Kendall's Lessons on Abstinence
Chapter 3
"Yes, James, he said no. I would thank you not to repeat it." Kendall sighed into the phone.
He just didn't get it. He thought he had it all figured out. Yesterday Logan was upset because they couldn't get married, so he spent hours researching online until he finally found a way that they could. And Logan was still upset with him! Shortly after his boyfriend left for class, Kendall picked up the phone and called his two best friends.
Upon hearing the news, James and Carlos dropped everything and rushed over, finding over-the-phone-comfort too impersonal, and that just wasn't them. Kendall needed them, especially at a time like this. They didn't waste time knocking, letting themselves in and both immediately going into brother mode. "I don't get it." James continued, rubbing Kendall's back comfortingly as the blond buried his face in his hands. "You and Logan have been together for years. Why wouldn't he want to marry you?"
"If I knew that then there wouldn't be a problem." Kendall grumbled into his hands. "I mean, he seemed excited at first..."
"Maybe Logan is just one of those types that don't marry." Carlos shrugged. "I never would have pinned Logan as one of those guy who just strings people along, never looking to fully commit his life to them." The short Latino commented absently.
Kendall groaned pitifully, his head falling onto James' shoulder. The tall brunet shot Carlos a glare as he continued to console his dejected friend. "What Carlos means is that this situation isn't adding up. This doesn't sound like Logan." James shook his head, pulling a thinking face, truly confused by his best friend's behavior.
"You don't think it's someone else, do you?" The blond spoke forlornly into the pretty boy's shoulder.
"What?" Carlos and James practically exclaimed, sounding offended by the accusation.
"Dude, no way." Carlos dismissed.
"Logan would never do that." James added.
"I'm not saying he would either." Kendall finally sat up, but his expression still held that miserable pout. "But you don't really think he said no because he doesn't want to be tied down or something, right?" He looked at his friends expectantly.
The two were silent, not at all discouraging or reassuring their blond friend of his allegation. Kendall's frown deepened, head falling back into James' shoulder glumly with a disheartened groan. "Maybe we're over thinking this whole thing." The brunet continued rubbing his friend's back.
"There's gotta be something you're not telling us."
"Yeah," James agreed with Carlos. "What happened exactly?"
Kendall told them everything. From angrily telling of how they walked in on Katie and Tyler to sadly retelling the tale of Logan rejecting him, his two friends listening intently to every word. "Whoa," Carlos said when Kendall finally finished. "Katie and Tyler? Really?" The Latino laughed.
Kendall glared at the short boy who immediately stopped laughing. "Yes, Katie and Tyler." The blond confirmed irately. "But you guys agree that I was only doing it to protect Katie, right?" He once again looked to his friends expectantly.
"Uh, yeah," Carlos shrugged. "I can see how you did it for Katie." He rubbed the back of his neck.
Kendall quirked a brow at his short friend. "What about you?" He turned to the brunet on his other side who was being uncharacteristically quiet, wearing a full blown thinking face. James raised a brow himself when Kendall acknowledged him. "What are you thinking?"
James smirked humorlessly. "I'm thinking you're an idiot."
Kendall blinked, as he stared at his friend like he had three heads. "What? Why?" He managed to get out.
"You know, if you don't know, then maybe you shouldn't be marrying Logan." The tall boy glared at his blond friend.
"What?" Kendall couldn't believe what one of his best friends was saying to him. He glared back at the brunet, immediately getting defensive. "What the hell are you talking about? I didn't do anything wrong!"
"The problem is you did nothing right." Carlos shrugged.
The blond looked even more confused as the Latino said this. "Would you guys please just tell me what's up?" Kendall asked desperately, getting fed up with his best friends speaking in riddles.
James sighed heavily. "Logan isn't afraid of commitment. He rejected your 'proposal,'" He put air quote around the word to show how there was a lack of such an event. "because he probably thinks you only want to get married so you can have sex and keep your deal with Katie." The brunet explained. "And you're an idiot for ruining what should have been a memorable even for my best friend."
