Remus Lupin

Sprinting as fast as she could, Stella shot straight ahead towards a nest of houses. She managed to get in between two, hidden in the darkness, when she heard voices. "Remus and Camilla, you guys can go straight ahead. Sirius and Julie can go to the left. I've got the right."

"Can't I come with you, James?" Camilla asked, a sickly-sweet tone to her voice.

"As much as I'd like to, babe, I have a feeling I know where Stells is," he replied, rushing. Most likely to send another Patronus-gram to Lily. Stella snickered.

"How about you go with Sirius and your sister then, Camilla? If you really don't want to look for Stella with me," Remus said, agitated.

There was a pause, then Camilla replied: "No, no, you'll do, I suppose."

Stella's eyes widened. Is that what the girls really wanted? Is Sirius going to hook up with Julie? Why wouldn't James take Camilla's offer. It's not like Lily will marry him or anything; he doesn't have to worry. She puckered her lips in annoyance and decided to run behind a house, laying on the ground underneath a porch swing. Dear Merlin, don't let the owners turn on their back light. There was silence for a couple of minutes as Stella recaptured her breathing, settling into a state of dazed contentment. It was quite nice out. The stars were shining brightly and there were hardly any clouds out. A half-moon was out, which worried her a little bit. Remus would start acting rougher lately. Poor bloke. He's so handsome too...why did Greyback have to hurt him?

She shook her head quickly, jumping from her train of thought. This had been happening a lot lately. What was wrong with her, thinking her best friends were attractive? That's just wrong. And demented. Bloody nasty. Really. Then again, they all are handsome. Fit. Well groomed. They could have any girl they wanted; yet James pines after one, Sirius sleeps with a hundred and Remus is all alone. He's always alone, actually. I don't think he's ever had a girlfriend. At least not in the time I've known him. What about that one girl that started with an A? Ade- no, Andro- no, Ama- no...oh! Alar-

A crack was heard, follow by laughter. "You better watch where you step, Remus! You'll scare the slut off!"

"Excuse me?" He replied, his voice bewildered.

"What? Did I offend you?" Camilla replied, confused but haughty.

"Somewhat yes, actually. I'm sorry, but I don't think it's fair for you to call Stella that. She hasn't done anything to you, if I'm correct."

Camilla must have been stunned silent. "I can't believe you talked back to me! No one talks back to me!"

"I apologize, but I don't take well to my friends' names being slandered. Stella is in no way...that...and she could never be one if she tried! However, if we take a look at..." Remus let out a loud sigh. "Excuse me. That was uncalled for. Maybe it would be best if I continued searching for my friend on my own. You may run off to Sirius or James if you really want to get off."

Stella's mouth dropped. Much like Camilla's would have if she saw it. Merlin's balls. She had never, NEVER heard Remus speak like that before! She blushed. He spoke up for me. I always knew he was loyal to his friends, but still! She then heard Camilla's furious footsteps pounding away from the backyard and Remus' sigh afterwards. There was a sound of crunching grass and then footsteps on wood as he made his way to the porch. He looked around and then sat down on the swing with a shrug. "Idiot. I'm an idiot," he murmured repeatedly.

Stella, while awkwardly staring up at his butt from the ground, let out an angry huff and rolled out from underneath the swing, non-too gracefully. Remus' shocked face met hers when she stood up. "Remus John Lupin. For all of five years I've known you and you have never once been an idiot. That was incredibly nice what you did for me!" She walked up to him and sat down on his right. "You are a great friend and you should know I value you very much."

Despite the compliment, Remus seemed a little disappointed. Stella hardly noticed. "I didn't mean for you to hear that, Stella."

"Why not? You stood up for a friend, me! I'm so glad I heard it. It made my feelings for you much stronger. We'll have a greater relationship now, right?"

"Yeah, of course," he responded, dejected and wincing with every pronounced "friend" she said.

Finally, Stella caught on and noticed his looks. "What's the matter? Have I said something? You know you can tell me anything, Moony."

He looked up at her through his dark hair. "You are a wonderful person, Stella. Any man would be lucky to have you. I am quite jealous."

It took a couple of seconds for her to register what he said. Oh. OH. Remus...she...likes...what? "What are you saying?"

"I...uh, nothing. We should get back, they're probably worried by now."

"No. They haven't shouted for us. We're fine. Tell me, Remus, how do you mean?" Deep inside her, there was a voice pleading for him to admit true love. The stronger side of her threw that corny wish down, insisting that they are just friends. Right?

"Mm, just that...I should probably go find the others. Yeah, they've got to be looking for us," he stammered, face flushed as he walked backwards slowly.

