Disclaimer: All characters and general plot belong to J.K. Rowling. Only Emily Crackel, and her family belong to me.

I hope you like it! Please Review!

Chapter 1

Emily Crackel sat cross-legged on her bed in her dorm room on campus. Her two roommates and a few other friends were all in her room watching a movie, "Finding Nemo" to be exact. It was a lazy Saturday in mid-April; the room was quite warm so everyone had shorts on. Emily was a sophomore in college and was 20 years old. Her light brown hair hung just around her shoulders, with her blue eyes sparkling as she texted her mother. Emily wore a pair of jean shorts, a tight fitting aqua tank top and a gray zip up hoodie.

Suddenly, Emily's ipod lit up on the shelf from which it was sitting. Sitting comfortably, she wanted to ignore it, but curiosity got the best of her. She slowly picked it up but as soon as she touched it she regretted it. The room around her started to spin; the ground beneath her vanished and she could feel herself falling. She was going to vomit if this continued. With a loud thump she hit hard on a stone floor. Instantly, she knew she wasn't in her room. Once she found the ability to stand, she slowly stood up.

Taking a look around, she realized her surroundings looked like an office. It was an oval shaped room with many pictures of old men on the wall, a huge desk that looked like it might be found in a castle. A spiral staircase behind the desk lead to what looked like a library. What caught Emily's attention the most were the pictures; they seemed to be moving in their frames. It was the strangest thing she had ever seen. Where was she? It was starting to freak her out. Where were her roommates? Friends? Her Life? Suddenly she heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Ah, Emily Crackel, I presume?"

Turning around she found herself coming face to face with a rather older looking man. He wore an odd cloak or robe and a tall pointy hat. He had a long white beard.

"Um…yeah." Emily replied, though thoroughly confused. Who was he and how in the world did he know her name?

"Who are you?" She inquired, trying to not sound scared.

"I am Albus Dumbledore."


"I am Albus Dumbledore. Headmaster here at Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry."

"You can't be…I can't be…no, it doesn't exist!" her voice started to shake as she backed up.

"Ah I believe you are referring to the books claimed to be about Harry Potter, correct?"


"Sit down my dear and I shall explain everything to you. Cup of tea?" Dumbledore asked as he pulled out his wand. Magically, two cups appeared.

Emily watched as the two cups of tea appeared out of nothing and then promptly passed out. She woke up sometime later on a soft lounge couch. She turned to face the other person in the room who she assumed was her roommate Kathy.

"Kathy, I just had the weirdest dream. I thought I dreamed I was actually in a Harry Potter novel and I was talking to Albu…." She trailed off at the sight of Albus Dumbledore sitting behind his desk staring at her with a smile on his face.

Emily took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Sighing as she opened them again she said, "I'm not dreaming am I?"

"I'm afraid not Ms. Crackel." Dumbledore stated taking a sip of his tea.

"So now that I know I haven't been dreaming…care to explain all of this to me Mr. Dumbledore?" Emily gestured to the room around her.

"Yes, of course. First off, please call me Professor Dumbledore and please call the other teachers here at Hogwarts Professor as well. Now, I bet you're wondering why on earth you are here and how you came to be here. Am I correct?"

"Yes, Mr….I mean Professor."

"About 25 years ago, before you were born, there was a prophecy made about you."

"But Professor, I'm not magical, no one in my family is. How can there be a prophecy made about me?"

"I do not know why there was one made about you. I do know that you, Emily, are the only non-magical person to have a prophecy made about them."

"So what does the prophecy say Professor?"

"Ah yes. Come here and I shall show you."

"Show me?" Emily questioned.

"Yes, this is called a pensive. It holds memories so I simply pour a memory into it and it appears as vivid as you and me here now."


"Yes, now come over here and I shall show you."

Dumbledore took out a vial and poured it into a huge glass bowl that was filled with some kind of liquid that she didn't recognize.

"Follow me, Ms. Crackel."

He proceeded to stick his head in the bowl and Emily followed suit. The room around them changed and she landed on her feet next to Dumbledore. It was another odd-looking room with lots of crystal balls, curtains and tables. In the far corner sat a much younger looking Dumbledore and a woman Emily didn't know. The woman had frizzy hair and was wearing long robes. As the older Dumbledore and Emily approached the two, they could hear the conversation in which the woman was saying the prophecy about Emily.

"A young non-magical girl approaches…She has the power to change events…she will arrive mid-way through the 4th month…once here she will not be able to leave until the task is complete…Crackel will be her name," the frizzy haired woman recited to younger Dumbledore.

As soon as the woman had said the prophecy she and young Dumbledore vanished, and Emily found herself back in Dumbledore's office. Emily was shocked by what she heard. After a few minutes of silence Emily spoke.

"Um, so it was saying that I'm here to change events? But we don't know what events, or when I get to go home. So, until then, I can't leave the wizarding world?" Emily questioned with amazement and anger in her voice.

"Yes, I'm afraid so."

"But what events?"

"I do not know the answer to that question. I'm assuming you will figure that out when the time comes."

"I could be stuck here for YEARS!" Emily said, her voice rising in volume with every word she spoke.

"I know. That is why I have arranged for you to stay with a wizarding family while you are here. The Weasley's are the best wizarding family I know. I'm assuming you heard of them because of the books?"

