Santana lies in bed, trying to get to sleep. All the memories flood her mind. It was like everything was locked behind some door and the dream she had of her and Jesse and Blaine was the key and it let her into the room behind the door.

She hears the door creak open and footsteps coming toward her. She stays completely still and feels Finn's large hand on her shoulder. She feels him get into the bed with her and kisses the back of her neck. She laughs a little and turns around to face him.

She feels her heartbreaking since she knows now she needs to make him leave her after tonight. "Finn, I think Jesse, Blaine and I should travel on our own from now on."

"What? Why?"

"I just think that I'm wasting your time and your Knights' time. You should be home."

It's not as easy as Santana was hoping it would be. He insists on taking her and refuses to hear anything else about it. He also tells her that he is supposes to visit the Lopez palace and meet Prince David.

Santana wakes up early the next morning and tells Jesse and Blaine. They both try to help her but Finn, Puck, Sam and the other guys with them all insist on continuing their journey. They get to Dorset in the late afternoon. She tries to piece everything together, try to figure out who the man in the hood is. But nothing connects.

They feast at the Karofsky palace. Santana continues to go by the name Maria, hoping that keeping up the pretense of not knowing who she was would save her life. The son, David is quiet. He doesn't talk to anyone the whole night and Santana can't help but feel uncomfortable around him.

The next day they go to the place all the murders happened. Santana doesn't want to go. She tries to get out of it but Finn insists that she joins him, telling her he's not sure if he could be there without her by his side. It's sweet so she says yes. She makes Jesse and Blaine go with her so thy can run away the moment they get out of Finn's sight.

A few guards go with them and they all more or less split up. Sam, Santana and Finn walk around the corridors, David and his guards say they are going to the grand hall and they can all meet up there later; Puck and the Knights that came with him hang around the halls; not really wanting to look around. Jesse and Blaine hang out by the door that they found years ago; waiting for Santana to come and escape with them.

Sam opens up a random door and looks inside. "Whoa." He says and opens it wider, stepping inside.

It takes Santana a second to realize the room he just stepped into was her own. She follows him inside, hoping there isn't anything that would give away her secret. Finn follows them both inside. He walks over to a table with all kinds of perfumes and make ups. He picks up a bottle and sniffs it, smiling a little.

"This is Santana's room."

Sam is busy looking at the beaded curtains that hangs over the windows. He turns to him and looks at the glass bottle in his hand. "How do you know?" He asks then walks over to the bed, running his hang along the wooden frame, over the little gold roses that have been built into the poles that hold up a silk canopy.

"She loved the scent of cinnamon." He answers and sets the bottle down. "Plus, I gave her this necklace." He said, picking up a sliver necklace with a simple ruby stone hanging down on the chain.

Santana looks around her room, frowning a little at the memories that surround her. She stands in front of the wardrobe, looking at all her dresses that she uses to love. Sam is standing beside Finn now, looking at all the jewelry. "Strange." He says, turning around in the room, looking at everything once more.

"What is?" Finn asks.

"I thought the people that killed the Lopez family were raiders." Finn nods and glances over at her. "Well, why didn't they steal anything from this room? I mean…all of these jewels are beautiful but they are all still here. And every room we passed by has stuff like this. What type of raider leaves things like this behind?"

Santana stops looking at the dresses and turns to Sam. She hadn't really noticed all of the gold and diamonds still around the palace until now. And as far as she knew, raiders are the ones that did this to her, to her family.

"I need some air." She whispers and walks out of the room.

Finn stays behind with Sam and they continue to look around. He doesn't say anything about the whole raiders not stealing Santana's things. He doesn't want to think about that night. He walks over to her bed and sits down on it, looking around.

"Every day I would wish to be able to spend time with her, to be able to lay with her and put my arms around her." Sam stops looking through the little box filled up with dried flower pedals and looks at Finn. "What's this?" Finn asks, picking up and envelop that's lying on the bed side table. His name is written in Santana's handwriting on it.

The envelop isn't sealed so he pulls the piece of paper out of it. He unfolds the paper and sees the familiar greeting.