Kendall gaped. "Th-that's not true though. I want to marry Logan because I love him and I want to spend my life with him."
"You know that, and we know that," Carlos cut in. "but Logan needs to know that."
"You have to make this up to him." The tallest man stood, eying Kendall with a serious face. The most serious Kendall had ever seen him. "Soon." He added firmly.
Logan entered the apartment after a long class with a heavy sigh. Normally, for him, classes never seemed to last long enough. He was always so focused on the lecture being told in the front of the room and absorbed every ounce of information excitedly, and only wanted to learn more.
Only today, he had so many other things on his mind that he only wanted to go to class to get out of the apartment and away from Kendall for a while. Instead of taking notes like he would during any other lecture, his mind was constantly drifting off to how big of an idiot his boyfriend was, this made the class drag on and feel much longer than usual.
How could Kendall think that was what he wanted? He didn't want a business deal proposal, but he didn't need a prince riding up on a horse either (he didn't even know if he could get Kendall to go near another horse suit). He wasn't asking for much, he never has, that's why there wasn't a single doubt in his mind that he should go home and tell Kendall exactly what he was feeling.
"Kendall, I" The words died on the brunet's lips the moment he took a look around the immaculately decorated apartment. The lights were dimmed down the the point of romantic perfection, and you could see the Christmas lights that hung around the area sparkling, mimicking the stars.
The entire romantic set up had the genius standing in the doorway in awe, but the thing that easily caught his attention was Kendall standing directly in front of him, dressed in a tux, smiling excitedly but with a hint of nervousness.
"Kendall, what...?" He short boy couldn't find the words to complete that sentence either.
"Like it?" The blond gestured broadly to the decorations. "I didn't have much to work with, and I was on a time limit, but I wanted to make it look memorable for you."
Logan was still gaping in astonishment. "Memorable? What...?" His brown eyes widened as his boyfriend dropped down to one knee in front of him.
"Logie, I know that I haven't been the smartest guy these past few days, but I recently got some sense knocked into me, and I don't want you to think I want to marry you just for sex or some stupid bet. I want to marry you because I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to exhibit my love for you for all of our friends and family to see. I want you to be my husband. If for any moment you doubted that, then I must not be doing my job as a boyfriend-" He locked eyes with the shorter boy. "To show how much I love you, honor you, cherish you, and to make you feel like the prince that you are. But if you say yes, I promise to do all that and more."
Kendall took his still speechless boyfriend's hands in his. "Logan Mitchell," He gazed up hesitantly into wide brown eyes. "will you marry me?"
Logan stood silent, still gaping at the blond kneeling before him for what felt like hours-it couldn't have been more than a couple of minutes. But with every second that the brunet didn't move to answer had Kendall growing even more nervous of being rejected again. To say that it hurt when it first happened wouldn't begin to cover the unblunted sting that followed the two letter word. He didn't cry. He was Kendall, he was a man, he didn't cry.
Though, if Logan rejected him again he would find a quiet, secluded corner to do some very manly sobbing.
He relaxed a bit when Logan finally stuttered out a reply. "A-are you serious?" Kendall nodded, the genius' extended silence making him go speechless. "You're not just trying to teach Katie a lesson?" Kendall shook his head. "You actually want to marry me?"
"More than anything." The blond answered truthfully, without hesitation.
Slowly a large smile spread across Logan face. "Then yes."
Kendall's eyebrows shot up. "Yes?"
"Yes." Logan nodded excitedly, slightly bouncing, barely able to contain his excitement.
Then Kendall was grinning as well. He released one of Logan hands, doing a rejoiceful fist pump. "Yes!" He cheered.
Logan laughed as Kendall jumped to his feet, pulling the short boy into a tight embrace. "I love you so much." He kissed the brunet hair, then his temple, cheek, chin, and finally his lips.
Logan let out a small moan, smiling into the kiss. "Prove it." He mumbled against his boyfriend's lips, tenderly tugging at the tux jacket as he pulled the tall boy toward their bedroom.
