The day started off as a normal day for Technical Analyst Penelope Garcia. She opened her eyes to the bottom of pink, sequin rimmed cat mask and slowly went through the process of her morning routine. After eating a bowl of sugar coated rice crispies and a glass of orange juice she headed to the bathroom to have a shower.
Life at Quantico was very stressful but her daily shower helped keep her mind under control. Little things like that were essentual for her not to have a breakdown in the middle of her office. Other things were her flirtful conversations with her Baby Boy, Morgan. She loved her team and couldn't imagine functioning if hey didn't all come back from a case. She expelled the thoughts from her mind as she ran into JJ whilst grabbing some coffee.
"Hey Garcia," JJ greeted grabbing some caffeine for herself as well.
"Hey JJ, you see my chocolate cupcake this morning?" Penelope asked scanning the bullpen.
"I assume you're talking about Morgan. He hasn't come in yet but if that was your cupcake that was left in the fridge last night I am sorry to inform you it has mysteriously disappeared." the agent said nearly giggling.
"My little friend, you will pay for eating my cupcake." Garcia said placing a hand on JJ's shoulder in a mock threat.
She walked to her bat cave round the corner from the bullpen and left JJ laughing to herself as she returned to her office to sort through the endless amount of cases she recieved. After slurping down some of the essentual black liquid she switched her computers on and started to play with a colourful slinky she kept on her desk. Looking up after a couple of minutes she realised none of her screens her turned on, thinking she hadn't pressed the button hard enough she pressed it again. Nothing happened. She crawled under the desk to check the cables at the back but found nothing was out of place. Weird, she thought. For a few minutes she stayed their looking for any disturbance in her vital equiptment untill Prentiss strolled in followed by JJ. They both looking annoyed and later confused at Garcia's position.
"Umm, what are you doing?" Prentiss asked bending down to see her friend tangled in a million wires.
"My computers won't switch on." she moaned looking like a eight year old who had just found out they weren't allowed to go to the park. "Can you help me?" she gestured to the wires.
After both JJ and Emily helped her out of the mess they all sat down around the faulty computers.
"Why are you guys here anyway?" she asked "I love to see my babies and all but won't Hotch get mad at you?"
"I doubt it. He isn't even here yet, none of the boys are." JJ said thinking they'd ditched but at the same time was kind of worried.
"You just got back from a case so thye might've overslept." Penelope suggested, as Rossi walked in.
"Here you are." he said relieved. "Where are they others?"
"Your guess is as could as mine." Prentiss said leaning back in her chair. Worry was clouding her mind but she tried to dismiss it for th benefit of the others.
"Aren't you concer-" Rossi was interrupted by a loud beeping coming of the computer stereos which made all of them jump and turn to the screens. Then it was completly silent as text started to appear on the centre screen, large enough for them all to read.
It read, Don't wonder how I managed to hack your computers with their oh so flawless security walls but kow this. I have nothing against you or any of the members of your team, all i wish to do is conduct an experiment. Nothing more. I am sorry to say though but these are my guinea pigs.
Five screens flashed to life semingly on there own and showed live video feeds from five seperate rooms. Each of them held one very agitated person.
As you can see I have managed to obtain your friends SSA Aaron Hotchner, Derek Morgan and Spencer Reid as well as two woman you will probably not recognise. There names are not important but you shuld know that one is a self harming 14 year old girl and the other an expectant mother.
Each of the locks to the doors are connected directly to the system I am sending you the videofeed on. As soon as a I unfreeze your computers you will be able to free as many as you can if eight minutes but we both know that you are not able to free them all in that time. Your have two minutes to decide. Remember, the ones left behind will suffer the consequences. Choose wisely.
"Oh my Gosh." Garcia said on the verge of tears staring blindly at the screens in front of her. He was right.