My Dearest Prince,

I'm sure my letter will arrive after I have but I can't stop thinking about you. It's night here in Dorset, tomorrow my family will be hosting a feast. The Karofsky family will be joining us and overseeing Dorset while my family visits Cornwall. Their son is our age, he's a bit troubled. I've only met him once but he seems so scared, especially around his father.

Lord Karofsky is a large man, he looks like he wouldn't harm a soul; he reminds me of my grandfather. But I've heard stories of how he puts on an act and he is really a ruthless, soulless man. Mother says it's unkind to talk ill about him but I can't help but think it's true.

Talking about the Karofsky family is not why I'm writing you though. I'm writing because I am nervous, scared even. We haven't seen each other since we were young; we write to each other all the time but it'll be different when I finally see you again. I'm afraid that I won't live up to what you were expecting.

I love you, Finn. I can truly and honestly say that I love you. And I look forward to the day you and I can spend our lives together. It's probably silly to be writing this because once again, I'll most likely arrive in person before my letter does.

Forever yours,

Santana Lopez.

Finn read the letter over and over again, his eyes welling up a bit. The last letter Santana ever wrote, the night before she was murdered. Sam stood over him, looking down at the letter, his brows furrowed together.

"That looks like Maria's handwriting."

Finn looks up from the note and raises an eyebrow at Sam. "Like they look similar?"

"No, like…exactly the same. The little loop on the 'Y' and the way the 'S' looks. It's exactly the same. If I didn't know any better I'd say Maria wrote that letter."

Finn looked down at the letter again and then back at Sam. "Would it be wrong if I took this letter this me?"

"Is it for your Santana chest?" Sam shakes his head. "No. It was meant for you anyways."

Finn laughs and slips the note back in in envelop and they walk out of the room together. They find Puck and the other Knights from Cornwall and they all make their way toward the great hall. The second they walk inside they see Maria standing next to David looking scared.

"What's going on?" Finn asks, resting his hand on top of his sword.

"Nothing," Maria answers. "Are you done looking around?"

Jesse and Blaine are standing against the wall, a Karofsky guard on either side of them. Sam's eyes go wide and he nudges Finn's arm. When Finn looks he begins to point off to the side. Everyone turns to where Sam is pointing and right where the royal family would have been sitting during meetings and feasts is a large family portrait. A girl that looks a lot like Maria is standing next to two other women that look a lot like her.

Finn walks closer to the portrait and then back at Maria. "Holy Shit," He hears Puck say. "Is that you?"

Finn's eyes are wide and he sees Maria shake a little. Jesse and Blaine looked freaked out and are looking around as if to find an exit. "Santana?"

"Well, I guess we weren't careful enough." David finally speaks. Finn notices for the first time that there is a small dagger pointed to her back.

"Please don't do this, Dave." She whispers, tears spilling from her eyes.

"Shut up." He says, his teeth grinding together. "You know I have to. You're causing too much trouble."

Finn pulls his sword out, "Back away from Santana."

"Finn, no," Santana pleads.

David pulls her closer to him; Finn can tell he's scared too. "David, just…ok…how is she causing trouble? We can stop whatever it is."

"The rebellion, they know she's alive. They know she didn't die." He says, his hand shaking. "My dad worked too hard to become King. He's not going to let her ruin it for him."

"I knew it." Sam shouts. "I'm pretty but I'm not dumb."

"You're kind of dumb." Puck says.

"No, I'm not. I had a feeling raiders didn't kill Santana's family. They didn't take anything with them. What type of raider kills the entire royal family and takes nothing with them?"

They hear a crashing sound and they look over toward where Blaine and Jesse were standing along with the guards. Except now the guards are bleeding on the ground and Jesse is wiping blood off his sword while Blaine holds his out toward David. "Let her go." Blaine instructs in a calm and cool tone.

Jesse swings is sword around and points it with David as well. "Think about it Davey. You might be able to hurt her but we'll kill you and expose your family. Then the rebellion will really begin."

