The four occupants of the room looked at each other. Well technically Greg was looking at himself since he hadn't had the courage to look up from his feet. Instead he watched them scuff against the carpet that was soft beneath his toes. He knew that eyes were on him, gaging his every move as if he were a wild animal who they wished to capture.

Finally Nick huffed out a sigh and rose to his feet. Greg stared adamantly at the floor but his ears pricked at the sound.

'Nick, what are you doing?' It was Sara's voice which piped up next to Greg as she was still seated on his armrest.

'I'm leaving. He doesn't want me here, God he can't even look at me and I will not force him to hear me out, that's not how I want to do this. This isn't how I can do this; it feels too much like violating his trust again.' Greg could almost see him running his hand through his hair in quiet frustration.

'But he has to know Nick.' This time it was Mindy and Greg wanted to shove his foot in her perfect little face. He couldn't bear to hear her voice, the way she pronounced each word carefully as if it were a line from some kind of script she was rehearsing, the way her tongue caressed his name like it was something entirely breakable. That was all too familiar to Greg, he knew what it was like to speak that name with so much love in that one syllable, he absently wondered whether he would still say it like that or if bitter jealousy an unrequited love would stain it until it felt dirty on his lips. He had not been able to utter the name since the breakup, it felt like a foreign word, a word on the tip of your tongue, so close yet so far from being spoken.

'And he will know, if and when he wants to. I won't force you Greg, that is the last thing I would ever want. So when you are ready to let me explain I promise I will drop everything and run to wherever you are to tell you, but until then I will wait. I'm sorry we came, it was rude. Goodbye.'

Still staring at the carpet, Greg could feel the shadow fall over him as Nick passed him to reach the door. He wasn't sure if it was his imagination but he felt Nick hesitate beside him and sensed the hand that wanted to reach out and touch him. Part of him wished it would, he had missed the simple touches so damn much, but Nick passed without incident.

'Explain what?' The hoarseness of his voice surprised even Greg. The shuffle of feet stopped at the door. Greg lifted his head and turned so that he could see Nick, hand frozen as it reached for the door knob.

'You cheated on me, what more is there to explain. Where you did it? How many times? Why?'

Nick turned as well. His eyes stared at Greg seemingly contemplating something. He reached an unknown conclusion and marched over to the armchair where Greg's small form was sat. Upon seeing the close distance that Nick was now standing, and not trusting himself with the close quarters, Greg pulled his knees up to form a barrier between them. He watched in nervous anticipation as Nick crouched in front of him, staring into his eyes. He remained silent for a minute, almost as if he wanted to build up tension.

'I didn't cheat on you Greg.' Such a simple sentence but it challenged everything Greg thought he knew about his relationship with Nick. It made his head spin, his hands shake and worst of all, his heart hope. He willed Nick to continue and Nick knew that he would never be able to deny Greg anything nor would he ever want to. He reached out his hands and covered Greg's shaking ones, causing their owner's eyes to widen. They were full of conflicting emotions but he let the hands remain over his.

'I never cheated; I would never cheat on you. The whole thing was a publicity stunt for the launch of the show. The only thing I'm guilty of is being an idiot. I thought that by not telling you about the fake relationship that you would be protected from that messy side of my life. That's why I never told anyone about you, the paparazzi suck. I never meant for this to happen, I swear, you were, are, the only one that I want. I fucking love you and I hate myself for doing this to you. Seeing you like this, I can't stand it. You never deserved any of this, my life messes up everything…'

By the end Nick was working himself into a state of panic. He was cursing his life, his job, his contract. He was even cursing himself. Tears were brimming in his eyes threatening to match the ones cascading down Greg's raw face. As soon as the first one fell Nick felt the hands beneath his move. He tried to hold onto them, scared the man he loved would disappear if he lost physical contact, but Greg managed to pull his hands away almost violently. Nick felt dirty, Greg didn't want to touch him. He had sinned, not in the way Greg had thought but he had hidden away this beautiful man, not allowed him to shine but allowed himself to break his heart. That was in a way a worse sin. He had denied the world Greg.

More tears joined the one rolling down towards his cheek, and then suddenly hands were on his face wiping at the salty droplets, catching them before they fell to the floor and smashed. He realised the hands hadn't been trying to leave him, only reposition themselves. Then Nick's face was being pulled forward, tears were mingling as lips collided and Nick toppled towards Greg managing to catch himself before he squashed the slight figure beneath him.

