A/N - I thought this song was good for them. :)

She left without leaving her number

Said she needed to clear her mind.

Tears filled Abby's eyes as she looked over her lab on last time. It was time for a change she knew that but the act of actually changing was hard. She had met the new forensic scientist and knew she would do her best for the agency and the teams. Abby clung tight to her hippo that sat under her arm and turned into the elevator when she got up to the parking lot she was surprised to see the Director had yet to leave.

"You are sure about this Ms. Sciuto." He said simply.

"Yeah its best, Goodbye Leon." She said hugging him usually the director deflected such acts of emotion but rather returned it.

"Goodbye Abby." He said simply as he watched her get in her old vaults-wagon and drive away.

Timothy McGee had gotten to work early the next morning with a Caf-Pow for Abby and the first thing he did is go to the Forensic Lab to see her. He knew the last case got to her and hoped they could talk before the busyness of the day took over. When he got there he went and wrapped his arms around her shoulders and turned his face to kiss her cheek only to see it wasn't her.

"Who…" The new woman started and McGee took a few steps back.

"I am so sorry I thought you where someone else." The young agent explained.

"You must be S.S.A Timothy McGee." The woman guessed.

"Yeah but everyone here calls me McGee." He explained.

"S.S.A Timothy McGee will work fine. I am the new forensic scientist Dawn Reynolds nice to meet your acquaintance." Dawn said.

"You to." Acquaintance? McGee questioned before walking slowly to the elevator. He immediately dialed Abby's number after the door shut. The voice mail box said that the phone was terminated and then ended his call. McGee's heart sunk deep into his stomach and he rolled his fingers threw his hair. Where was she?

Once at his desk he slouched into his chair telling the others was not going to be fun. Then a note fell into his lap. It was addressed 'Timmy ' and Tim knew it was Abby he picked it up and opened it finding a piece of printer paper neatly folded he picked it up and read it.

'Hi Timmy,

I am sorry I never said goodbye. But I need a change in scenery I can't do it anymore. Not after Mike, Jenny, Ari, Kate, and now EJ I know that wasn't job related but still I just cant take it. I know this won't console your fears but I am safe. I can't think of what else to write Timmy other than I love you and wish I could continue to work there.

Love, Abby.'

The note was simple and sweet but as Abby even wrote herself didn't console any of Tim's worse fears about the woman he had planned to marry. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the small box. It was black and didn't look like anything special except the ribbon he had tied around it was skull and cross bones.

He hid the box at the bottom of paperwork and sighed. He really wished he didn't come in early to work this morning.

He figured she'd gone back to Austin

Because she Talked about it all the time.

It was ten months before Timothy McGee finally cracked the code of Abby's where-a-bouts and go figure it was after his first date since she left. He came home that night from one of the worst first dates in history, Tony having set it up, and found that his computer had a location for Abigail Shutto. It was,

19432 Richmond Court, Austin TX, 73301.

He didn't even had to read it he knew the address by heart. It was her parents address. 19432 Richmond Court Apt. # 201 was the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shutto and had been for some time now. Apartment number for Abby was 304.

Deep inside a part of him knew she went back home. She always did when she got scared. When Mike died and McGee went to see Abby he saw a plane ticket to Austin in her hands. He at that time ripped it up and threw it to the way side saying she was home.

He knew if he where to tell Gibbs and the rest of the team the entire team would be on the next plane to Austin and he wondered if he should tell. After all Abby left for a reason, he looked one last time before deleting it and his entire history of the site.

He felt a piece of his heart fall to the floor and looked around his now almost empty apartment. He was in the process of moving to a smaller one because this one was to large. The only thing not yet backed was an old picture of Abigail himself and Jethro the huge beast that he had grown to love for Abby's sake.

It was almost a year before she called him up.

Three Rings and an answering machine was all she got.

'Abigail Joyce Shutto I raised you better than this you love him, call him.' Mrs. Charlotte Shutto signed angrily to her daughter. This was one of there many conversations that centered around a certain special agent. Abby had never actually told her mother she loved Tim but she knew and had told her she was stupid every day for leaving him.

'He has moved on by now ma he is happier now.' Abby signed back.

'The way you describe him I wouldn't be surprised if the past ten months he has spent searching for you Abby your mother is right call him.' Her father signed toward his daughter.

"Fine you all win, I will call him." She said throwing her hands up in defeat. She went over to the phone and dialed his number the one she knew by heart. She waited and saw him threw the computer screen she forgot he had learned to sign so he could get to know her parents better when they got serious. He was sitting in the desk chair smiling at the camera and his answering machine began to play.

'If you are calling about the car I sold it

If this is Tuesday night I am bowling

If you've got something to sell

You're wasting your time I'm not buying

If it anyone else I wait for the tone you know what to do

P.S if this is Austin I still Love you'