"Tonight was a dark and stormy night, when you came here to see me again…"

Still perched on the end of Warrior Star's nose, Will Lennox kept his gaze on the star-filled night sky as her voice filled the night like the warm tolling of a great bronze bell.

"You and I spent a quiet evening together. We remembered some of our greater battles, some of our sadder memories…and we enjoyed each other's company. I do hope you plan on returning in the near future to visit me again, Will. I miss seeing you every day." She said softly, her optics fixed on the human sitting comfortably on her nose. Lennox didn't turn when he replied, but her sensitive audios caught his voice easily.

"Indeed we did, Warrior Star. And I know, I miss you too…I kinda keep hoping that the Decepticons will kick up a stink here soon, so that I can see you and the pack in action again. That and it's a perfect excuse for us to make some more memories. And get a few more battle scars…" His voice drifted off as he scratched at an old, old scar on his jaw, and her optics followed his movement. The wolf chuckled softly before she replied.

"Yes, I must admit, I miss fighting…my pack was built for war. That and the mechs usually have all the fun…they usually track down any local 'Cons before I even know they're nearby. Spoil-sports." She turned her head just enough to watch her three brothers approach before turning her attention back to Will when the human laughed.

"You sure you don't want to just come back to base with me and actually become an official Autobot? I'm sure Optimus and the rest would be thrilled." Warrior Star couldn't help but smile softly as Will tried, for the umpteenth time, to get her to return with him.

"I am certain, Will. My pack and I are rather like Grimlock and his Dinobots…better suited in our own company than in the company of the rest of the Autobots. And I will never truly be an Autobot, and neither will my brothers. We have been without a faction for too many millennia to give up what we have. We have each other, and that is all that matters to us. We don't need to be a part of the Autobot faction to fight for Optimus and the Autobots if they call on us. And the Decepticons have hurt us all too badly for us to ever fight for them." Slowly she lowered her head, letting the human climb down before he turned to stare into her optics.

"Remember this, William Lennox: I am always here if you need me. I will always come when you call, and I will fight for you until I fall. This I swear." Will smiled at her, patting her nose once more before turning and starting to walk away. Warrior Star raised her head and watched him go as Keystone, Swiftpaw, and Shadowfang climbed the hill to join her.

"You remember this, Warrior Star: your home is where your heart is. Just remember that you always have a home with me." He stopped and turned to look back into her optics as he spoke, and he saw the understanding that flickered through her gaze before she replied.

"Keep in touch, Will. We need to make more memories for the next time we meet. Fare thee well." She said, watching him wave before he carefully made his way back to where his vehicle was parked, hopped in, and drove away. She kept watching even after he was out of sight, then she whispered, more to herself than anyone.

"I look forward to seeing you again, William Lennox. On the next dark and stormy night."

A/N: And that's a wrap! I would like to thank anyone that took a moment to pull up this little challenge and give it a read...it's a thing I jumped into about a year and a half ago, but never really found the time, energy, or inspiration to finish. I had fun re-writing and finishing this off, and I hope everyone that read it enjoyed it!

As always, love if you will, hate if you must. I will take anything that you care to dispense.

Until we meet again...