David gulps down the hard lump in his throat and looks at Santana. "I don't want to hurt her." He looks back at Jesse and Blaine. "But I have to."

"No! Dave, don't do this. Your dad, he's in Ayrshire, right?" He nods. "Santana was never here. Santana is gone and no one knows if she's alive or not. Jesse and Blaine found some poor girl in a cave named Maria. She is Finn's personal servant. Ok?"

"I'm so sorry." He whispers, sticks the knife into her side and pulls out his own sword.

She drops to the floor, holding onto her side. Blaine and Sam run to her and Finn, Jesse and Puck run toward David. Puck and Jesse hang back a little, watching David carefully, making sure he won't try to run. Finn and David swing their swords at each other and the other Knights run off to find some help from the townspeople.

Finn gets a few blows in; David is horrible at sword fighting. He falls to the ground, his arm bleeding from where Finn cut him, his chest as well. "She's ok." Blaine announces. "It's just a flesh wound. Poor some alcohol on it and close the wound and she'll be fine."

Sam scoops Santana up in his arms and looks at David. He looks up at Finn from where he is laying on the ground. "Are you going to kill me or what?"

Finn looks down at him and puts his sword away. "I'm not a murderer." They get David up from the ground and bound his arms behind his back.

Santana insists on walking but Finn and Sam don't feel comfortable with that. They stand on either side of her; Finn wraps his arm around her waist and presses his hand against her cut, putting pressure on it to stop the bleeding.

They get her to a healer's house and get her wound cleaned. After that they pack up and go back to Cornwall, David in tow. Finn says they will hold an official trial for him and his family and whatever the sentence he receives will be carried out on his father as well (Finn plans on calling the treaty rights of getting help seizing King Karofsky).

When they get back, Finn's father is angry until he hears what happened.

"I knew she looked familiar." His mother says, she hasn't had an opinion one way or another when it came to Maria/Santana. "She looks so much like Rosalyn when we were young."

Finn's father welcomes Santana into their life with a lot kinder attitude then before. A few weeks later is the first ever public trial in Cornwall. King Karofsky is sent to his death and David is strip of his title and is sent to one of the northern nations to work on ships.

Santana was the crown princess when her family was murdered so technically she is Queen of Dorset now. Santana's first act as Queen is Knighting Sam.; which really comes to surprise to everyone.

"Sir Samuel, you are now able to marry a Lady of the court." She whispers to him and looks over at Quinn who already caught onto what this meant.

Rachel and Kurt are extremely happy that their friend is back. They have a huge feast at Dorset and Santana signs the Peace Treaty. Everything seems to be moving fast for her, she's only back in Dorset for a month when she is called back to Cornwall.

Sam, who she pretty much stole from Finn, escorts her back. When she arrives, Finn proposes to her. She didn't expect that but she says yes. They plan the wedding pretty quickly, they'll live in Dorset since she is the only one who can rule over them but they have to come up with a plan for the day that Finn has to take over Cornwall.

Their wedding night is pretty amazing in both their opinions. Santana and Finn lay around a few days after that together, just focusing on themselves, making love and talking to each other.

When the wedding bliss has to come to an end, Santana makes some decisions for the future of Dorset. Quinn and Sam have both written her, telling her they want to marry but since Sam is just a Knight her father refuses. She talks to Finn about this and they come up with the best plan.

She wants Sam to be happy and she knows he'll only be happy with Quinn. So, she makes him her hand. When Santana and Finn move back to Cornwall to become King and Queen, Sam will rule over Dorset.

Of course once the news reaches Russell Fabray he is proud to give his daughter's hand in marriage. Everything seems to be working out for the best. The only person who doesn't get the person they want is Brittany and Puck. Brittany marries Artie; she says she's happy though.

Puck moves to Dorset because Finn's dad thinks he's trouble. Santana doesn't mind him around. But he still doesn't find a girl to love. He wastes his time with a bunch of maids in town but everyone knows he loves Brittany but won't admit it.

But all in all, Santana is happy that she is finally with her one love and Finn is happy that he found his first (and technically) only love.

The End.