Stella but her angry face on. "Now Moony, don't make me pull out your middle name and use it against you again," she sighed, her face softening. "You're always so honest. Just tell me what's going on. You know I would never hurt you."

Remus' face was torn, but he finally sighed and looked at her from underneath his bangs once again, taking a step towards her. "While you can't promise that, I'll tell you because I am an honest person and you are my friend and deserve the truth." He took a deep breath, closed his eyes for a second and then continued, almost too quietly for her to hear, "I like you...more than a friend. Have since third year..."

Stella, only slightly shocked at this revelation, thought for a moment. It seems too impossible for me to date one of my closest friends. It would be weird...but, we know each other so well...we'd fit perfectly. He never goes on dates. Then again, neither do I. Is this what I've been waiting for after all this time? With a deep sigh and then a great smile, Stella made up her mind. "I've never thought about it before," she said, making Remus jump at the kindness in her voice, "you were always such a good, close friend. I considered you a brother for the longest time...or like one, at least. But lately, I have been noticing certain things about me-about us. I mean, who better to love than your best friend, right? I'm-I'm not saying that I'm in love with you just yet...I don't know the feeling to say it...just that I'd like to give it a chance." She laughed to herself, "Wow, that was a really long speech for just a simple answer. Yes. I like you too." She bit her lip, waiting for his answer.

He smiled warmly at her, making (for the first time) her heart flutter. "Thank you. Can I...kiss you now?"

They were already moving towards each other, shy and smiling. "Please do."

They met at once, and Remus gently trailed the back of his fingers down her cheekbones before engulfing her in a hot kiss. Stella gasped, not expecting the intensity of his kiss. His humble demeanor didn't come forth when he was kissing, that's for sure. Their lips and tongues clashed hurriedly, and they kissed as if they were dying and their only hope for survival was each other. Remus bit her lip almost shyly, causing Stella to moan. Taking this as encouragement, he did it again, slightly harder, then took her mouth for his. He grabbed her hips and roughly pulling her to him, his fingers digging into her hips, right underneath her shirt. She pressed herself against his body and entangled her fingers in his messy hair. "Stella..." he groaned against her mouth, thrusting his hips against hers.

"Moony!" she gasped, loving the rougher side of her shy best friend.

"Stella, I-I..." Remus kissed her harshly before resting his forehead against hers, eyes closed and panting.

"Say it. Please say it," she replied back, kissing him again.

"C-can we...oh, please..."


The porch light flashed on. "What the hell are you kids doin' in my back yard! Marge! Call them cops! We've got trespassers!" The teenagers broke apart and stared wildly at an old man, who was dressed down in his nightwear, and was still shouting angrily. "Sure! Wait here! Y'all go to jail for this! Lemme go fetch my double barrel."

With that, they ran as fast as they could from the house, blushing and laughing the whole way. They were halfway across the street when Stella ran headfirst into a wall. "Oomph!" Before she could hit the ground, strong arms caught her and brought her up.

"Where are you off to in a hurry, Stella? Moony," James asked quizzically, nodding at his friend.

"Old man over there is going to call the cops, Prongs! We've got to get out of sight!" Stella panted, holding onto what she thought was a wall tightly.

"We were hiding in his backyard and he caught us," Remus explained, brushing his shirt off.

"Who? Old man Jameson? And Marge? I love that woman. Makes the best lemon bars. Husband's too strict though," James said, setting Stella correctly on her feet before running a hand through his hair. "I was actually just about to look for you. Black is being a wanker and left with the muggles. Luckily, he's not at my house tonight, so we can still go back there." He gave his signature grin.

"Actually Prongs, Stella isn't feeling well. I was going to take her home. Can we use your floo system?" Remus interjected, grabbing Stella as if she were to faint.

"Is that why she's flushed? Looks like she's had sex, though," James replied, scrutinizing the girl.

"Just because you're not getting any doesn't mean I am," she replied haughtily, though without feeling.

James shrugged. "I'll be getting some soon enough. Evans is slowly falling to my charms." He winked at them before turning around and gesturing them to follow. "C'mon, better get her home before she explodes from pent-up sexual frustration."

"What! I am not!" She shouted back defiantly, before Remus leaned down and whispered in her ear. She blushed and nodded shyly. "Ac-Actually, James, we're going to just Apparate home. Don't want to have to shower before bed."

James turned around and stared at the two before realization hit. He grinned maniacally, winking at Remus. "Right, right. Gotcha. Just remember that you're not seventeen yet, so you're gonna get in trouble eventually...using magic out of school. Illegally knowing how to Apparate. Tsk tsk. Dunno why I hang out with you guys. Such bad influences." The two just stared at him. James sighed, "fine, fine. I get it. Just go. I'm just going to be alone tonight...again."

