A/N: Oh yes forgot to say on the last one, I don't give Rephaim a beak. I never imagine him with one either whenever I read the books. So yes just assume that for all the Raven Mockers...

(okay this one is edited also i meant to update days ago but i completely forgot to actually update the story itself. x hope you enjoy)

Chapter 5

Stevie Rae

Stevie Rae couldn't stop smiling. She had finally kissed Rephaim! Everything was good. When she arrived back, several of the professors had left and so did many of the fledgings as there was a sale at 'Little Black Dress'. But Stevie Rae didn't care, she liked her jeans, jeans waistcoat and white tee. And most importantly, Rephaim said nothing against her dress style. Stevie Rae giggled to herself. Yup, she'd be smiling all day/night.

"Well here we are," Rephaim said. Stevie Rae kissed his cheek and smiled back at him

"Miss you."Rephaim walked down the steps as she said the words.

"Miss you more."

"Miss you most." Then she bent down to kiss him again.

Then she walked in to find Z and the gang, this time though Aphrodite was with them.

"There's been a lot of rumours, bumpkin." Aphrodite said, she looked sort-of happy, but scared too.

"Stevie Rae, you should prepare yourself." Zoey began.

"Why? What's happened?"

"That's what we want to know." Kramisha said, smiling. "You were seen leaving the school campus, with Rephaim."

Stevie Rae felt her blood go cold, then it slowly drained from her face and arms and legs.

"Is everything okay?" Z asked Stevie Rae. Who stared at her.

"No." She said honestly. "Rephaim took me out of the school to tell me something. In fact, you guys should prepare yourselves."

"So, Neferet is using the Raven Mockers to stop us from planning stuff?" Z said, she wasn't shocked really, just amazed that Kalona would allow Neferet to do this in the first place.

"Yeah, sorta spying in a way."

"Why did Rephaim tell you?" Kramisha asked.

"'Cause he was being used by Neferet and he didn't want that. Also I guess I was the first person he saw next." Stevie Rae answered, honestly. That and he wanted to kiss me. Stevie Rae added at the end, not that she'd ever tell her friends that.

"It doesn't help that Starks being controlled by Kalona either..." Aphrodite said. It took a while before Stevie Rae really processed what she said.

"Wait, what?" The gang stared at her then remembered that she obviously wasn't there when they discovered this.

"Stark, well Kalona uses the sliver of immortality he breathed into Stark to control Stark to get to Zoey," Damien said, "Stark felt it happen again today and looked at himself in the mirror and he saw Kalona and not, err, himself." Stevie Rae gasped. Why didn't Rephaim tell me this?

"So, Neferet's using the Raven Mockers and Kalona's using stark. Both to get to Zoey. Yay." Aphrodite said. Her gaze darted to Stevie Rae. Stevie Rae knew the missing part of her sentence. And Bumpkin is imprinted to Birdboy.

"Aphrodite. Outside. Now." Stevie Rae said, she was angry, but not angry enough that Rephaim would know. She pulled Aphrodite out of the common room. She was worried the others might follow them, but luckily they were crowding round Stark and looking into his eyes.

"Birdboy just happened to pick Bumpkin as his escortee and happened to drag her out of school and happened to tell her some stuff about Neferet." Aphrodite remarked, giving her a are you kidding me? look.

"Whatever. Besides, Kalona, Neferet and his brother decided that I should be his escortee and we'd been fighting before first lesson anyway so we kinda sorta wanted to apologize to each other." Stevie Rae kept her voice low, worried in case the others picked up on anything.

"Something else happened that you're not telling me." Aphrodite smirked.

"And we kissed." Stevie Rae said quietly and quickly.


"I said, we kissed." Stevie Rae said, loud enough for Aphrodite to hear, but quiet enough so that Z and the gang wouldn't hear inside.

"You kissed a birdboy? Wow that's even more surprising than your outfits." Stevie Rae folded her arms and gave Aphrodite what the twins called a 'bitch-please' look.

"And I'm in love with him by the way. Did I mention that?" Stevie Rae gasped at the end. She remembered that Rephaim didn't love her back.

"Whatever." Aphrodite said, with a sly look. "Let's get back inside bumpkin."


Rephaim was sent out, with Balik and Dren, to look for more of their brothers in Tulsa. Balik kept complaining about their father, saying that he should just leave Tulsa and the Tsi Sgili behind. Dren just kept nodding, though clearly he wasn't even listening. Rephaim sighed; this was not something he expected of his father. He stopped. This wasn't his father's bidding.

"Rephaim, what's wrong now?" Balik asked Dren just looked at Rephaim and mouthed: Thank you.

"Father did not send us to do this; the Tsi Sgili used darkness to ensure he did." Balik's eyes widened, then his face was suffused with jealousy, why hadn't he realised that before?

"We should turn around." Dren said, and then he quickly flew off in the other direction so that Balik couldn't talk to him anymore. Rephaim smiled as he looked at his brother fly away in the distance. But he too felt a pang of jealousy as Dren flew far away, until he was out-of-sight. Dren didn't have to worry about a Vampyre girlfriend, Rephaim thought to himself, or the fact that no matter how much he denies it, he's in love with that Vampyre girlfriend.

