Inspired by the "To the Sky" from Owl City, but only because I put it on repeat while writing this. Hope you like it! :)

"Hey, Hermione?" I heard someone say. But I recognized his voice, and I ignored it. Because I was already having a pretty horrible day, and I didn't need to make it worse by talking to Draco Malfoy. I wasn't suicidal.

My day was going pretty bad because I kept hearing people laugh at me from behind my back, and every time I turned around, they would all be stifling giggles and avoiding my eyes. And, even when I asked Harry and Ron about it, they just shrugged and laughed as soon as they thought I couldn't hear them.

So I ignored him, along with everyone else, and continued on my way to the library.

Except that he was following me.

And maybe I was just being paranoid about the laughter and the following and all that, but I didn't think so. I could feel him staring at me and following me to the library, I swear. But I didn't look back, because I didn't want to appear even more paranoid than I already probably did.

So I kept walking, and when I got to the library I stopped at the first bookcase I saw and tried to look out of the corner of my eye to see if he was still there. To confirm that I wasn't totally delusional. But the library appeared to be pretty much empty, and even Madam Pince was off somewhere, organizing books. I let out a shaky breath and reached for a book.


I shrieked and stumbled back- I hadn't looked to see if he was on my left. Stupid, I thought to myself. Draco caught me by the arm and kept me from falling onto the floor, for which I was mildly thankful, but mostly annoyed. Bad day, remember?

"Hermione Granger," Draco said to me, quickly letting go of me and backing away a step. He looked amused.

"What is it?" I hissed back.

"Wanna know a secret?" he questioned, a wry smile on his pale face.


In answer, Draco moved behind me and tore something off of the back of my robes, his fingers lingering on the frame of my shoulders. I spun around to finally look at him, and he was holding a paper sign with tape on the corners in his hands.

"There was a sign taped to your back," he informed me.

"What does it say?" I demanded, trying to snatch the paper away from him. But he was quicker, and he sped off, deeper into the library. I raced after him, whispering loudly that he was going to get us in trouble with Madam Pince. He called back that she wasn't coming near us, not for a long while, at least. I decided to contemplate on that later, because I was already too busy chasing after Draco Malfoy.

He rounded corners, narrowly avoiding knocking books off of shelves, and I did the same. Soon he actually was pulling books off of their shelves with some spell, and they fell to the floor and threatened to trip me. I whipped out my own wand and gasped out a spell that caused more books to spill into Draco's path, but he never fell.

We both kept running for a few more minutes, and then we met in the middle of the library.

Draco was perched atop a tall bookcase, and he laughed at my furious expression as he held the stupid paper behind his back.

"How in the world did you get up there?" I asked, more curious and breathless than angry and annoyed at the moment.

He smirked at me. "Magic," he replied with a wink.

"Can you just give it back to me?" I begged. "I want to see what it says! Please?"

Draco cocked his head to the left and appeared to consider it for a moment. Then he spoke. "Nah," he answered, and jumped off of the bookcase. I swore he was sprinting away before his feet even hit the floor.

I laughed as I chased after him, casting a spell that helped me to run faster. But it seemed that Draco knew of that spell, too, because I still couldn't catch up with him. I sighed, a silly smile on my face- shockingly enough- as I stopped and let myself collapse against a bookcase, completely out of breath.

And then he was there, in front of me.

"How did you- Merlin, did you just apparate?" I nearly shouted at him.

"Nope. I'm just fast," Draco told me.

"Fine," I answered. "You win. You're faster than me, which you probably already knew. Would you just let me see the bloody sign now?"

He chuckled, then gave me a quick smile. "Sure, Hermione." He let it fall from his hands into my lap, and I nearly ripped it to shreds when I snatched at it, causing him to laugh some more.

The paper was blank. But that didn't really even matter, because I'd already turned to look at Draco, a strange expression on my face. And he met me halfway, leaning in to press his lips against mine. I could feel him trying to keep a smile off of his face, and I felt the same way.

I suppose it wasn't such a bad day after all.