Ten minutes later, the doorbell rang. Castle jumped up from the couch where he was sitting

"I'll get it!" He yelled like a small child. He opened the door quickly to see Melinda there. "Hello Ms. Gordan what a pleasure to see you." He smiled. "Is she here?" Castle said slightly looking over her shoulder.

"Mr. Castle," She laughed. "That's not how it works, ghosts don't usually ride in the car with me. They tend to just show up on their own."

"Hmm, being a ghost sounds pretty awesome!"

"Yeah, except for the, you know, dead part." Kate mumbled under her breath. But Castle heard her remark and turned to stick his tongue out at her. "How old are you, Castle?"

"You are both children, can we move on?" Jim Beckett spoke up.

"So Melinda, how does this work? The whole talking to ghosts thing, not something I do everyday, as you can imagine." Rick said politely.

"Could you be any more of a suck up Castle? Kate accused.

"Can't I try to impress your mother, with my manners?"

"Johanna says that you have excellent manners...for a twelve year old." Melinda laughed.

"Hey! Wait she's here?" He exclaimed.

"She's been here the whole time."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I was waiting for you two to stop bickering." Melinda quoted.

"Prove it." Kate said firmly. Melinda paused for a moment and then said,

"You have an angel tattoo on your upper calf that you got when you were sixteen. When your mom found out she lectured you for an hour before your dad calmed her down and said 'it wasn't the end of the world'. Later after she passed away, you added her name to it."

"I was never okay with that tattoo." Jim said as he took a few steps closer until he was right next to Kate.

"You weren't?"

"Of course not, you're my baby girl. But I learned my lesson when you started dating that punk just because I didn't like him. I still don't." He added as an after thought.

"Your mom wants to know why you haven't told anyone about Josh yet?"

"Wha...what about Josh?" Kate hesitated.

"She wants me to tell them if you don't." Melinda said eying Kate.

"Why does my love life matter, mom?" Kate said, but then immediatly regreted admitting she believed her mom was really with them. Melinda took a deep breath and then said.

"Excuse me for saying this, your moms words not mine. Because the right guy for you is in this room, and there's no way that you are going to tell him how you feel on your own." Castle raised one of his hands slightly to inturupt.

"Your mom is officially into your life more than mine is. If I could hug her, I totally would right now."

"You know what Castle..." Kate started, but Jim stopped her.

"Kate." He smiled. "You know she has a point, right?" But she just ignored him.

"So has she really been with me since she died?" Kate asked Melinda changing the subject.

"Yes." Melinda answered simply. "She was even with you and your father that night at the resturant."

"The night she died?" Kate questioned. Melinda nodded. "What did you get into, Mom. Why were you...killed?"

"I was there, that night Captain Montgomery was killed. I saw what he did for you, to keep you safe. He did the right thing not telling you how to find the man who killed me. You have to understand that I am at peace with that part of my life, the only thing keeping me here, and not going into the light, is you, Katie." Johanna said, while Melinda quoted her.

"But mom, they deserve to be punished for it."

"Maybe so, but you don't. Let it be." Johanna pleaded.

"Fine." She said in a defeated tone. "I will." A single tear rolled down Kate's cheek, and her mother wanted so badly to wipe it away. Johanna reached her hand out and placed it on Kate's cheek. Who felt a cold chill on her face, and gasped softly, knowing it had to be her mother.

"I love you, Katie, Jim. I've even grown an attachment to you also, Mr. Castle, take care of my baby will you?" Johanna said.

"I will" Castle said with a knowing smile to Jim.

"She's leaving now." Melinda said in a calm voice, and even she had tears in her eyes. To Melinda, she saw the light on Johanna's face as she said goodbye for the last time, and stepped into the bright beginning that was ahead.

"Thank you Melinda." Kate said. "And I'm sorry how I acted before."

"It's okay, most people don't like to believe me at first. I'm used to it." she shrugged.

"Excuse me, but I never doubted you." Castle added.

"And I thank you for that." Melinda smiled.

"Thank you Mrs . Gordan, for everything." Jim said.

"No problem, but I really should get going. I told Delia we would head home early in the morning." She said as she turned towards the door. Once Melinda was gone Castle turned to Beckett.

"Want a ride home? We could split a cab." Castle suggested.

"That sounds good Castle." She smiled. "Thank you Dad, for being here."

"Anytime, honey." He said and wrapped her in a hug. Castle and Beckett left Jim's house and as soon as the door was shut...

"So, what's up with Josh?" Castle blurted.

"I knew you weren't going to forget that." Kate muttered.

"Not a chance, so what happened?"

"We broke up, I just couldn't do the long distance."

"Really?" Castle said almost too excitedly.

"My place?" She said as they got into the cab.

"Sure." He smiled.

A/N: First off, I'd like to dedicate this chapter to phnxgrl, because while writing this, I couldn't get her comments out of my head, so I assume that if she has some kind of effect on how I write, I should probably should do something about it! Second, I'm really sorry that the update took soo long, I wish I had a good reason but I really don't, other than I wasn't sure what I wanted from this chapter in the first place. And finally, this is the last chapter of this story. But I might end up doing a sequal to this, going in the romance catagory ;-) Please review and tell me what you thought of this story/chapter. And what you think about me doing a sequal!