Sorry for the extremly late update! I have been busy with a lot of things lately. My work insists I work more hours to make up for the people they fired and I had a brief medical scare (not to mention I'm overloaded with work from school). Due to that and some other unnamed issues I had to put my stories on the backburner. Now that Im healthy and work less hours I can focus on writing/updating more!

Oh, I would also like to thank my Beta fulofhyperness for being patient and understanding.

Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Naruto

Warnings: This chapter is pretty clean other than Language/Innuendo I suppose.

*Setting reminder* This takes place in between the Pein invasion and the Fourth Shinobi War.

Orange Sand

Chapter 5: Yelling Causes Problems

Everyone finally arrived at Konoha Gate with only a few problems. Naurto had stopped on many occasions to eat, Sakura had to take a break (again), and Kakashi made a lie about losing his lucky kunai so he could read some Icha Icha Paradise. All of these problems were pretty much expected by Gaara. Soon Tsunade greeted them all.

"Welcome back to Konoha Gaara-Sama. I hope you had a safe travel."

"Thank you, Lady Tsunade. My travel was indeed safe thanks to the squad you sent." I should probably leave out the whole meeting Sasuke part. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. She'd probably spend the next 24 hours having the interrogation core search my brain for any clue to where the Uchiha is.

"-after that we need to have a meeting in order to discuss the spotting of rouge shinobi on the border between wind and fire country. Gaara-Sama? Gaara? OI, GAARA!," yelled Tsunade.


"You weren't listening to a thing I was saying, were you?" Tsunade asked. She couldn't believe the nerve of the young former Kazekage. Stupid little runt comes to my village and disrespects me. Tch, reminds me of the brat a little. "As I was saying, the first thing we need to do is find someone for you to live with. Since the destruction of the village there isn't many places for guests to stay at. I would suggest maybe staying with Neji or Shino since they both have similar persona-"

"But Baa-chan Gaara could stay with me! I have plenty of space."

"Naruto, Gaara can't always rely on y-"

"Really it's not a problem. Gaara is one of my best friends, he can rely on me anytime he needs to!"

"That's not the prob-"

"Then why can't he stay with me!"

"Well brat if you WOULD SHUT THE HELL UP AND STOP INTERRUPTING ME THAN I WILL TELL YOU!" Tsunade snapped. Once she was sure Naruto wouldn't interrupt yet again she continued, "Naruto I have to send you on a S-ranked mission in two days. Like I was trying to tell Gaara-Sama-" Tsunade turned to glare said redhead before continuing. "-Rouge shinobi have been spotted on the border between wind and fire country. Based on the information we were given it is suspected that those ninja are working for Madara. One of our sources also mentioned a young man with raven hair was seen with an orange haired teen. A white-haired shinobi was seen not too far behind. All signs point to those shinobi being Sasuke and his team Taka. Your mission is to go t the border and investigate. If you find Madara or Sasuke you are to report it immediately."

"I guess I see your point. Not that I'm happy about it," murmured a very disappointed Naruto. If Naruto was many less of a man he probably would have pouted. At least I have a chance to defeat that teme once and for all.

"You should be grateful I don't send you on the mission right now."

"Ok, ok. I get your point. No need to be a bitch about it," Naruto grumbled the last part in a low tone.

"What did you say brat!"

"Nothing, nothing." Damn, stupid ninja hearing.

"Now Naruto I need you to go find either Neji or Shino right away. I'm sure Gaara-Sama must be tired from the long trip." Finally all eyes were brought back to Gaara. Or they would have been If he was still there.

"Baa-chan you let Gaara run away! If you didn't spend so much time yelling at me he would still be here!" cried Naruto. I finally get to see Gaara again and he leaves as soon as he gets to the village.

"Well brat instead of yelling at me you could be looking for Gaara!" Tsunade sighed and rubbed her temples. This brat is going to put me in an early grave at this rate.

"Oh, right. I better go find Gaara." Naruto quickly jumped on a nearby rooftop starting his search for the missing redhead. Now where would Gaara be? Well he doesn't like crowds of people or must people in general, so he is probably somewhere alone brooding or whatever it is Gaara does by himself.

"Shouldn't we stop and tell Naruto he is going the wrong way? He will never find him at this rate," this was spoken by Kakashi who found it was best to stay quiet until now.

"If it keeps the brat out of my hair for a few hours, who cares?"

"Ah, good point."


