Disclaimer: I own no WWE Superstars but I wish I did.
A N : This is my first story so please go easy and Review if you like or even if you didn't like.
Chapter 1 The First Day
"I'm sorry you had to see that." He told me. It took all that I had to keep the tears from falling down my face. I was not about to let him see me cry. He tried to pull me closer to hold me but I pushed him back. "I thought you loved me, you told me you loved me." I said to him. My back was faced to him but he held me from behind "I thought I loved you too but I don't know anymore. I love him Evan and I'm sorry I'm putting you through this shit." He said to me.
I sighed and went to take a quick shower. I threw on a pair of jeans and a shirt. I walked into the kitchen to see my mother pouring herself a cup of coffee. I hated to think what would happen if she never got her coffee in the morning. I laughed at the thought and my fiver year old sister Amber looked at me "What's so funny" "Nothing just thinking." I told her and sat down next to her pouring myself some cereal. "So you ready to start school again Evan?" my mother asked me. I shrugged my shoulders and continued to eat. My mother sipped at her coffee in silence while I finished eating. My mother dropped me off at school before dropping Amber off at her first day of kindergarten. I couldn't help but worry how Amber would react to going to school for the first time. I got out of the car and went to the back to say bye to Amber. She held onto to me tightly when I hugged her. She waved to me as our mother pulled away from the curb. I turned around and started walking into the school building. My family had moved over the summer so I was now starting a new school. The morning went by fast and I tried my best to stay out people's way in the crowed hallways.
I had managed to do just that until it was time for me to get some lunch. I was walking into the cafeteria when I felt someone scream "watch out" then I felt something hit the back of my head. I let out a cry of pain and rubbed the back of my head. I turned around to see a foot ball on the floor. "Sorry about that." I looked up to see a boy about my age with a concerned look on his face. "You okay?" he asked. "Yea I'm fine, no worries." I said smiling. He smiled back. "Cody come on we gotta go." A boy came over to us who looked a bit older, maybe he was a senior or something. He was taller more built than Cody with blonde hair and brown eyes. "Ted chill okay, you just hit him with a foot ball in the head and you don't even care." Cody said. Ted looked from me to Cody then back at me and frowned "Sorry" was all he said and took off down the hall way. Cody smiled "Ted gets moody when he doesn't have his food but he is actually a good guy when you get to know him. Anyways you know my name so what's yours?" "It's Evan" "Oh, okay so are you new here because I haven't seen you here before?" Cody asked. We both were in the cafeteria on line for some food. "Yea I moved here over the summer from New York." "Nice, well it's defiantly going to be different here in Tampa Florida then it is in New York." Cody said. I paid for my food and looked around to see where I could sit. "Come on you can sit with me" Cody said walking over to a table that was had a two guys sitting at it already. One of them was Ted and the other one I didn't know. He sat there quietly watching Ted stuff his face with food. We walked over to the table, Ted looked up at us then tapped they boy sitting next to him. Both looked up as I sat down next to Cody. Ted smiled at both Cody and I. The boy next to Ted stared at me, his blue eyes piercing through mine. The look he was giving me was like I had entered his territory with out permission. I ignored his stare and started eating my food. Cody started talking to Ted about some video game he brought over the weekend.. Cody noticed the stares that I was getting. "Randy this is Evan; he is new to the school." Randy looked at Cody glaring at him. "Play nice Randy." Cody added. Randy stood up from the table and walked away. "Don't pay no mind to him; he just gets in his moods sometimes." Cody told me. "So Evan how you liking this school so far?" Ted asked me. "It's okay" I told him. "What grade are you in Evan?" Cody asked. "I'm a sophomore." "Nice, I'm the same grade as you and Ted here is a senior so is Randy." Cody explained. The bell sounded for lunch to be over and I got up from the table "Maybe we will have a class together this afternoon." said Cody. I smiled at him "Yea maybe. Well see you around." I walked out of the cafeteria and headed to my next class.
It was the last class of the day which happened to be my favorite subject in school, history. I walked into the classroom and right up to the teacher. I was told the teachers name was Mr. Taylor and he seemed like a nice enough teacher. He handed me a text book and some worksheets. "Hey Evan, over here." I looked over to see Cody sitting in the back along with Randy sitting behind him. I was told to find a seat and there was one right across from Randy's. Randy's eyes were on mine while I walked over to my seat and sat down. He didn't loose focus as Cody began talking "I knew we would have a class together." "Yea" was all I said. Mr. Taylor began talking so I looked forward trying to pay attention. History class went by fast seeing how it was an introduction to the rest of the year. I found myself glancing over at Randy a few time, quickly turning back to the front of the class when he would catch my glance. Class ended and I was met at the door by Cody and Randy walked past both of us brushing against my shoulder. I felt a shiver but shrugged it off looking at Cody. "Why is Randy in this class if he is a senior?" I asked Cody. I walked over to my locker putting my books in there. "He had trouble in that class and he needs it to graduate." Cody said. "So what are you doing after school?" Cody asked. "My mom picks me up and I usually just head home relax work on home work and play some video games." I told him. "Well you probably have no homework being the first day and all and we can play video games at my house." Cody said smiling. I looked at him and couldn't help smiling back. I liked how Cody was so hyper about everything. I was about to answer back when I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. It was a text message from my mother Evan I have to work late tonight so I can't pick you up. Amber is at her friend's house until I come home. I sent my mom an okay text message. "What was that about?" Cody asked. "My mom is working late so she can't pick me up." I told him. My mother was raising Amber and I by herself so I couldn't blame her for not being able to pick me up from school every day. "I ride with Randy home so he can give you a ride home if you want one." Cody told me. I thought about having to ask Randy for a ride home wondering what he would say. I didn't feel like walking home so I followed Cody out into the parking lot to Randy's car.
"Evan's mom couldn't pick him up so can you drop him off at his house." Cody asked Randy. Randy whose eyes were staring at me since he saw us walking over to him and Ted, now looked at Cody who had a puppy dog look on his face. Randy smiled; I couldn't believe he actually smiled. Randy looked good when he smiled and I couldn't help but stare. Randy turned to me, the smile leaving his face. "Yea sure, get in." Randy said. I sat in the back with Cody and Ted sat in front as Randy started driving. "You want to come to my house and play some video games for a little bit?" Cody asked. I didn't have a reason not to so I nodded my head. "Hey Randy, Evans going to my house so we can just go straight there." Cody told Randy." Randy drove with out saying a word until he drove up into the drive way. I looked out the window. When Randy pulled up to Cody's house him and Ted went across the street to another house "That's Ted's house" Cody said looking at a house that could be the size of a mansion. Cody's house looked like an ant in comparison to Ted's but still it looked nice. Cody's room looked like mine messy. "Sorry about the mess" said Cody and he threw some clothes off his bed. Cody motioned for me to sit on the bed and started his X box. Cody's mom dropped me off at my house after a few hours of playing video games.
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