let that sink in a bit before continuing. "There are no rules on how to get the scrolls needed, but the rules for failing are clear and simple. Rule one, your entire team must be present at the tower if any teammates are dead or severely injured then you fail. Your team doesn't have both scrolls and reach the tower you fail. You are also forbidden from opening either scroll before you reach the tower." A brown haired boy with red fang tattoos on his face asked, "What if we do?" Anko simply answered "A really nasty surprise." That had certainly discouraged many from looking at mentioned scrolls. "Also as soon as you step foot in there you're not coming out for five days." Another boy with spiral marks on his face and his hitae-ate tied on his head in a way that looks like a pair of women's underwear then asked, "What are we going to do for food!" The exam proctor just answered, "The forest is filled with food if you can find it, but you have to watch out for other teams, wild beasts, and poisonous plants." A boy with bright blond hair and equally bright blue eyes commented, "Doesn't seem that scary." That had earned him a kunai tossed and cutting his right cheek. "Cocky hotshots like you are often the first to lose and spill that delicious red blood." As soon as Anko said that she immediately spun around with a kunai drawn almost striking a kusa-nin. "I don't like people getting behind me, especially with all that bloodlust you're giving off." The kusa-nin's reply: "Sorry I just got so excited from seeing such beautiful blood; also your kunai cut my hair." The kusa kunoichi had returned the kunai. All the wavers and scrolls were filled out and the last piece of advice from the purple haired proctor was simply "don't die."

It wasn't long into the second part of the chunin exams when things went horribly wrong for team seven. Naruto had to use the 'necessities' and an enemy shinobi had used the transformation jutsu to look like Naruto. Though the enemy was defeated they decided that a password was needed. Soon after Naruto was blown away by an unnaturally strong gust of wind and they had fought the kusa-nin from before. Only it was not a kunoichi from kusa they fought. She had exuded so much killer intent that was on a whole other level. Sakura was paralyzed with fear showing in her jade green eyes. Sasuke managed to move using pain to block his fear. In the end Naruto showed up in the nick of time and saved them from a giant snake that was summoned, and attempted to defeat the powerful ninja. Only for the ninja to catch him with 'her' abnormally long tongue and hold long enough to thrust his hand into his abdominals while shouting "FIVE ELEMENTS SEAL". Immediately Naruto fell unconscious and started to fall. Sakura threw some kunai and thankfully pinned Naruto to a tree by his clothes. Sasuke then fought with new found fury and injured the ninja with a Fire style: Dragon Fire jutsu . The face partially melted to reveal the enemy ninja was not a woman but a man from Oto. The man ripped off the rest of his face and quickly bit on Sasuke's neck saying he left him a "gift" as a show of skill and said that Sasuke will seek him out for power.

Flashback end

That had been a good deal of time before; now Sakura had to worry about her teammates


Rock Li had joined the fight but was injured by the oto genin that looked like a mummy.


Ino, Chouji, and Shikamaru had joined the fight and were doing well at keeping them at bay, but knew they couldn't win without some fighting force.


A draconic roar filled the air. Birds flew in fear, mammals froze in place, even some of the monsters in the woods fled, and all eyes stared at the clearing in the base of the tree staring in fear for different reasons.

From the clearing a figured stepped out. A figure with white hair as ash and eyes that was crimson and slit like a reptile. Horns upon the figures head were sleeked back. His body was very human except that he had crimson colored claws that appeared to have scales until they faded into his arms. His feet were in a similar manner save for his feet were similar to a mouse or rat in the fact he concentrated all his weight on the balls of his feet. The only feature that gave the figure away was the three whisker marks on each cheek that were deeper and more defined. "N-Naruto?" Sakura asked the figure. "That's Naruto!" the Ino-Shika-Cho trio exclaimed not even trying to imagine the hyperactive blonde as this fearsome monster. Naruto then vanished and reappeared striking the oto kunoichi, Kin, in the gut knocking her out. Dosu, an oto genin who wore bandages to cover most of his face, struck at Naruto with his gauntlet, melody arm. Naruto simply rushed and crushed the gauntlet earning a scream from Dosu. He then simply walked to the last oto genin with an angry, animalistic scowl on his. "ZANKUUHA" the final oto genin, zaku, cried at as he unleashed a wind blast from his arms in an attempt to ward off Naruto. "You hurt Sakura- chan. Your team hurt my friends." Naruto said in a very feral way and started to rip Zaku's arms off. "NARUTO PLEASE STOP!" Sakura cried out as she rushed out and hugged Naruto from behind. "I'm sorry for being mean to you, but please stop this. I'm fine, just stop this please." The now draconic Naruto simply stared at the frightened Sakura and she saw no hate or rage in those eyes.

Everyone turned to the clearing once more as a foul chakra permeated the area. Sasuke then stepped with black flames surrounding his body. He saw how Sakura was staring into the monsters eyes. He felt a familiarity at the beast and yet; he could not place his finger on where. 'Did Orochimaru-sama send us to die! The Uchiha has survived the curse mark, AND we fight some sort of dragon!' Dosu then spoke "Uchiha-san, we are in no condition to fight you and this dragon. We leave this scroll as a sign of our current defeat, but we will fight later." Dosu then grabbed Kin and Zaku and left. Sakura broke eye contact and grabbed the scroll; while Sasuke stood between Sakura and Naruto. Then he charged at Naruto who then whacked him with his tail that no one seemed to notice. "SASUKE-KUN!" Ino screamed as she rushed next to the fallen Uchiha. Naruto reverted back to his usual self and fell to the ground unconscious and Sakura carried and laid him to next to Sasuke and then noticed Ino staring with shock and disbelief. It was then that she too noticed that Uchiha Sasuke wasn't a guy but a girl. 'What the!'