Note: I don't own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

Another note: Thank you all soooooooo much for all of the comments and follows! I love them! They're really inspiring me to write. I was surprised to see so much response, but it makes me happy, so keep it coming (please? )! I've got plenty more scenes planned, so stay tuned! And also, if you have any requests, I'm open and willing to write it! Just PM me or leave it in the comments! Again, thanks everyone for commenting!

"Molly. Psst. Molly. Molly Prewett. Psst. Mo—"

"I hear you, Arthur!" Molly exclaimed with a laugh, lying her quill down on the table next to her long parchment, her tidy writing in perfect lines across the page. That was one of the requirements that she loved about Hogwarts. When she used a quill like that, it made her feel like she was in the old days, writing out a perfectly scripted recipe. She pulled herself back into reality when Arthur's red head bobbed into her vision.


She pushed him away from her precious parchment and laughed. "Yes! What is it! Shouldn't you be studying? We have our N.E.W.T.s very soon, and I don't know about you, but I'd like to do well. Don't you want a job with the Ministry? I thought you had to have good marks for that."

Arthur waved the comment away with his hand as if it was nothing. "Yes, I do plan on going into the Ministry, but I don't want to be an Auror or anything. I want to work in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office. Something about them…just fascinates me. The way that they're able to function without magic…and it still works! I'd just love to tinker around with the things and—" he cut himself off when he saw the horrified look on Molly's face. "What is it?"

"Aren't you in the department that is supposed to prevent people from doing just that?"

"What? No, I didn't say that. You must have misheard me. You're so silly, Molly. So, I wanted to talk to you about something. If you'd give me a moment of your time."

Molly rolled her eyes at her fellow ginger with a smile. There was that eccentric in him again…it definitely hadn't gone away over the last year. If anything, it had only gotten worse. Over the summer between sixth and seventh years, he had discovered his interest in anything muggle related, and he had been hooked ever since. Finding muggle things was like a drug to him. So far, he found that his favorite things to collect had been plugs and batteries; unfortunately for him, muggle technology didn't work in Hogwarts, so he had to leave his precious stash at home. She crossed her ankles and leaned forward on her table, gazing deeply passed his glasses into his shining eyes. "What is it you want to talk about, love?"

He suddenly looked hesitant and nervous as he dropped his gaze to his hands. He took a moment, looking like he was giving himself a quick pep talk before looking back up at her and smiling that classic Arthur smile that could make her melt. "Walk with me?"

"But my things…"

Without a word, he smiled and gathered her parchments, quill and ink, and books into her bag, making sure to blow on the parchment to make sure it was dry before rolling it up and stowing it away. He slung the bag over his shoulder and offered her his arm, which she promptly took. He led her all the way from Gryffindor tower to the grounds, where he pulled her to the spot where he had first asked her if they were on a date. That felt like so long ago, but in a way, it felt like only yesterday. Things felt so at ease with Arthur, things just seemed to blend into one perfect romance. He dropped her bag by the twisting vines and released her arm. She cocked her head when she saw his cheeks flush red, as if he had just run a long distance or was extremely nervous about something. Even his ears seemed to be turning red.


"Molly…" He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, turning to face her and taking his hands in his. "Molly Prewett…I know…things are getting bad out there. There's a war going on, but I think that gives people more of a reason to celebrate the small things in life that make them happy. I guess…what I'm trying to say is…Molly…you make me happy…I know…I'm not rich or fancy or anything…and I'm sure you could do a lot better…but I'm completely in love with you…and I want to spend my whole life with you. I know I can't give you much…but I can give you a happy life…and let you cook all you want…I just…can't live without you…"

Molly felt herself paling with each word that tumbled out of his mouth in an awkward, earnest way. Was Arthur really going with this where she thought he was going with it…? If he was…she could die a happy woman. "I can't live without you either, Arthur," she replied in a voice barely above a whisper.

A small smile slipped onto his face and he dropped down to one knee. "In that case…will you marry me, Molly?"

It felt like her world had exploded in happiness. Not only was she close to graduating, but the man of her dreams had just proposed to her. All felt right in the world to her, and she was living out this perfect moment. Her. Molly Prewett. This was how things were supposed to be in her perfect little world that she had always hoped for. Still feeling numb with happiness, she forced herself to nod instead of celebrate, causing him to exhale the nervous breath he had been holding.

"Good because I…got this for you." Her eyes widened. She knew that he didn't have much money, so she hadn't been expecting to get a ring or anything. But when he produced a box from his pocket, she almost wanted to beg him to keep it because she couldn't accept something so nice. And when he opened it, she knew that telling him to take it back would only break his heart. It looked like he had been saving up for a long time because the ring was beautiful. It wasn't overly fancy or gaudy—just simple silver with a small diamond heart—but it was the most beautiful ring she had seen in her life. He bit his lip as he looked up at her from the box. "It's not much, I know, but I've been…saving up for a couple years now…since I fell in love with you…I knew I wanted to marry you."

"Arthur, it's perfect. I wouldn't want anything else."

His brilliant smile made his eyes sparkle, lighting up his whole face. He pulled her into a tight hug and tipped her chin up to plant a kiss on her soft lips, holding her like he would never let her go.