Gaara was heading exactly where Naruto thought he wouldn't dare go, the center of the village. He decided to find the Hyuuga first since he would most likely be the easier of the two to find. As Gaara walked through the crowds of people he remembered why he loathed crowds. Crying sticky faced children, stressed out beyond the breaking point parents, hormone driven teens making out in public, and the rude misers arguing prices for items that are clearing marked the right price. Not to mention the horrible oder of poorly run restaurants and sweaty ninja just back from training. Yeah, Gaara hated crowds. Or maybe just the public of Konoha.

About twenty minutes into his walk Gaara saw the chocolate tresses of the Hyuuga Clan branch member, but before he was able to get to the man he felt strong arms wrap around his waist and hot breath on his ear.

"Let's take a shower together, you smell."

"W-wha?" I know I've been traveling but do I really smell that bad?

"Were you in Boy Scouts? Because you sure have tied my heart in a knot, " purred the deep rumbling voice into the confused redhead's ear.

"Boy scouts?" What on earth is that?

"You make me melt like hot fudge on a sundae. You know, I would die happy if I saw you naked just once," as the voice continued to purr in his ear, Gaara could feel warm hands slide down his waist to grasp his slightly toned hips. Even though he knew he should be disgusted by this unknown man, he felt his checks being painted with a light blush.

"R-really?" Pull yourself together Gaara! Men like you don't blush!

"Yes really, but are you as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside?" Gaara may not be the most sexually educated person in the world but he had a feeling that there was an underlying innuendo in that question. "Oi, I need your help. You see my mom says that if I don't get a date by tomorrow, she's putting me up for adoption." Gaara decided to put a face to his wanna-be Romeo and turned around in the strong arms. He was shocked at who he saw.

"D-dog boy?"

"The name is Milk. I'll do your body good." Kiba smirked showing off the famous fangs of the Inuzuka clan. Gaara gaped at the fanged teen.

"That's really your n-name?" Why would someone name his or her kid that?

"Nah, I'm just pulling your leg. It's Kiba." Oh that makes more sense. Kiba tightened his arms around Gaara pulling the shorter teen closer. "If you and I were squirrels, could I bust a nut in your hole?" Gaara's face flushed fully as he tried to pull away from the brunette. Is he hitting on me? (Way to finally notice Gaara-Chan) "Look Gaara, I really meant what I said earlier. Will you go out with me on a date?" I really should say no. It sounds like he is just after sex, but I don't really know him. He could be a great guy. How am I supposed to find love If I don't date anyone?



"Yes." Kiba smirked widened and he placed a soft kiss on Gaara's lips. Gaara slowly pushed he lips back against the other teens. Before the kiss could get any further Kiba was roughly pulled away from redhead's body.

"Kiba! Keep your hands off of Gaara!" Gaara turned to where he heard the growl of an order came from. He was surprised to see the blue eyes and blonde hair of a certain leaf shinobi.

"Naruto, Kiba wasn't doing anything wrong," Gaara said gently.

"He was trying to shove his tongue down your throat!" the blonde growled out.

"Tch, no I wasn't. Ever seen a kiss before baka?" Kiba chuckled when he saw the blonde's anger increase.

"Why would Gaara want to kiss someone like you!"

"Because Naruto, I'm going on a date with Kiba tomorrow." Gaara really hoped Naruto wouldn't cause a seen and at least let him explain.

"WHAT?" Oh, there goes that plan.


Sasuke was currently making his way toward Konoha. After having another brief conversation with Madara he finally came up with a plan that would secure Gaara as his. And get rid of that blonde dobe.

"Now all I have to do is make sure that idiot falls for my redhead and the trap is set."

"Sasuke who the hell are you talking to?" asked a clearly confused Suigetsu.

"Hn, no one."

"Crazy ass Uchiha,"

whispered the white-haired teen.

"What was that Suigetsu?"

"Nothing." Damn, stupid ninja hearing!

Extra pick up lines that didn't make it into this chapter:

-Pardon me, but are you a screamer or a moaner?

-Hi, I'm new to this country and you are the prettiest sight I've see so far. Can you give me a tour of your body?

-Is that a tic-tac in your shirt pocket or are you just glad to see me?

-Let's have a party and invite your pants to come on down.

-That shirt's very becoming on you. If I were on you, I'd be coming too. XD

Anyway, I'm so happy to be back! I'm working on chapters for all of my stories. I'd say at least one should be updated either today or tomorrow. ^^

Please Review? I'd would ecstatic If I had more than 5 reviews before my next update! Reviews really encourage speedy updates! *hint hint*