Soo... yeah. I wrote this, as I so often write my drabbles, at some ungodly hour of the morning. Two or three am I think.

Anyway, enjoy it, please.

R&R and ConCrit is appreciated.

Everybody in the host club believes that Hikaru and I act, that our relationship is false. They are wrong. We act as if it's an act, we play it up for the customers, and we joke.

But it's not an act. The things we say are all true. We play our little games, we have our role-plays. Hikaru is my first love, and I am his.

It's wrong. It's illegal. It's against everything.

But we'll do it anyway.

We'll do it because it feels so right. We'll do it because it's all we want. We'll do it to make ourselves happy. We'll do it because we need it.

It hurts, hurts to be told by everyone that the most amazing, the most beautiful thing in my world is immoral and disgusting.

Those girls, they think that because its love it'll all work out fine in the end.

The other hosts think that it's not serious, just brotherly love and fun.

So yes, we act as if it's for fun, as if it's not true.

I know that Hikaru cares for Haruhi, and in truth, so do I.

We appear to be growing apart, but when we're at home, when we're alone we're closer than ever.

Yeah, I know it's wrong. Yeah, I know I shouldn't. And yeah, Hikaru knows too.

But we'll do it anyways.

After all, we're only acting.