"I'm so happy for both of you!" Mrs. Knight squealed excitedly, giving each of the boys a hug. "Congratulations."
"Thanks mom."
"Thanks Mrs. Knight."
"Oh, by the way, mom, do you have that thing I asked you about on the phone?" Kendall smiled brightly at his mother.
Mrs. Knight's expression showed realization before she grinned at the couple, especially Logan. "I sure do. I'll go get it."
The brunet boy looked at the the retreating figure and then up at his boyfriend with confusion. Kendall only smiled before moving his attention to the skeptic looking brunette sitting on the bright orange couch. "You're being awfully quiet over there." He addressed her. "What's on your mind, baby sister?"
Katie continued to glare at the couple suspiciously. "How are we supposed to know that you're not doing this just to keep me from having sex?" She crossed her arms expectantly.
"Katie," The blond glared. "It doesn't matter if you don't believe it. I know how I feel about Logan, and I am going to prove it everyday for the rest of my life."
"You definitely proved it last night." Logan smirked. "Four times." He whispered, biting the corner of his lip as Kendall let out a playful growl.
"Yes!" Katie exclaimed happily. "You had sex with Logan!" The teen jumped up, briefly doing her own version of her brother's happy dance before her smile disappeared, being replaced by a small look of disgust. "And...ew." She added. Her smile returned as she pulled a paper out of one of the kitchen drawers, dropping it in front of her brother. "The deal to which you signed and agreed was as followed, 'You, Kendall Knight, will not have sex with party Logan Mitchell until a marriage certificate is signed by a licensed official, and both willing participants.'" She read over the page.
She smirked triumphantly as she continued. "It goes on to say that if you fail to uphold your end of the bargain, then I can have sex with Tyler." She slid the paper over to Logan who scanned over it himself.
The brunet's brow furrowed. "You signed a contract?" He raised his voice slightly at the blond.
"Katie," Kendall ignored the dirty look his lover was giving him. "I know we had a deal, and I'm going to honor it. I can't tell you what you can and can't do with Tyler especially since I was doing the same thing with Logan when I was sixteen." He glanced at the still glaring genius. "But I knew from the moment I first kissed Logan that I would never want anyone else and this was going to be the person I was going to spend my life with." He placed his hand on his sister's shoulder. "If you feel that way about Tyler and you're ready to take that step with him, then go for it. But please Katie, don't do anything until you're sure."
Katie looked thoughtful for a moment. "...You sound like mom again." She mumbled, rubbing up and down her arm. "Okay, I promise I won't do anything until I'm sure."
Kendall let out a relieved sigh. "Good." He breathed, turning to Logan. "See, Logie? It all works out in the end."
"You signed...a contract." Logan stared blankly.
"Kendall, I found it." Mrs. Knight came back into the room, smiling brightly as she handed off and small box to her son. "It was my grandmother's." She said, answering Logan's questioning look. "When Kendall called this morning and told me, I knew I wanted you to have it."
Kendall opened the box, revealing an antique sapphire engagement ring. Logan gaped at the ring he had seen possibly a thousand times when he and Kendall would sneak into his mom's room looking for confiscated items. Kendall would open the box, telling him how his mom was going to give it to him to give to the person he was going to marry. "You like it, Logie?" The blond grinned at the reaction he got from his partner.
"You..." He wet his lips. "you signed a contract." He repeated, not able to take his eyes off the ring.
"Uh huh," Kendall smirked, knowing the genius was in no way focused on the contract. He pulled the ring from the box slipping it on the short boy's finger.
Logan's eyes filled with tears, his smile returning. "I should be pissed." He shook his head, wiping the tears that fell.
"But...?" Kendall raised his brow, arms open and waiting.
The brunet wasted no time jumping into his fiance's arms, and pulling him into a deep kiss. The two ignored the affectionate 'aw's coming from Mrs. Knight and the less than affectionate scoff coming from Katie, being too absorbed in each other to care.
The End
brb, crying over my own fanfic.