Note: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters.

Molly Prewett took a deep breath and stepped through the wide doors of the Entrance Hall of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, clutching her wand tightly in her robes. Her eyes scanned the mass of first years around her, and she nestled further into the group she was in. Nerves overtook her as the Professor that led them in stood at the front of the group.

"First years, this way." She led them into the Great Hall and in front of all the staff and students.

Molly scurried along with the rest of the first years and took her place in front of everyone. Her stomach lurched as a boy she hadn't seen before caught her eye. He had bright red hair to match hers and his freckles looked like something had exploded on his face. She felt heat rise to her cheeks as he met her eyes, and she dropped her gaze to the floor. He was cute.

She jumped when her name was called. When had they had the time to get to P? She stumbled forward, glancing over at the ginger haired boy and longing to talk to him. What was it that made him so appealing? She shook her head and lowered herself onto the stool. She closed her eyes when the hat touched her head, cringing when she felt it move as it pondered where to place her. Finally, when it called out that she was to be in Gryffindor, she let out a sigh of relief, passed the hat to Professor McGonagall, and collapsed onto the bench next to an older Gryffindor.

"Good to see you," the older male said, sticking his hand out to shake hers, which made her feel very awkward.

"Yeah, you too…" Her eyes were still on the boy upfront, and she was quite undeterred by his too-short, patchy robes and his tousled hair. She perked up when Professor McGonagall called his name. Arthur Weasley. It reminded her of the Muggle tale one of her off, old uncles had told her at one time about a king named Arthur. She wouldn't mind letting him be her Knight when they were older. She tried her name with his—Molly Weasley. It didn't sound half-bad, and she couldn't help but smile. She leaned in closer when the hat began its declaration.


Somehow, she had ended up on her feet as she clapped along with the rest of her house. She burned red when he wandered over and took the open place next to her.

"'ello. Glad that's over. Do you know when the feast starts? I'm starved."

Molly wanted to swoon. He wasn't even near his voice change yet, but already, his voice sounded like the perfect melody to her. She couldn't wait to hear what it would be like once he had grown up a bit. She fumbled to retrieve her words. "Um, soon, I presume. Since your name is a w, you should be pretty close to the end of the ceremony."

Arthur smiled and settled into his seat. "Good."

Molly hoped she wasn't staring, but it was hard not to. He was just so cute, and it wasn't every day you met a ginger that might like you back.

As soon as the food arrived, the boy dug into it like he hadn't had a proper meal in months. She couldn't help but imagine what it would be like when they were all grown up and she made him dinner after a hard day's work. Blushing furiously at the thought, she took the plate that had been offered to her and ate the rest of her meal in silence.