"Yes Professor I have."

"Good so you will stay with them this summer. Along with them will be Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. They already know you are coming, at least Molly and Arthur do. Now once the school year begins, you will attend Hogwarts. All the teachers will know you are not magical. The students will have no idea. So let's keep it a secret from them shall we? Housing here at Hogwarts is usualyl by year but I believe Ms. Granger will be a perfect roommate and have her own room so you will stay with her. Any questions?"

"That all seems great Professor, but I do have a few questions."

"Of course. Ask away."

"What about my belongings, my family and friends?"

"Ah good question. I have set up an account for you at our bank and put some money in it. The Weasley's know how to get into it. Tomorrow I will pop in to visit your family and inform them about what's going on. As for your belongings if you could write a list of things you need from your room on campus I will drop in and get them."

"Sounds good to me. When should I make the lists?"

"Make them tonight and have them owled to me."

"Ok. And, sir, can I write my parents and everyone a letter?"

"Of course. Now that that is taken care of, let's go introduce you to the Weasley's. And before I forget you must promise me one thing."


"Do not mention or tell anyone in the wizarding world about the Harry Potter books. They are very accurate."

"I promise."

"Good. Now off to the Weasley's! We will floo there. So after you my dear."

Emily looked at Dumbledore as if he were crazy. She of course had read about the floo network, which was a way of traveling through fireplaces, but had never actually done it.

"I've never um…done that." She replied pointing at the fireplace.

"Right. After me then. Simply take some floo powder and step into the fireplace, like so. Then throw the powder and in a clear voice shout: "The Burrow!" And with a flash of green light he was gone.

Emily stared at the fire in disbelief. She looked around the room, mortified. One tear escaped down her cheek before she came to her senses. No I cannot cry. I must strong. And with that, she grabbed some floo powder, stepped into the fireplace, checked to make sure her phone and ipod were in her pocket safely, took a deep breath, shut her eyes and shouted: "The Burrow!"

The world around her vanished instantly as it started to spin. The floor beneath her was gone and she had the feeling she would throw up. Suddenly her legs hit the floor and buckled underneath her. Emily hit the ground with a thump, landing on her back, eyes shut. Slowly she opened her eyes only to find Dumbledore staring down at her with several red headed people behind him.

Dumbledore spoke first, "So how was your first floo experience?"

Emily groaned in pain as she slowly got up off the floor, "You mean my first and last time right? Who came up with the name anyways?" she asked, brushing dust off her clothes, "Floo network my ass, should be called fire of doom, "Warning, you may die!"

At this Dumbledore simply smiled while the others laughed. Emily took this chance to glance around the room. She seemed to have landed in the kitchen area of the house, a rather crowded room at that. Dumbledore was to her right, once again speaking to her.

"Emily, I would like you to meet the Weasleys, and Hermione. Everyone, this is Emily Crackel."

There was a general hello from around the room, then suddenly a woman rushed up and pulled Emily into a bone-crushing hug.

"Molly, dear, let the girl breathe." The man who had been next to her said.

The woman realized she was crushing her and backed off, while Emily tried to find her voice.

"I'm so sorry dear, but I was just so excited to meet you. I'm Molly Weasley and this is my husband Arthur." Molly Weasley was a short woman around 5'4" with red hair just like all the Weasleys, while her husband was quite taller and balding. "These are our children: Ginny," She pointed to a girl about the age of 15 with long dark auburn hair and skinny as could be. "Ron," the boy was sitting next to Ginny at the kitchen table. Ron was around 16, tall with hair coming just above his ears and with very broad shoulders. "Our eldest, Charlie," Charlie was definantly the oldest. He was an older version of Ron with a very brotherly face and a very athletic build. He smiled at her and nodded. "Last are the twins, Fred and George. They're about your age right boys? How old are you Emily?"

Emily failed to answer the question for she didn't even hear it; she was too busy looking at the twins, Fred and George. Both were taller than her, with short red hair, very muscular and very handsome.

"Emily?" Mrs. Weasley said, bringing her out of her trance.

"Oh sorry, um what was the question?" she replied only to see Fred and George smirking.

"I believe she asked how old you are." Fred answered for his mother, still wearing a smug smile on his face.

Emily felt her face start to heat up, due to the fact that she hated the spotlight, let alone the fact a very cute boy was talking to her.

"I'm 20."

"That's close to the boys age. They're 19. Oh and how rude of me to forget, this is Hermione Granger, she stays with us too for the most part."

Hermione was 16 as well, with brown beautiful curls, she was about Emily's height. Emily merely nodded at all this information. Taking another look around the room she realized this was going to be her new home for a while.

Emily sighed and took a deep breath before speaking, "Thank you so much for taking me in, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. This is means a lot. I know it must be a hassle."

"Oh, no need to thank us. Our home is yours now too. It's not a hassle at all dear." Mr. Weasley stated smiling.

"Thanks. Um Professor?" Emily asked as she turned towards Dumbledore, "Thank you for everything."

"No problem my dear, don't even mention it. Now I must be off. Arthur will you owl Emily's lists and letters to me tonight?"

"Of course." He replied.

"Wonderful. I will be off. Pleasant evening all!" Dumbledore spoke as he walked out into the backyard and disappeared.