Feeling slightly bad for James, Stella sighed and said, "Don't give up on Lily, James. Trust me." And with that, she grabbed onto Remus tightly and Disapparated from the spot, leaving a shocked-happy James behind. Upon arriving at her flat, Stella grinned at her soon-to-be-lover before whisking away to the kitchen. "Mum and dad left some Firewhiskey around here somewhere, I'm sure of it..."

"I wouldn't be terribly abject if you couldn't find it. I would rather be able to remember this night fully," Remus said softly, coming up behind her and moving her blonde hair away from her neck. She shivered, pausing from her search. Taking that as an okay, Remus placed a soft kiss on the back of her neck before she turned in his arms, staring up at him.

"It seems strange," she murmured, holding on to the breast of his jacket. "We're so young, yet Padfoot and Prongs have been around the block a dozen times. I've something to tell you, actually." She took a small breath, almost hesitant. "I'm not a virgin. When I dated Crowley last term, we...kind of tried some things. Stuff I'm not too proud of." Looking at his pain-stricken face, she rushed through her words, "If I would've known, somehow, that we were meant to be, I would've waited in a heartbeat. I like you more than I've ever liked Crowley. Or anyone, really. I'm sorry."

There was a small silence before Remus put a light smile on his face. "It's not your fault, Stella. No one could've seen this happen. I don't expect you to wait a lifetime for me. I'm glad you got to enjoy such a simple experience with a real human. I'm...not human. I don't deserve you. I really don't..."

Stella hit him, anger flashing through her eyes. Remus stood in shock, staring wildly at her. "You take that back Remus Lupin. You are more human to me than any man. I don't ever want to hear you talk bad about yourself again. Got it?" He remained speechless. "Moony!"


"Good. Now come on, before my parents get home." She dragged him towards her bedroom, flicking the lights on as she went. She shut her door behind him and looked up at him almost shyly.

"You're beautiful," he whispered, capturing her face again. Stella smiled and got up on her tiptoes to kiss him. He kissed her back generously, moving his arms down to pick her up, hoisting her legs around his waist and pushing her against her door.

She tore her mouth away from his long enough to growl, "You're so sexy when you lose control, Moony."

Groaning, he kissed her again harshly, pushing her against the door. She latched her hands onto his jacket once again, unbuttoning it as their kisses got more intense. She fumbled with the buttons, finding that they would not come undone for her, and with a frustrated growl, she took her wand from her boot and magicked them open. Normally, she would have ripped the damned jacket, but she knew Remus didn't have the most money in the world. He shrugged the fabric off his shoulders and it landed in a heap on the floor, where his shirt soon joined. Completely bare-chested, he worked Stella's shirt off next, gently fingering the fabric before she growled at him to 'hurry the hell up.'

She went to undo his belt, but was having such trouble that she cursed loudly, broke apart from her lover, untangled herself from him and magicked all of their clothes off. Remus laughed at the frustrated look on her face. "You know the phrase is 'Patience is a Virtue,' don't you?"

"Why can't 'Hurry the Hell Up' be a virtue?" she pouted. He just shook his head and leaned down to kiss her again. She met him halfway (or more like a quarter of the way) and held on to his biceps for leverage. Their intense kissing resumed with more passion than before; a hurried onslaught of tongues and lips, both desperate for their releases. Stella rubbed her thighs together, trying to relieve some of the pressure with friction and felt Remus try to do the same, by pushing his erection up to her. He let out a groan.

"I-I'm sorry," he said, pushing his body away from her and hiding his eyes.

"What the hell for?" she demanded, bringing his body back to hers. "Stop being so modest, Remus. Let your wild side out tonight and fuck me like we've always dreamed of. Please, Merlin, I beg of you." Slighted by the demand, he only paused a minute before attacking her mouth and picking her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pushed herself just enough to get him walking backwards. They hit the bed, Remus landing on his back (gasping quite loudly from the shock) and Stella on top of him. She smirked. "I quite like this view, my dear Moony."

He grinned up at her. "No more than I do, I assure you."

She shrugged and with a wicked smile, gyrated her hips against his, enjoying the low growl he gave. "My, my. What an amusing turn of events. It seems that I am in control. That I can make you beg. How...interesting.."

His eyes darkened considerably. "Now, Stella, don't do anything ra-" He was cut off by another swerve of her hips. A playful, deadly smile came across her face. She repeated the motion, this time his dick slipping between her folds. He moaned softly.

