So this is my first attempt on the Devil May Cry series. I don't even own a car, so no, licenses are little bit more expensive I'm sure... This has been a dying question for a long time. Like where the hell did the time go from DMC3 to DMC the original. A giant time gape that doesn't have any story...I think not. This one I have to say was inspired by DMC3_Lady_and_Dante_scrap_by_ShampooNeko on Something about this made me think, where is this gonna lead?

Chapter I

The night air was still, the first time for weeks. The neon light of Dante's shop illuminated the end of the street. The urban environment was humid and lukewarm, but Dante felt right at home, perfect heat for a half-demon. He danced around the polls and did hand stands all the way down to his shop. He was excited, he felt as if the world was being balanced in his strong hands. "Woohoo!" He yelled as preformed a double back-flip and landed it at the very edge of his stairs. With his enthusiasm finally expressed, as it was pressuring him all day, he felt relieved and regained his new found composure. He picked up his new black leather boot, wrestled it off his foot and tipped it to the side. He whiffed the scent of evil as the blood and sand came sliding out and onto the pavement. "That's the last of the Temen-ni-gru , bastards. Bought time I congratulated myself with a drink, maybe even invite Lady over for his solitary achievement.

Dante walked in and threw the force edge in the corner, and gracefully laid Ebony & Ivory on his desk. With a small adjustment in time, he had his shower, called Lady and ordered a pizza. He was excited to have a steady friend in some ways. He was a loner, for the longest time, between the separation of him and Vergil when they were young, until now. He had no one. His father died, his mother had passed, and Vergil was in the very pit of Hell itself. No family, and his cocky attitude stopped any forms of friendly hunters. Being of only half human, he did not like to get too associated with humans, knowing their physical fragility, and their emotional despondence; thus he never grew attached to any human, other than his mother of course.

Lady - Lady was something different in all aspects. Dante was no slouch, he had been out at the bars,he had felt the warmth of both humans, and demons. The passionate flicker, and intense lust for the thrill and shrill of a climax, was to Dante, a fleeting and momentary thing. Never personal, never out of admiration or respect, and he didn't fully grasp the concept of love. He knew what love was, but to him. It was a temporary feeling that didn't match his life. He threw himself into danger, he killed demons and wreaked destruction in humanity as he commenced his justice to the underworld. So what did love have to do with him? At least that is what Dante believed, to love was not an action for someone like him.

The snow began to drift down from the small shivering clouds above. As Lady, began to walk to Dante's place. She too was excited to confirm that there were no demons from Vergil's and Arkham's tower to torment the city; and yet, she had a void entombed within her. She had filled that inner-grave with hatred, with revenge for her sacrificed mother. Now, with her father damned for eternity, she found that she had free time. She had recreation, and personal time, but lacked the routine and habits to make it enjoyable. Demon hunting was full time, and it definitely paid the rent; but what else was there in life for her? That is what Lady was thinking about as she walked the cold sidewalks.

Since it didn't feel like a party, or a memorial, Lady decided to dress without any elegance. Dante didn't care, so why should she. She had a pair of navy blue jeans on to ward off the chill of snow-gusting November. Still wearing a pair of military boots, but she preferred black these days. Then as any man's eyes would rise, he would she her slight bust through her winter attire. The leather bomber's jacket, half zipped, made her feel snug and sleek. She began wearing contacts to change the color of her eyes.

She hated that her discolored eyes that matched her fathers stare. She wanted to bury the past, so she started a trend to change the color of her iris. By now, four months after the death of her betrothed father, she had gone through brown, three different shades of hazel, orange, pink, yellow, gold, red, green, black, white, zebra striped, (don't ask why...) and finally she had just settled on blue. Since one of her original eyes were blue, it looked more natural when she got up in the morning and saw her one eye never yielding, never to change. She still had the same haircut as always, the brunette curls collected deposits of snow, and white streaks of powder ran across her scalp.

With one long sigh she looked down at the end of the street to see, "Devil May Cry," in bright red neon. She recalled her first encounter with the over-energetic, bad-mouthing, half-demon bastard. She began to reminisce as she walked down the street, in more ways then one it was memory lane. The over-bearing arrogance of the young man she knew, seemed more and more distant as the time passed. Four months later and Dante was much calmer and less responsive as he used to be. Was it the death of his twin Vergil? Was it the fact that all the hunting would be slower, and paid in bounties? She did not know, but she didn't feel comfortable enough to ask around him. Funny, she never had trouble being comfortable around people. Not in this way, sure she hated peoples blissful ignorance and exaggeration of every little detail in their little safe lives. But Dante wasn't like that, she felt timid at times, she felt weak staring into his warm blue eyes. To her, that was foreign, that was horrible, that was unforgivable.

She thought about Dante and how he had come this far. The showy, glamorous slayer dancing about the demonic tower had somewhat dissolved from his character. He was still arrogant, but he wasn't the same loud annoying male he had portrayed. No, this was much more of the calm, stead-fast Dante that had confessed his story after defeating her fair and square in the Temen-ni-gru library. She remembered the light in his eyes as she adamantly stuck her Beretta under his chin, ready to blow his pretty face off. The same expression was more common now. Dante had changed, and this was a welcomed alteration, for Lady was attracted to his more human idealist view.

Before she reached the door, her face bloomed in happiness; recalling that this new sign was coined by her. She knew she hated demons, but was a hybrid something so different that it could feel the same magnetism she is afflicted by?

The door swung open, and Dante turned from his record player to see Lady, dusted in snow. "About time you showed up, I was starting to yawn." Dante said, looking at her through the corner of his eye.

"How nice of you to stay up to this late hour of... nine o'clock." Lady said scanning the walls to find a clock, as not to base her humor off nothing. "It must be your curfew huh?"

"Well, well. For your information, I am about to have take out. Care to dine with the likes of me?" Dante said, selecting an old acoustic song without any lyrics. Lady's eyes followed him as he made his way to his desk and to look for his wallet. He must have misplaced among the undead, for it was not there.

"Can't pay for dinner? That isn't very gentlemen-like Dante." Lady said softly, a charade to make him believe that she was helpless. He was about to say something, but the words sort of stumbled off his tongue and fell into the air. The babble was so silent that not even Lady, as she was flinging off her jacket with her feet, noticed his moment of awkward timing. Her boots off, comfortable and blushing a little due to the softness of the couch. She turned to Dante, his look approving and yet still laid back, as if he had not enjoyed her slight elation of snuggling his couch. "So, I guess I'll pay for dinner tonight? You can pay me back when you get the chance." Lady notice him smile sweetly at her, her face reverted to pink for second before jumping up and distracting herself with his billiard table.

"Sure, with all the work I've had this month, I'll be able to pay you back." Dante grinned. Unbeknownst to Dante, this would snowball into a debt that he would never truly pay off. He was from that day forward, forever in her pocket.

Chapter two coming soon.