A/N: This is my second story overall. I'm writing this right now because my internet is down and I need something to do. Hope you enjoy it. If it's posted well that obviously means my internet's back up, no? Also, don't expect this to be a long story. It's just a little nostalgia.

2015: I'm revising and polishing to end the story, the outline was always done but I got lazy and lsot interest and never finished it. I would like to do that now.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. I'd like to own Draco Malfoy though…

"Blow out the candles Rosie!" Hermione Weasley said to her previously 15, now 16, year old daughter. Rose Weasley blew out the candles enthusiastically. Grinning, she hugged her large family and finally her boyfriend, Scorpius Malfoy. Previously, Scorpius' father and Rose's father hated each other, but after the war her Uncle Harry had invited Draco Malfoy to his wedding and to his house for dinner. They had developed a somewhat friendly bond. Sometimes the Malfoys and Potters went to The Burrow and sometimes they went to the Potter's place. Scorpius and Rose got together in her fifth year and, grudgingly, her father approved. The festivities wore on all day starting with lunch, quidditch games between everyone, and regular pranks from James and Fred, Rose's cousins.

"Where are Fred, Lou, and James?" Teddy Lupin asked. Although he wasn't blood related he was still a part of the family.

"Probably off planning some new prank. Want to help me look for them?" Rose's cousin Albus asked both of them.

"We'll help!" Lily said coming up to them and dragging Hugo, Rose's brother, away from the food.

"I'll bet they're up in the attic." Victorie Lupin Weasley, stated bringing her sister, Dominique, behind her. They made their way up to the attic when Scorpius, who also happened to be Al's best friend, joined them.

"What's going on?" Scorpius asked draping his arm around Rose's shoulder.

"We're looking for Fred, James, and Lou." Al stated.

"Attic?" Scorpius asked.

"Attic," Al confirmed with a nod of the head. When they pulled down the door to the attic they saw the seasoned pranksters fiddling with some kind of necklace.

"You better not be planning some kind of prank." Rose told her cousins. The three cousins looked up simultaneously when they noticed they had guests.

"We're not. Well, we were…but then we found this." James said holding up the necklace which Rose now realized was a time turner, her mother's old time turner which she told Rose she used to use in third year.

"Give me that!" Rose shouted panic rising in her voice.

"No way little cousin!" Fred said snatching it away from James.

"Hey! I was looking at it!" James said trying to tug it away from Fred.

"I want to have a look!" Shouted Louis jumping into the tug of war. Everyone then proceeded to join in trying to take it away from the pranksters when they finally let go and it shattered sending shards and sand everywhere.

"Oh no!" Rose and Al said simultaneously. Everything seemed to spin and deform in front of Rose's eyes until she didn't know which way was up. Finally, she landed on the floor and as everyone got up she noticed a ghoul. A ghoul was in the attic with them. She screamed and that's when the nightmare began.

A/N: First chapter done! Please review! It'd be greatly appreciated.