"Tell me, Remus, do you masturbate?" she asked nonchalantly.

"The answer to that is probably," he let out a long breath, his eyes closing momentarily, "the same if I were to ask you."

"Oh, so you do?"

His eyebrows raised. "Now that is something new to learn."

"No more talking now. I want to make you whine," she whispered fiercely, reaching down to nip his ear. She continued grinding on the poor man, her wetness creating a natural lubricant, and sloppily kissed him on the mouth before moving down his neck. "You need to shave," she muttered as a passing comment.

On one particularly harsh movement, Remus bucked up, unable to contain himself any longer. He almost slipped inside of her and with this sudden realization, Stella stopped completely. "No, Remus. I want you to take me. I don't want to take your virginity, I want you to give it to me."

He nodded fervently, and locked lips with her as he rolled them over on the large bed. "Are you absolutely sure, Stella? I can and will stop," he asked after he positioned himself. Stella studied him. His face was flushed and his hair was messy. Some sweat was already on his brow and his pupils were dilated. She was sure that even if he wanted to stop, he wouldn't be able to. It was too close to the full moon for him to be in control of his primitive side completely.

Not like she wanted him to stop. "Please," was all she whispered, maintaining eye contact with him as he nodded and slowly inserted himself into her. She spread her legs wider to accommodate his body more and was immediately satisfied with the new angle. He went until it seemed he could go no further, but Stella knew better. She tilted her hips up and wrapped her ankles around his waist, pulling him further into her. He filled her to the hilt, causing them both to moan. "Oh sweet Merlin, I don't know how I'll survive..."

Remus did not reply, as she suspected that he was unable to, and instead just stayed still, letting them both get used to the feeling. She didn't move, allowing him to take time to adjust to the foreign feeling (though she was growing quite impatient). Remus, on the other hand, was beyond words. Years of dealing with his teenage hormones by himself and purposely staying away from girls because of his disease never prepared for this feeling of...of...complete and utter fulfillment. He was surrounded by a wet warmth he would never be able to describe in words, taking out his strength, yet giving him so much more. His eyes wanted to stay closed and in the back of his head for an eternity, and he never wanted to leave. Though he knew he must move, and that it would feel a thousand times better if he did. Summoning up his courage to pleasure his woman, he opened his eyes and stared in awe at the beauty below him. She stared back up at him with love, her eyes soft and her cheeks flushed, her hair spread about her. He gave himself a quick preparatory speech and a nod before slowly moving out and back in.

"My god," he gasped, unable to contain himself.

"Yes," Stella replied softly, "feel. It's okay, Remus. Lose control. Just feel." With her simple words of encouragement, he plummeted his mouth back down to hers and moving his hips faster. She let out a small moan, glad that he was taking the initiative. Overwhelmed by the intense satisfaction this simple act gave him, he moved faster, desperate to find his and his lover's releases. Stella's breath caught in one particular harsh movement, as he hit that oh-so-special spot inside of her, and she let out a high-pitched moan. "Oh dear lord, Remus, please!"

"Yesss," he hissed, moving faster. He brought his hands to her thighs, digging in his fingers and using them as leverage for faster motions. She scratched her nails down his back, leaving red trails behind as she went. They both groaned. His forehead dropped, landing on the top of her head, his eyes closed and a look of absolute pure bliss on his face. Small beads of sweat trickled from his face to hers, and Stella closed her eyes as well, smiling as she bent her head to kiss his neck. She moved her hips with his, determined to find relief, and was awarded when his pelvic bone hit her pearl every other thrust.

She lost all control, her breaths coming out in sighs, gasps and moans as she sped towards completion. Remus' head come up, his eyes opening to stare at her as he moved quicker. Her hands, on some sort of obsessive-compulsive tendency, kept flitting from his back to her own hair to her breasts. "Gosh, gosh, I-I can't! Oh, please. Ohh, please, Re-Rem..." her mouth opened in a silent scream as a precursor to her first orgasm of the night came along. To help her along, Remus' instincts brought on of his hands to her little nub, his thumb rubbing small circles. Her back jerked and she roughly pushed her lips to his in thanks, moaning his name repeatedly as he orgasm rushed through her.

Remus groaned as he felt her walls squeeze his erection repeatedly, sucking him in like a vice. He jerked his hips harder, unable to last any longer than his first time would allow. Mentally, he applauded himself on even lasting this long. Prongs said he lasted all but two minutes his first time. Losing control once and for all, he swept his hands underneath Stella's back, and pulled her up to him in a tight hug as he cried out his orgasm. He bit lightly onto her shoulder, pumping his hips the last few times as he rode out wave after wave. With one last thrust, he pulled out of her completely, watching the movement in a daze before falling to the bed on his side, pulling his lover on top of him. "You've absolutely no idea how happy you've made me, Stella. And-And I'm not just referring to...this. For everything," he whispered in her damp hair.