The kiss was needy, messy and definitely what both of them needed. Tongues collided as mouths opened and the two women looked on in shock, happiness coursing through their veins but awkwardness accompanying it, the situation was slightly too voyeuristic for their taste. As if by silent agreement, they left the reconciled couple in peace. The two men were lost in each other, drowning in what they had missed; it was a good five minutes before they separated gasping for air, for each other.

'I feel like an idiot,' whispered Greg into the silence a blush painting his cheeks.


'Nicky, I am so sorry that I doubted you, it was horrible of me, I should have suspected, I should have talked to you instead of assuming.'

'Greggo, you did suspect it was false that's why you asked Mindy, it was just unfortunate that she confused you for a journalist and fed you the bullshit she had prepared for the rest of the media. Don't you dare blame yourself; it was my fault and my fault alone.'

'Does this mean you want me again?'

'Gregory Sanders, I never stopped wanting you, but the real question is whether or not you will have me back or not.'

Greg bit his lip in pretend consideration, hmmming over certain thoughts until he finally sighed and nodded.

'I guess I'll have to. Turns out Kelly Clarkson is right, my life does suck without you.'

'Well we do belong together, but you don't have a piece of me Greggo, you have all of me, she got that bit wrong.' Nick kissed Greg's nose lightly relishing in the giggle it provoked, the sound made his spine tingle pleasantly. He vaguely noticed that Sara and Mindy had left but he couldn't bring himself to care about their whereabouts while he held the most important thing he could conceive right there in his arms.

He smiled evilly.

Greg had the sense to look worried for about 10 seconds before he was being hoisted into strong arms and spun around the room until his head was blurry. As his sight returned and his gleeful laughter died down he looked up into Nick's adoring face and smiled. Gently, he raised his torso so that he could press his lips to Nick's sweetly.

'I missed you so much.' It didn't need to be said but they both relished in the sentiment.

A clearing of throats alerted them to company and they turned to see that Greg's mother had returned with the girls and all three stood smiling at the pair. It was obvious that Mrs Sanders had been filled in on the circumstance and she greeted Nick like he was the most important person alive and he knew it wasn't because of his acting job, it was because of his new job, looking after the most gorgeous man in the world. Loving his, protecting him, caring for him. It was the job he had wanted ever since he had learnt of its vacancy and the fact he had been given the chance not once, but twice meant the world to him.

She beamed as she took in the sight of her son nestled in the handsome actor's muscular arms. It was lovely to be able to see her son as his usual bubbly self rather than the moping depressed creature he had regressed into over the past week. She didn't understand how some people would be able to look at the pair before her and frown upon their union, scorn them for being in love simply because of the fact that they were both male. Love was love, and this love was as pure as it came. It was the kind that made you want to squeal with happiness and glow just because you are in its proximity. It was evident in every look, smile and whispered conversation, in the briefest of touches and lengthened embraces. Quite simply, love was in the air.

'Nick, you must stay for dinner with us, there is more than enough for you and the girls to stay but they have already agreed. What do you say?'

Nick looked up as the older woman spoke and then down at her son, who was still cradled in his arms, as the question became apparent. The beautiful eyes were gleaming up at him, all traces of hurt, betrayal and sorrow washed away with Nick's confession. Greg wasn't someone to hang onto the past unnecessarily and as he stared harder he could see the hope in his eyes, not just urging him to stay for dinner, but to stay forever. He saw Greg's mouth move softly as he mouthed 'I love you' up at his 'captor'. Said captor grinned before mouthing the same back.

Finally, after this admittedly sappy conversation, Nick returned his gaze to the assembled women.

'So what do you say?' Mrs Sanders pressed.

'I say… you're never getting rid of me ever again.'

Greg snickered but his blush was evident. To hide it he curled towards the toned chest of his boyfriend and continued to laugh giddily though he was unsure of the cause anymore. He was laughing just because. He didn't need a reason, he was Greg Sanders after all. Nick pressed a fond kiss to the mussed hair on his bundle's head. Mrs Sanders smiled a smile that only mothers can as she watched the two with pride. They were perfect together.

'Well then, welcome to the family Nick,' and with that she turned to head to the kitchen and set an extra plate at the kitchen table. She had a feeling that the extra place setting would be needed more regularly now.


Wow, it's over… forever! Well maybe not. I am thinking of doing a one shot with them coming out to the press so look out for that.

I really hope you enjoyed this, I loved writing it and checking my hits and reviews. It went down so much better than I thought it would so thanks for your amazing contributions to my happiness. Please tell me what you think and I can't tell you how sad I am that our journey has ended. Some of your names have become so familiar and I will miss you all 3