A/N: For all those who favorited my stories so much, this is dedicated to you. "Inopportune Moments" has been favorited so many times, I am beside myself with giddiness. (: Anyway, this is sort of a follow-up to the "Harry Potter 7 Minutes in Heaven" and I really hope you enjoy it. This story, entitled "Ghosts in the Graveyard" is with James Potter, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin...the best three of the Marauders. All three one shots are rated M for mature...because there's a lotta smut. (; Please review!

Ghosts in the Graveyard:

(This is the setting of the story and will be used for all three one shots. Thank you.)

Stella Birch walked through her flat towards the kitchen but was stopped immediately when a figure stepped out of her fireplace. She screamed, whipped out her wand, and stung the intruder with a paralyzing vex before quieting down. With a determined look, she walked up to the intruder and nearly laughed with relief, before freaking out completely. "Oh Merlin! Sirius! You ignorant bastard! You come into my living room unannounced and scare the living daylights out of me...only to meet the tip of my wand. And to think if I had been on less friendly terms. Arse." She rolled her eyes and threw a counter-jinx on her dear friend, before helping him up.

"Oh, good morning to you too, Stella. If this is how you normally greet your guests, I'll just show myself out." Sirius snorted playfully, making his way to the fireplace.

"No you don't, Padfoot. You have some explaining to do. Why are you here, scaring the shit out of me?" She glared, taking hold of his sleeve and pulling him back to her.

"Well I came here to invite you to hang out with us at Potter's. But seeing as how you're on your time, I don't think anyone would benefit from it. So good day."

Stella stared in furious shock at the young man who was trying his best to stifle his laughter. "My time?" At that, Sirius burst out in laughter, clutching his sides.

"Blimey, Stells, I had you good, tell ya what. But in all siriusness," he snickered at his own joke, "we are all chilling tonight at James'...Mrs. P. is making lasagna and then Remus suggested playing poker. No idea what it is, but it sounds fascinating. Are you game?" He snickered again, his dark curls bouncing about his face.

Stella rolled her eyes. "You sneak into my house, say I'm on my period and then invite me to a...a game night? That's very unorthodox, Black."

"Never tried to be orthodox, Birch." Sirius teased.

"Well, who all is coming?" Stella asked, ignoring his comment.

"Prongs and Moony, and two girls down the street from us. Camilla and Julie are their names, I think." Sirius put on a thoughtful look as he pretended to ponder the girls names, causing Stella to roll her eyes again.

"Alright, alright. I'll go. But no shenanigans, okay? The last time I was the target of your prank, it took me a month to grow my eyebrows back." A glare was thrown his way for a split-second, before she turned around and walked to her room, gathering her jacket and shoes. She came back to a smiling Sirius. Shooting him a wary look, she hurriedly put her shoes on and grabbed a handful of floo powder.

"Ah, ah, ah." He shook his head, hitting her wrist hard, causing the powder to fall to the ground. "We're going the fun way. Don't want to show up dirty." Sirius winked, grabbed the girl's arm and disapparated to James'. Upon landing on solid ground, Stella shoved herself out of Sirius' grip and heaved for breath.

"A little warning next time, Black! Merlin, I could've choked for heaven's sake!" She gagged, shooting Sirius one last glare before standing up straight and giving Remus a smile. "Moony!" She jumped into the werewolf's arms, hugging him tightly. "Oh, how nice to see you again! It's been weeks!" Remus laughed and hugged the witch back.

"School just let out, Stella. We've hardly been apart!"

"That doesn't matter. I've not seen anyone since the last day. Except for that arse over there." Stella shot another glare at Sirius before stepping away from Remus.

"Now see, I got the Stupify spell right when she saw me...and you get a hug. How does that work out?" Sirius pouted.

Stella was about to retort but was interrupted by a voice coming from the kitchen doorway. "Well, I've only gotten the cold shoulder, now haven't I? I'm not wearing the invisibility cloak, am I? Thought I put that away..." Stella turned around and saw James Potter grinning his lopsided grin and leaning against the door frame.

"James! It's so good to see you too! How has your summer been?" Stella asked, giving him a quick hug before stepping back and shooting him a big smile.

"How is this happening? I was the one who introduced you to them in the first place and I get a jinx while you all get hugs. Bloody hell." Sirius whined, turning around and hitting the fireplace.

"Maybe you should've thought of a different way to come into my house." Stella said, sticking her tongue out at him. Sirius stuck his tongue out back at her and a wicked look crossed his face. A smirk slowly appeared on his face and before Stella could run away from him, he pounced. They fell to the ground in a heap of laughter and shouting, Sirius had his arms wrapped around the witch and held her to him, crushing her to the ground. Remus stood by, looking quite amused and James was laughing heartily. "Sirius Black! You arrogant bastard! Get off of me this instant!" Stella shouted, laughing.