She looked up at him, a smile aligning her face. "I can't believe it took me this long to realize how good we are together."

"Me too," he said, kissing her deeply. She kissed him back quickly, entangling her fingers in his hair, before pulling her mouth away just enough to speak.

"I can't wait until I can teach you the wonders of oral sex, though," winking, she kissed his stunned mouth once more before getting out of bed to get night clothes. "It's late, mum and dad will be home any minute. If you want to stay, and you are most welcome to, I would suggest clothes. As much as I want to see you naked," to prove her point, she raked her eyes across him, causing him to blush, "I don't think my dad will take too kindly to it."

"I-I, sure. I just don't have anything."

"Here, you can borrow some of my brother's stuff, if you want. He's still off in America studying, so he won't mind," she quickly threw on a pair of shorts and a tank top and blew him a kiss before rushing out of her room and to her brother's. Grabbing the first pair of boxers and shirt she found, she ran right back-only to bump into her father. "Daddy! H-How was your date with mum?" she asked, batting her eyelashes and discretely hiding her brother's close behind her back.

"Yeah, yeah, it was fine. Damned kids have to ruin everything though. I swear, they need to teach those pureblood Slytherin hooligans some manners at home. I didn't raise you to act like that, and I bloody well expect their parents didn't either," he grunted, his firm brow even more pronounced than usual.

"I am ashamed of my generation, daddy, so don't worry too much. You know I'm not like them."

"Yeah, but you're always hanging out with that Black kid, though. His family has a bad reputation, I don't need to remind you..."

"Well, Sirius is a Gryffindor, dad. He's made all the right choices so far. Same with James, and Remus."

"Well, I suppose those two are all right. Anyway, I'm off to bed. I've promised your mom a hot bath and I better make it before she drops a brick. Good night, Stella."

"Good night!" she replied, smiling widely and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before bouncing off to her room.

"Hey Stella?"

So close. She turned around to face her dad, her hand on her doorknob. "Yeah?"

"Why were you in Brandon's room?" his eyebrow raised as he asked her.

"Oh, just getting a shirt because my clothes are all dirty." To prove her point, she held up the clothes, glad for the dim lighting.

"Right. Well, good night sweetheart."

"Night night." Without a second look, she entered her room and cast a locking charm on the door wandlessly. She looked at her boyfriend and sighed, a small laugh escaping her mouth. He covered himself up with the covers.

"What took you so long? I heard voices?" he looked alarmed.

"Calm down, will you? It was just my dad. I don't think he's too suspicious. So you're going to live to see another sunrise...for now!" she laughed, throwing him the clothes.

"Thank Merlin," he muttered, donning the clothes and getting underneath the covers, patting the spot next to him for Stella. She bounded into bed, wrapping her body around his. She closed her eyes and hummed happily.

"G'night, Moony."

"Good night, love."

A/N: All right. I know it has been a terribly long time since I've written anything...especially on stories I said I would continue. I have what..three pending stories I need to work on? Blah. I should never really work on anything and post it before I'm completely finished. Otherwise, I will never touch it again. I have this abhorrence of...doing things...and try as I might, I just can't seem to revet myself to start them up again. I even started another story that was Twilight related...but didn't even get far enough to call it a story. Sigh. Well, the inspiration of this continuation goes out to my ONLY reviewer, Anony (which I suppose is short for Anonymous), who reminded me that this thing still existed. I'm trying, don't worry! I just can't find inspiration when I hardly receive any recognition for my work. I know I'm whining, but still.

I see stories that are terrible compared to mine get so many reviews and then I'm here, writing to entertain ghosts. My absence also comes from my complete lack of motivation and self-loathing set forth by my monotone life of school-work-school-work. However, Spring Break has begun and now that I am done with writing my nineteen page English paper on how Harry Potter is an allegory to World War Two, I can try to be productive and maintain my stature on this website. I will even update my profile. I know. Shocking. I am also working on a blog site, so I will look forward to telling you all the address to it once it is finished and you all can indulge on my whining there, as well. haha. Anyway, the point of this terribly long note is to thank that generous reviewer (who also did something for my Seven Minutes in Heaven story) and to prove to anyone who cares that I am still alive and am slowly working myself out of a depression through writing. We'll see what happens.