"Why didn't we see this coming when she raised father from the entrapment of the earth." Balik sighed. Rephaim looked at him, as much as he hated Balik, nothing would change the fact that in reality Balik had never betrayed their father.

"It was actually the other red one, the archer, Stark or something." Rephaim corrected him.

"Well, obviously it was the other, other red one, Stevie Rae. The one with the affinity of earth. That's why father wants to use her, to get to Zoey." Balik spoke while Rephaim sighed, as much as he loved Stevie Rae, his Red One, his consort, his High Priestess, he would never be on the same side as her as long as he was under his father's cast. His father would never forget the darkness that was, once, with Stevie Rae. And neither would Neferet. But, Rephaim knew that Stevie Rae would always try to avoid darkness. But so far, that's been unsucessful. The Raven Mocker thought to himself, he flew slower as he remembered her ignoring his quest to be killed, and then when she got trapped by the other red fledgings, who were still under Darkness's power, followed bytheir imprint. Then she accidently invoked the white bull instead of the black bull first. She called for me that night, followed by him stopping her from breaking their imprint with Dallas. Rephaim had never seen someone endure that much darkness before, except for Neferet. Finally, today there was another step in their relationship, they'd had a fight and their first kiss. Rephaim wondered what was waiting for them next, not knowing this question would be answered within the next five seconds. "Father wants to kill her anyway, he doesn't believe she can be persuaded, that's what Dren and co. were meant to do, but someone knocked her out so the darkness couldn't kill her. They're gonna try again tomorrow, or today. Either way, don't expect to see her soon." Balik shrugged as he finished his sentence

Stevie Rae

"I just don't want you to get near those bird-things." Stark was still rejecting the idea of asking the Raven Mockers for help and information.

"Raven Mockers." Stevie Rae corrected him. "Besides she has the five elements on her side to kick their butts if needed." Stevie Rae sent a silent prayer up to her Goddess, Nyx, Please don't let it get to the point that Zoey needs to use her elements. Or any of us for that matter.

"She's right Stark. I need you. We need you. Please." She smiled at him, begging.

"Alright yie wumman." Zoey laughed and kissed him.

"Uh, what?" Stevie Rae asked.

"Just some Irish-"

"Scottish, Z.."

"Scottish accent that Stark picked up," Zoey giggled again and went into her Warrior's arms. Stevie Rae smiled and could imagine herself doing that in front of Z and the gang, but with Rephaim. Instead of everyone feeling awkward, but happy for them both, they'd feel scared, betrayed and used.

"Guys, it's one hour till sunrise, I think we should go..." Kramisha said, stopping the two 'love-birds' in their make-out session. Everyone departed then, Stevie Rae and the other Red fledgings - except for Stark who was a Red Vampyre and stayed with Zoey - went to the tunnels for the first time since their encounter with the rogue red fledgings. It was a fairly boring, uneventful, journey to the tunnels. No-one said much on the way there.

When they arrived it was as Stevie Rae and Rephaim had left it, Stevie Rae quickly raised the earth blocking the main entrance to the kitchen. Then she quickly whispered:Earth soak up the blood. Her element corresponded and it was like Rephaim was never there. The fledgings hadn't noticed Stevie Rae looking around the kitchen; they walked past her heading for their rooms. Stevie Rae followed and when she entered her room, she was engulfed by the smell of Rephaim's blood. Clearly it hadn't left the room, the smell. It was dried blood, so it smelt worse, and not exactly like Rephaim, but Stevie Rae could tell it was him. That and he was the only Raven Mocker Stevie Rae knew had been down here, in her room. Stevie Rae knew it was before they had imprinted. Before she'd sent him to the Gilcrease museum. Before the nearly fatal incident. Stevie Rae sighed and asked her element to soak up the blood again, her element corresponded. She then whispered: And make the room smell of freshly cut grass. Rephaim's smell left the room for good, and the tunnels for that matter. But it rose up into the sky where Dren was flying over.


Dren was flying over the Tulsa depot, thinking about how Balik could moan about only being second favourite, when Dren wasn't even favoured at all. Then it him, he wasn't sure what it was at first, but it smelt like blood. A Raven Mocker's blood. He waited for Balik and Rephaim, they weren't that far behind him seen as he'd slowed down, but they'd sped up. As they approached the smell hit them too.

"But, whose blood is it?" Balik asked, confused and yet worried. One of his brothers was down there, bleeding.

"Let's go find out." Dren said, Rephaim hesitated. "You coming' Rephaim?" Rephaim looked at him and nodded. They flew down and followed the scent through some tunnels, but they remained silent. Rephaim stopped Dren and Balik at one point and mouthed: Let's go back. But Dren and Balik continued, Rephaim went in front of them then. Geez, he was acting weird since father came back. Well since Dren had actually seen him come back. Then they went through a chequered-blanket and there on a bed, asleep, was the red one. "Looks like we found her." Dren said, quite loudly, however they heard no-one get up. No-one saw Dren and Balik with Rephaim staring in awe and shock as they carefully carried the girl away from the tunnels, to their father. Alive.