The handsome man just shook his head and nuzzled her, a grin wide on his face. Just as Stella started struggling, a confident knock came on the living room door, causing Sirius to leap up, pulling the witch with him, and James started whispering furiously. "Alright guys, no magic. These girls are muggles. Mom and pop already know about this which is why she's making the lasagna and why Remus suggested...cards. Just warning you, Stells." Stella nodded and took a seat next to Remus on the couch, Sirius leaned against the fireplace, a smirk aligning his lips, and James went to the door. When he opened it, four pairs of eyes widened at the two girls. James, the only one acting collected other than Sirius, grinned. "Camilla! Julie! Welcome!"

"James," one girl replied silkily, taking his hand. "Thank you again for inviting us. You've no idea what this means to my sister."

The other girl shot a glare to her sister but brought a sly smile to her lips. "Yes, thank you James."

James let the girls in and ushered Stella and Remus to stand up. They did and smiled warmly at the very attractive girls. It was hard to believe that they were muggles...they looked to be part Veela. The one who first spoke had long silvery hair and light green eyes. She was tall and thin and had an air of dignity and confidence about her. The other one was just as tall and held the same air about her but had long dark hair and light grey eyes. "Remus, Stella, this is Camilla," James gestured to the blonde one, "and this is Julie." he gestured to the brunette. "Camilla, Julie, this is Remus Lupin and Stella Birch, some of our school mates. And you already know Sirius."

Sirius nodded at the girls. Julie nodded back, "Ah. Yes, the one with the weird name." Camilla laughed and whispered something to her sister. Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Remus...Stella." Camilla said, giving a look at the witch that didn't go unnoticed.

Stella nodded and attempted to hide her look of disgust. She wasn't very tall, only 5'6, and had long curly blonde hair and light, light brown eyes. She was pretty, in standards, but held nothing next to these vixens. She hid her despair with a look to Remus, who was the only one not eye-fucking the muggles. Stella smiled and comforted herself with the fact that James and Sirius would never marry a muggle. But why was she even thinking about that? Obviously they were just her friends. Very good looking friends. All three of them. Stella sighed and went back to her self-loathing.

A couple of hours later, the six teenagers were staring at the cards in their hands, four of them trying to figure out exactly how to play Texas Hold 'em. Stella looked up to Remus for helped but saw that he was having a hard time as well; James and Sirius were looking off each other's cards, but to no avail. Stella sighed and put her cards face down on the table. "I fold." The boys sighed simultaneously and did the same.

Camilla and Julie laughed. "Oh, you guys are terrible at this game! Camilla, lay down your cards or prepare to lose!"

Camilla rolled her eyes. "In your dreams, Julie. What do you have, then?"

Julie laid down a full house, and her sister laid down a flush. "Ha! I win."

Camilla snorted and turned to the others. "Another round, then?"

The wizards groaned, Stella joining them. "Something else, perhaps? Anything else?" Remus suggested.

"You were the one to suggest this! You're just a sore loser." Julie said, sticking out her tongue.

"What are you, five?" Sirius asked, rolling his eyes.

"No. I'm fifteen."

Camilla ignored those comments and grinned. "I have a game. But only truly brave people can play it. Most get scared."

"What is it?" James asked, curiosity at its all time high. He was never one to turn down a chance to show his bravery.

"It's called Ghosts in the Graveyard." Camilla continued, shushing her sister who got excited. "It's like hide-n-seek, but it's in the dark and for older people. One person hides outside and everyone else has to find them. But Julie and I like to put a twist on it. The first person to find the one hiding has to keep quite and stay at the person hiding's side until the others find them. But you don't want to be found after that. You want to stay as long as you can with the one hiding. Because you do a little seven minutes in heaven take. Get it?"

The four magical teenagers just stared. James was the first to break the silence. "Right. Sounds good. Who is the person that is going to hide first?"

"We can draw straws. Have you any to use?" Julie asked.

James nodded and left the room. Remus, Sirius and Stella whispered to each other while Camilla and Julie did the same. "What's hide-n-seek? I've never heard of it!" Sirius said worriedly.

Remus replied, "My mom explained it to me once since she's muggle...it's where someone hides and someone tries to find them, like the girls said..."

"What about seven minutes in heaven? What's that?" Stella asked, her eyes wide.

"That, I have no idea." Remus said regretfully. Just then, James came in with six straws, five of them one length, one shorter than the others.

"Right then, got the straws. Let's everyone draw." The five teenagers stood up and walked over to the messy-haired boy. Everyone grabbed a straw and some laughed at their choices. One stood in horror. What does one do when they've no idea how to play a game and they're it? Act. Stella laughed.

"Looks like I'm it, then." She said, holding up her short straw. The boys gave her a sorry look, but the girls rolled their eyes, hoping to be it and catch one of the guys. "Do we start now?"

"Wait until we're all outside. Then we'll close our eyes and wait a minute before we come looking for you. You have that long to hide." Julie said.

"All right. Let's do this." Stella walked past her friends, ignoring their eyes, and out the door. She scanned the woodsy terrain with hurried eyes and a sigh, looking for a place to hide.

A door shut behind her and she turned to see five people staring at her. "Okay. You have one minute. Go." The five turned around and Camilla counted out loud, slowly and surely. Stella nodded more to herself and took off, very glad she was a fast runner at the moment.